- Lonny Z
- Lonny Z
- Lonny Z
- Lonny Z
- Lonny Z
Very Strange Electrical Problem
So I disconnected the alternator and the problem continued and actually was worse. I'm running the Crane XR3000 and PS91 electronic ignition setup. I'm thinking it may be related to that, but not sure how to verify it.
Very Strange Electrical Problem
Did you ever solve this issue. I have a Z specialties alternator as well and am experiencing the same problem from around the same rpm range up to about 4000 RPM and then it goes away. In may case, it gets worse with any extra load (i.e., lights, turn signals, stereo, etc.). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Mid Range RPM Hesitation
That's great news. I've had a similar problem at 3500 rpm for almost a year now....still can't seem to figure it out, but I haven't tried all the things that have been mentioned. Curious to see how your longer test drive turns out. Hope is all good.
This is the nicest 1st genration 2+2's I've ever seen. It sits real nice and looks great with the flares. Very nice jobe.
- IMGP2448
- 100_6307a
- 100_6281
- 100_9282a
- 100_9265a
Let's see some wheels!
For some reason the picture didn't show up. Try the following link: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=21887&cat=500&ppuser=7336&sl=l