Everything posted by Unkle
- Best 240z magazine ever
Who has owned their Z the longest?
Still though , Frank , you have the best '' one that got away and came back '' story so far IMHO . I have the same wish with my old 1969 RAIV Judge!
Which parts would you start hoarding ?
Err , maybe ''hoard'' describes something negative . How about squirrel away ? I got rid of an early Dec 1970 parts car , and now I think I should have removed some of the items listed in the above replies ! :stupid:
Which parts would you start hoarding ?
This is a scenario : Knowing the end is near for some common parts to no longer be available , what would you buy right away befor becomimg extinct ? Or , what parts are getting really hard to find, and it's now time to get them ? Specifically for the early 240z , but mention other possible NLA stuff as well !
How many Series One 240Zs are left??
Plus add a couple handfulls left in Canada as well . Anybody have Canadian numbers ?
Who has owned their Z the longest?
Uh........yeah ! What don't you get ? Of course if the doesen't give it away , I'll say it : toungue in cheek . And I guess I should explain that as well , it's a fun topic , and I'm just having fun . You know ?
Who has owned their Z the longest?
???????? The original post asks for the '' longest , uninterrupted '' ownership ! The ''spirit'' of the question suggests no selling , no defaults , abductions into space , one's Dad passing it down etc. You gentlemen down South gotta play by the rules ! Frank would have the longest '' interrupted '' original ownership title hands down ....
What worst car have you bought ever?
Funny, after thinking about it for a while, I can't come up with any ''bad'' cars that I've owned. I've played with AMC 401'S in Jeeps , good motors but baaaad shells . AMC anything always had major rust issues - I think the mouldy smell inside was actually a factory option that everybody ticked when they purchased new....Some motorcycles were crap too. Huh , over 40 vehicles , and not one real stinker . Lucky ! ( Napoleon Dynamite ) :classic:
Where does this hoes go?
By the way, I see you have critters too ! Nut shells tucked away in crevices says rats or squirrels to me ! They drive me nutz as they chew on aircon covers and wrap , and any spongy type material they can get at ....:mad:
New option for (almost) original key blanks
The '' end caps '' are called ''facecaps'' in locksmith lingo. The replacement facecaps are stainless and have 3 ''flanges'' that are bent over to secure it to the lock body. The tool I used ? a regular flat bit screwdriver. They are reusable as well ! Any locksmith will have a ton of old facecaps in the foreign automotive rekeying kit . They are all slightly different i.e. Mazda won't fit Datsun etc. Also try to get the gaskets from the dealer . Our gaskets turn to dust after 20 years !
anyone got a spare ignition barrell/switch?
Hey guys , when you need to remove those 2 ''shear bolts'' that hold the ignition assembly to the column area, try slot them first ( or after you have em out ) with a dremel or hack saw blade . It makes it easy to re install !
Hatch Lock question
Those flat things are called wafers . They are held up by tiny springs . Take it to a locksmith, put it on the counter, and ask to have it keyed to your existing ignition key. Who knows, you might have a bent ( stuck ) wafer that a locksmith can repair. The lock might be full of corrosion . I am a locksmith and anything is possible at this point, but it might cost 20 bucks to find out, or you can do it yourself ( dismantle , service etc. ) but I don't think you should . And no, you are not dumb . Good questions deserve an actual experienced answer . Do not '' handyman '' this one , do it correctly as far as 20 bucks takes you.
Preventing Rear Hatch Ledge Water Pooling?
Hey Jim , nice job ! Pride of ownership shows !
Car # 491
Doh , already done, sorry.
Car # 491
Car # 491 for sale on ebay in Colorado . Someone post the link or give me a lesson how to .
Looking for appraisal info for a restored 240Z
Did you buy the car locally ( Victoria ) ? If so PM me .
G35/37 owners
Nicoclub.com for starters (''Nissan Infiniti Owner's'') club - N.I.C.O;)
Does anyone have Reddat's Phone #?!!
Deception implies bait and switch . And if you don't ask, you are going to pay ''full on'' . He isn't cheating you, you just didn't ask how much before hitting the ''buy it now'' button, right?
Does anyone have Reddat's Phone #?!!
Well , your ''dog don't hunt'' in this either ! I don't know him from your Aunty , it's just capitalism at work here . The joke is the ''self regulation '' regarding Ebay . You are the bag of money , and Ebay is the tool used remove said bag from you , in any way possible. Knowing this , it's like buying clothes without checking the size first. So again, why buy from him without FIRST checking the shipping costs ? Some will outright cheat , and not send you anything . They eventually get caught in Ebay's spotlight , but most sellers and buyers are fair , and knowing the terms up front is the key to making it all work. Our Government here is now auditing Ebay sellers that claim to do over a certain amount each month. There's gotta be money in it if Big Brother comes a sniffin ! :pirate:
Does anyone have Reddat's Phone #?!!
I have over 200 purchases off of ebay. Number one rule is : email seller first for shipping cost simply because I'm in Canada , and I know it's going to be more . The only time I feel screwed is when I get a FEDEX or UPS demand for sometimes over 100 percent of the actual purchace value . These nice invoices come over 3 weeks later , and THAT'S a scam . Instead of waiting in line at a regular USPS location like they SAY they would , they get lazy and phone for a pickup , smoking me on the cost. It's happened way more than once. True I don't always know the truthful reason for the change in delivery, I always end up eating the cost. Why would you stupidly buy anything over the internet before firming up the shipping costs ? YOU are the one simply letting THEM write the ''blank cheque '' , no ? This guy Reddat has never gone against his quoted shipping the crap I buy from him . If he did, shame on ME if I order from him again. Just my educated 2 cents , take it and throw it as far as you can if you want, it's your money ! If he won't answer your questions regarding shipping charges before the auction, why are you buying from him ? Just tell me why, it doesn't make sense !
Does anyone have Reddat's Phone #?!!
Well wait a minute - he is running an online shipping business ! EVERYTHING, including packaging, stamps, phones, time etc. costs money. If you know up front what the costs are and his terms are , why are you typing 'gouge' to describe his practices ? Can't you read ???? Seriously , wake up (everybody) and smell the java ! I get called at all hours of the night for emergency lock service and I get the incredulous " A HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS FOR JUST 1 MINUTE OF LABOUR ????? " all the time. This is after a NEGOTIATED deal with nobody twisting anybody's arms , at 2 AM to boot ! Don't deal with him then . Just don't bad mouth him on sites like this because you don't like his shipping charges , for crap's sake !! :stupid: It's up to the buyer / bidder to find out how much it will be BEFORE you bid - buyer beware !
Need help/mechanic in Calgary
It's in the carbs . If they're poorly sync'ed it will run like decribed. Sounds like a triple carb rebuild ! The gas octane isn't the issue here , the mix / fuel spray isn't right maybe ? Crap in somewhere vital ? Maybe install stock carbs/manifolds and worry about the triples later ?
Need help/mechanic in Calgary
Clogged/blocked fuel filter ? Loose ign wire to box somewhere ? Bad gas ? Fuel system / float jarred / stuck ?
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
Crap , got caught up in it, sorry for the smackdown, Dave .
HLS30-OOO13 Has Been Found!
We're not saying we don't appreciate the UK finds or significance. We're talking United States of America. That's it, That's all. As for "What's it worth" that we'll hear for the next 20 friggin pages, it goes without saying that "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder"..... The car is worth what the highest price paid says it's worth, and that's completely up to the future buyer and the present owner. And there's NO in between. It does'nt take a Rocket Scientist to figure these things out. Dave Sheesh. Let me paraphrase what Dave REALLY means : We're ( meaning he speaks for all ) . That's it , that's all . ( meaning nobody say anything else ) There's no in between ( meaning not a chance he's exagerating ). Last phrase speaks for him ( I mean ITself ).