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Everything posted by Unkle

  1. Unkle replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Steve your numbers don't lie , it's just the nose in the air attitude the world sees with not only this tiny thread , but many things around the world the U.S. seems to make their ''own'' by automatic default ( ALWAYS implying size matters , go big or go home etc.) Instead of quiet understanding of wealth and strength , we see chest pounding and self brought accolades . By the way , China has won that quiet trade war years ago . If they could , they would cash in on the U.S. buck they already own and sink us all . By jove, you sank my battleship ! Let's keep this friendly . We all live on planet earth , you just have to look around past the fence a bit !
  2. Unkle replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Heh heh , here's a few more : ''What time do they turn on the Northern Lights ? " " Where's the big black fish ? " meaning orca . " Can I spend my money here ? " while underway . " This is Washington Island , right ? " meaning Vancouver Island .
  3. Unkle replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Alan , I can hear you beat your head against the wall from here ! When dealing with our Southern neighbours , it's easy to forget that the ''world '' as they know it begins and ends inside the borders of the great USA . And why try ? This INTERNET site is composed by mostly U.S. members , and that aspect alone gives them rights to think alone with one voice.... Oh , only friendly ribbing here , no need to send Stealth fighters yet . My most memorable request yet comes from a nice Texan , '' Does the Canadian flag come in any other colors ? '' As heard on B.C. Ferries , summer 1986 . :classic:
  4. I have purchased several items from him . No complaints , all items as described , arriving on reasonably expected times .
  5. Unkle replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    So a dollar figure guess from you would be : You own 2 early beauts and have a good idea , what's your number ? What's # 17 going for ?
  6. Unkle replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What's it worth , a hundred grand ? C'mon , it's over now, it's been found . Who has the need / greed / financial muscle to remove it from the current owner ?? Heh heh , someone is tossing and turning and can't sleep !!! Really , and no '' hyperbole " , what's it worth ? Guesses ?
  7. Unkle replied to Bulldog Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Just saw one on ebay about a month ago . They pop up from time to time!
  8. Unkle replied to vling's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    A hotter spark would help as well , but you're nearly there it seems ! Like the pics, a thousand words .
  9. Unkle replied to vling's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Loose the points and literally screw in an optical/magnetic set up. Takes 1/2 an hour start to finish, no more gapping and guessing!
  10. Unkle replied to vling's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sounds/looks like plug wires installed in the wrong firing order . Also, new gas used ? Was the distributor removed / installed correctly ? Hmm..... worn camshaft , bent valves ,, uh oh it's getting worse, I'll stop now. Distributor shot ?
  11. Yeah Steve I know , 30k in real time. But totally stripped with an orange crate to sit on it's 'doable' , if not close for under 20k . Remember we're surmising , dreaming. Something cheap that flies .....
  12. That might be the new Hyundai Genesis Coupe, stripped down , without dealer markup + taxes. 300 horses , light , cheap , could be done .
  13. You know , every time I see pics with those bars , my brain tells me that I see them often , yet not on a car in this city ........ '' towel bars '' solves yet another mystery , and I can stop renting space in my head over this . Thanks Mike !
  14. Did you notice that gas can .... maybe the previous owner couldn't do it , were the matches damp ?? I know, not nice to wizz on your parade , but hats off to you if it works out .
  15. Unkle replied to Canuck73's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hello from Victoria . You have guts buying a Zcar from there , B.C. HAS VERY RIGID inspection requirements before you can plate it ! :tapemouth
  16. That mouse thing sounds interesting , maybe there's crap in the fuel delivery system . Vermin bring and excrete '' extras '' that probably aren't Datsun friendly . They chew on wires and insulation , rats doing the most damage. Remove and inspect items that normally would be sealed up , check blocked exaust / intakes , etc. Replace / check distributor cap etc. This site might be lonely right now for better advice because it's peak summer vacation time !
  17. Unkle replied to ol fiat's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sure ok no flame intended ! It's not the ''grammer'' it's the slang that others that may want to help just won't understand . ( and I did add an emoticom ) .
  18. ''Not much on the street that can handle this one '' is car salesman's lingo overselling his customer's car. Give it a rest already and focus on the vintage and rarity maybe . No 16 year old is going to buy it , Mr. Fast and Stupid...
  19. Unkle replied to wa5ngp's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    How about bypassing the heater ? It keeps the hot water / coolant in the engine bay . Just a thought .
  20. Unkle replied to ol fiat's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Not to hijack , but the term '' cut off '' sounds wrong and slang like. You mean to say '' stop '' . I've even heard '' cut on '' refering to '' cut on the gas for cooking '' . Sounds and looks silly when you type it ! Imagine what non english speaking people must think when they read '' cut off '' for stop !
  21. There's a member here that makes improved complete wiring harnesses for your car( just the tailight end if that's all that's needed) . Get rid of the near 40 year old crap and put his on . Also MSA has modern plug and play fuseblock assemblies using new style fuses . Go that route and your issues ( electrical ) will be solved.
  22. Unkle replied to eireZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    Howdy Paul ! You will soon be told of the Datsun 12 step program. I guess metal rusts the same there as here , so we share your pain . What looks good ain't , eh ?
  23. Unkle replied to code3z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    One man's opinion , he's missing a few - like anything under $70,000 .
  24. True dat . But for a hundred bucks and less than an hour this bandaid actually works . Only the squeakiest wheels got their motors replaced by Infiniti . Otherwise the blems were rebuilt , top end only with rings. This oil ''catch can'' works on most motors , and the theory holds so true that it's a rule at mini cart racing to keep oil off the track . Maybe they've perfected this on the new FX50 , it's still early.
  25. I have a 2004 Infiniti FX45 with the V8, 60,000 k's . This particular motor definately has an oil ring blow-by issue . High compression , race rings and a heavy throttle foot can exacerbate this . Some oil will pool in the intake plenum , but the vapour will also get mixed with the air/ fuel mix causing detonation and poor performance. The '' fix '' is to install an ''oil catch can'' before the PCV valve thereby eliminating the engine recirculating it's own puke . Some drivers need to empty their oil catches once a month ! Others report very little after 6 months . Do a search on this topic at infiniti.org or ''infiniti scene'' 's website. This info is for both the VK and VQ 8 cylinders and sixes. Oh by the way, anybody running with full synthetic oil with these motors, a recent analysis shows higher levels of metal wear than normal . No difference with regular oil - you are practically wasting your time if you think synthetic is actually saving these particular motors from premature wear and tear !

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