Parts for Sale: For Sale: 1-knob Rally Clock 240z
View Advert For Sale: 1-knob Rally Clock 240z For sale is a 1-knob Rally clock converted fora 240z. This clock is completely refurbished and keeps good time. Price is $580 plus shipping and taxes. If you have questions please PM or contact me at ron@zclocks.com. Thanks for looking Offered by: zclocks Date 11/20/2024 Price $580 Category Parts for Sale
Parts for Sale: Rally Clock 240z
View Advert Rally Clock 240z For sale is a single knob rally clock (280z) converted to fit the 240z. The clock has been completely refurbished and tested for several weeks. If you have any question please pm me. Thanks for looking.... Advertiser zclocks Date 05/31/2024 Price $580 Category Parts for Sale
Jim, Good to hear that you have had good luck with your clock. NO I did not supply those clocks to Motorsports. You are one of the luck ones as I have several boxes of shorted mechanisms and leaking battery damage from the AA clock conversion. Ron
Parts Wanted: Wanted analog Quartz clocks
View Advert Wanted analog Quartz clocks If you have either of the 2 analog quartz clocks pictured please PM with quanty and price. Note: These are only analog quartz and not digital quartz. Thanks.... Advertiser zclocks Date 03/06/2024 Price Category Parts Wanted Year 0 Model 1978
Forgot to mention that the AA battery clock you mentioned has some problems. The AA battery for one can leak and cause problems if not changed every couple of months. Especially during the summer when car temp can go aver 150 deg F. Batteries don't like the heat and they repture and leak. The second problen is that the mechanism in this clock is not made for the automotive enviroment. This is $2 Chineese mechasm that is quartz driven and made for the ultra cheap indoor clock as sold in most discount stores. Modifications to the 240z clock when installing this mechanism will destroy the number face plate if you ever want to go back to the OEM clock or a good quartz conversion. Motorsports use to sell them . I know people that love the idea , but I also have several boxes of these clocks that were traded in on up grades for a better quartz mechanism that was NOT AA battery powered. Just opinion.....
Hey Dutch, You reminded me of a test that I was going to perform on the OEM 240z clock input power . I have run the specific clock I have for sale at 14, 12, 10 and 5 volts. Thats right 5 volts and the clock works and keep good time. Not sure if all the clocks can go as low as 5 volts without adjustment, but I don't know why anyone would run the clock on 5 volts. Interesting test and a good performance of the motor and clock spring. The motor doesn't run all the time it just keeps the main spring wound. If the spring is weak it can be the reason the clock time will fluctuate, as well as change in temperature. Ron
View Advert 240 OEM REFURBISHED CLOCK For sale is a completely refurbished 240 clock. This clock has been on my test bench for several months and is suprisingly accurate. Price : $230 Plus tax and shipping please PM or see my web site Zclocks.com Advertiser zclocks Date 03/04/2024 Price $230 Category Parts for Sale
12v Battery Recommendation
Good info. I personally use a group 64 in my Zcar and 91 ford truck. 2 years ago I was taliking to my local repair shop and was told barreries are only lasting 3 years at best?? Wow I can remember just 6 years ago I replaced my OEM Motor Craft battery in the truck and I had 7 years on it....times are changing.
75 280Z Clock Repair?
S is for slow and F is for fast . Make very small adjustments as you can over shoot the time. Ron
Parts for Sale: For Sale: 2-knob Rally Clock
View Advert For Sale: 2-knob Rally Clock For sale is a "completely refurbished" 2-knob Rally Clock by Zclocks which keeps excellent time. This is a great addition for any 240Z. For questions please PM . ....Ron Advertiser zclocks Date 12/10/2023 Price $1,598 Category Parts for Sale
75 280Z Clock Repair?
Very good! I'm not supprised that the caps were out of tollerance. I've found so many lately that I check everything. Make sure you start and stop the clock 10 or 15 times to make sure everything is good. Ron
75 280Z Clock Repair?
Oh snap! This is the meter I purchased on Amazon several months ago and it works great. The box did said it was a multimeter? https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Capacitance-Professional-Capacitor-Tester/dp/B07T9N2GLS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=68R71QQ2K9QX&keywords=capacitance+meter&qid=1695061403&sprefix=capacitance+meter%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-5
75 280Z Clock Repair?
I bought one of the capacitance meters on Amazon for $22 . I compared it with my old B&K 820 and it's very accurate. For $22 I thought it was junk , but wanted to see how good it was. Don't think I would check large power caps with it, but a vary nice unit. I check all caps before use for the simple reason I have been burnt several times. Installed what I thought was a new good cap only to find that the part was WAY out of spec.
75 280Z Clock Repair?
You need a capacitance meter to check caps.
75 280Z Clock Repair?
OOPS! that didn't come out right. The 2M ohm resistor provides bias for transistor so it is almost turning on. The higher the resistor value the lower the voltage(bias) and the transistor might not turn on . The first coil detects the magnets on the flywheel as it passes and generates a small electrical pulse in the first winding. This pulse passes through the 10uF cap going to the base of the transistor and turns it on. Current then flows through the 2nd winding through the 680 ohm resistor. This current produces a small magnetic pulse which gives the magnets a "push" when they pass through the coil and keeps the flywheel turning. If you can push the flywheel to start the motion and the flywheel continues to move then the transistor is working . However, it 's just barely working. That being said I'm not sure that the transistor is turning on hard enough to get the ball rolling , so to speak.