Its important from a handling perspective to make sure the anti-roll bar does not preload to either side of the car. What John (gnose) refers to above is a racer technique to make sure you're not prelaoding either side of the car. For a non-racer in their garage, here's how to do it. 1. Back off the end link nuts until the bolt just protrudes out the top of the nut. 2. Lower the car to the ground and roll it back and forth a bit to settle the suspension. 3. Put your son in the driver's seat. 4. Slowly tighten down one side while checking each of the end link bushings by turning them. When all four can't be turned anymore, stop tightening that side. 5. Go to the other side and repeat step 4. 6. Tighten both sides to 25 ft. lbs.