Everything posted by Unkle
Any opinions on this car?
That pic from the back underneath looks like it's been in a fire ! What's with all the black sooty stuff on most everything ? It can't look that bad just from a rich carb mixture .
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
S'okay , it's snowing here right now . The car doesn't move until the weather clears . I like saving $300.00 anyday, and it's worth the wait !
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
Nope, $380.39 CDN. with car club 10% off .
New 240Z Door Panels 70-73
Just ordered mine , $380.39 CDN taxes in both panels . I know I should wait until I get them in my hands before jumping around , but it beats paying the inflated Ebay prices in US dollars ! I will let you know......
The hardest part to find
Mike, your argument sounds as stupid as mine , so let's leave it alone now to let others either post or let it die. John T. , I really don't understand your way of , of, well, thinking at this point , so again let's do each other a favor , eh ?
The hardest part to find
Mike , these parts most certainly left the factory attached to the cars ! So what if they were suposed to be removed by Datsun on the '' other side " ! Here's a scenario : July 2009 , nice summer day at a Datsun car show. Everybody knows each other ( small town ). 35 cars + trucks in various forms , some perfect, some not , like your typical show . The guys suddenly seem to gravitate to a newcomer . Great paint , low vin, all the earmarks . The interior reveals every early part from grey dash / console panels , hand throttle assembly, etc. The exterior shows the 3 light taillight housings, the chrome 'z' sail panel badges , clear hatch glass , it's all there ! Vin # 19 seems to be reborn ! It's for sale , and 2 buyers are very interested. The seller then says : this is a ''tribute'' car as all of these parts are reproductions , accurate to perfection exept one thing : it's a fake made to look like the real thing. And, he has every part of this car in multiples for sale . (end of story ). I don't know about you but this to me this would now always make me wonder : Is it real ? Anything ''early'' for sale , whether on Ebay or at a Datsun swap meet : is it fake ? Things that make you go ''hmmm''. :paranoid: Oh , Mike , there's a big piece of land North of you that may or may not have complied with the ''U.S.'' laws of the day .
The hardest part to find
Correct , in as much research as you did ! My point , again and again, is : the use of ''copied '' rare , early parts to pass off as the real deal in a show or sale just strikes me wrong . Not regular, everyday parts that are in general acceptance such as steel body panels , lights , repro stickers, decals etc. This is how all of this started , the original thread titler suggests that he needs in his mind the ''holy grail'' sp? , an original hand throttle knob . Suddenly weeks later there seems to be many available , not counting the ones found in Japan, which seem original. If you think you can show up in a corvette loaded with extremely rare but repro , perhaps optional parts ,your car will bescrutinized better than a VW bus crossing the border with a bong as an exaust tip.
The hardest part to find
Again , paint, chrome and decals not included - We're talking very specific early parts only . Am I the only one besides Wil who's catching the drift ? And by the way, Zedsaver sold me an ID plate no questions asked, and I had to ask him to stamp it . ( The paint shop lost the door jamb ID plate ).
The hardest part to find
''Wife regulated''. Good points all, but here : the original thread started as ''The hardest part to find " is suddenly the easiest . I now want my grey dash panels please . How many cars need the rare parts , like the chrome 240Z sail panel emblems ? Oops, wait, I just got an email saying one chap has 20 repros ready at 5 bucks each ! ( Just kidding ). This is really a lament on what was once almost impossible to find is now just a click away , IMHO. :disappoin Mike , chrome and paint aren't my points - that's an unfair comparison , like ''Japanese paint and chrome '' are not the same as very specific early rare parts that really early car junkies look for when at a show, or anywhere one of these cars are spotted. These parts separate and identify rare early cars from later years . I don't think I meant and take it as far as having to have the original Japanese paint on the car, or the original Japanese chrome on the bumpers.
The hardest part to find
Arne, that seems plausible . Good point .
The hardest part to find
Body panels I wouldn't have a problem with, but truly unique items specific to a partial year the car was built to me should remain truly N.O.S factory . I have seen a car ( Corvette ) that was amost completely made of aftermarket parts . Sure, nice car , but it never left any factory ! Something just ''feels'' wrong if you can just go out and buy repro Datsun extremely rare , half year parts, install them on a car , and try to get away with it at a judged car show . Sure, the judge may not know, but you would ! That ''best of show''trophy to me would not mean anything , because those rare early factory pieces that are needed to win could be fake . These pieces are not prone to rust like panels , they are prone to being ripped off at grocery parking lots , or local shows maybe. My point is if at least it's pointed out , THEN a judge can make a big deal out of it or not . Are my glasses rose coloured ? Maybe..................
The hardest part to find
So , at some point , are you letting the judges know that all of these parts are not original ? Just an ethical bone I'll throw out there . I mean , it's no big deal to me but when has repro gone too far ? Should there be some kind of identifying mark or such ? I really value my original red dot mirror and hand throttle set , with original Dec. 1969 seatbelt tags . Or am I naive , and this has been going on for a long time , only now rearing it's capitalistic head ? :bulb: Just food for thought .....
just drove
Sorry John , I was not really making fun of you , like seriously like ! That's why I added a ":)" . And my Nieces and Nephews like seriously butcher the English language like nobody's business as well !
just drove
That's ''sense'' . You are killing me .
One and only - 1974 Datsun 260 ZX, factory V-8 and original!
WHAT ? I thought it was a deal .........:bulb: ( Don't like the number 159 for posts)
FUN with Guages!!
Yes , ''peave'' is ''tic'' or ''tung in cheak''. No emoticom smilie for it !
FUN with Guages!!
Gauges not guages , as in brakes not breaks . Sorry , pet ''peave'' of mine .:paranoid:
Door lock set with keys....
Take them out and get them rebuilt at a locksmith shop. Unless they're vandalized , or totally shot , it may be the answer instead of trying to buy locks from another car that are already worn out .
Series 1 exhaust gasses part VIII
Thanks Dan ! I'll do this and post any results . The weather looks good here for a week at least, so I'll get on it.
Series 1 exhaust gasses part VIII
Yep I read em all . What I would like are actual pictures of the areas, maybe before + after the repair ?
Series 1 exhaust gasses part VIII
Ok , here we (I) go again ... I'm needing pictures of which areas to fill in to stop the cabin leak . I know some members here have it nailed as to exactly where these inner panels are that leak the smell in ! I'm tired of getting the looks at the grocery store line up. They must think I tried to off myself without success in the garage with a tube ! My eyes literally it's so thick . My wife refuses to come with me on weekend cruises. We burn my clothes after I come home . I need to shower right away . The cats won't come near me . Please help . Pics ? :embarrass:
My poor Z...
Please follow through with a proper claim to your insurance company. If insurance companies did not exist, Judge Judy wouldn't have a show . Don't ''help'' this person out , because it will cost you .....
Re-Key Series 1 Ignition?
He can get his ''new'' replacement early series 1 , single sided ignition ( if that's what he's replacing ) rekeyed to his original single sided key if he so desires . Or , he can get an ignition that can be rekeyed to match his doors and hatch , as long as his existing door keys will slide into the ''new'' , replacement ignition assembly. This '' new'' lock will then be a later , double sided setup . Life is easier when you need only 1 key to work the whole car IMHO.
Re-Key Series 1 Ignition?
I think what he's asking is : If he gets a replacement lock , can it be altered to match the existing locks AND KEYS on his car.The answer is yes if : his key will go into the new lock . It won't go in if it's the wrong keyway ( profile at the front of the plug ) . Best regards from Unkle , owner, Armour Locksmiths in Victoria B.C.
Hood Emblem Fell Off!!
Why not carefully drill out and install new pins , and use liquid metal adhesive to hold the new pins into the emblem.You can even use threaded stock, and fasten with nuts. 2 way adhesive won't last I don't think . Once prepped and re pinned, it should beat the original style '' one way '' stock fasteners .