Everything posted by Unkle
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
Yes , at least those pieces should be . I've been in # 69 , and the radio / heater control surround was definately grey , not black . Maybe these were replaced by the restorer . I wonder if it has the red dot mirror ?
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
Compare the color of the glovebox door to the dash. Does the dash look grey ? Or are early ones black ?
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
I know ! That's probably half what a resto would be , if it had the early interior grey plastics etc. and other early stuff . Someone nab this !
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
Corrected , I had my wine goggles on ....:knockedou
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
This would make it # 16 on the earliest known registered IZCC list . Fairly significant to the discerning collector .
HLS000048 For sale in Ontario Canada
Craig's List , someone provide the link as I'm computer challenged . Note the hand throttle / choke throttle levers, but loose the iron cross wheels ! $26,500
Well I pulled the trigger and bought a 4 post lift for my Z
Price , delivered + assembled ? How high does your garage need to be for proper inside clearance ? Power supply ? Oh , see price now .... if you have a standard roll up door I suppose that pushes the whole assembly ahead by the length of the door, past the tracks ? ...
1980 ZX 10th Anniversary Edition with 49 miles on eBay - $35,000
I don't see the relevance of comparing 1980 dollars to 2008 dollars for this car. 2008 dollars buys you 2008 advances in technology , manufacturing processes , testing , etc etc. I know it's a comparison just for fun , but a cheap Kia represents leaps and bounds better bang for the buck in a straight fun comparison IMHO . Gee , that's the first time I used today's accepted abbreviation for a perfectly good phrase . :laugh:
I can '' decode '' any worn key , use my ITL code cutting machine , and give the customer a new ''factory fresh'' , nice key with sharp ''square'' cuts. The key will now work perfectly , and won't pull out in the incorrect position . No more ''wiggling'' or cursing ! You will wonder why you waited so long...
Unlocking doors without Keys
They don't have locksmiths or tow trucks to call to open up your prized vehicle in Brisbane ? Or are you too :tapemouthcheap , and want to wreck the locking system yourself ???:classic:
my motor blew
Maybe this is his informal ''Sayonara'' to this site, and he's now off to the Expedition clubs . I durn new it wen that wite stuf comded out uv the tale pipe that it wuz game over , ''WAY'' over ......... (Garth + Wayne, Wayne's World).
A 69 240-Z worth saving..
#169 for sale in Victoria B.C. Needs frame work but all there, has grey color dash components ( heater control surround ) and the usual early stuff that makes it rare . Look at '' UsedVictoria.com'' , type in Datsun as a search ! Not mine, seen and been in it one time . Usual rust repair etc. Met the owner once . Sorry for the thread hijack, Carl ! $6500 Cdn .
Thread meandering-no real Z content, but Socializing is important too!
Hey , I gotsa Vette , and my waistline isn't out of control ! No Eckler's neither so :classic::cheeky:
They are gna tow my Z!!
Er , hotwire won't work with the steering wheel locked . To just start the car you just remove the 2 small phillips head screws that holds the ignition ''driver cam'' onto the back of the ignition housing , and insert a small flat blade screwdriver and turn clockwise till the starter engages . Anyways , hope she gets help.
They are gna tow my Z!!
I've been locksmithing for over 25 years - we don't ''mold'' anything except your credit card imprint into the receipt . Seriously the ''mold'' thing is Hollywood not reality - we '' impression '' a key to fit, generally we don't have to take anything apart . This is just one method of hand fitting a key to cars ! Mike , absolutely no burn or flame intended here , locksmithing as a trade is so misunderstood ......:cheeky:
They are gna tow my Z!!
''MOLD'' you a key ???? Please don't ever repeat that phrase again......:stupid: Khrystina , if you or your Mom have an AAA membership , lost keys are included in their services to you ! Otherwise call a good locksmith . I'd charge 120.00 or less for this , and it takes 15 minutes as long as 1 ( one ) key worked for doors and ignition. Good luck ! Also there's a good chance the key number tag is still glued to the inside of the glovebox somewhere . Then it's even cheaper !!
HELP!!! Tokico Illumina install issues
So , your build date is 3 / 70 ? That makes it a '70 ! Unless you meant 3 / 71 .
- New 240Z owner
'70 S30 Owner's Manual - what's it worth?
To me reprints are reprints , not limited production . A real 1970 manual should fetch decent money , say $50 or more in nice shape . Now a real 1969 print with factory whiteout and all the spelling and funny mis-translated ''dilections'' can reach $300 + to the right buyer ! ( seen it , been outbid by a site member argh ! )
'70 S30 Owner's Manual - what's it worth?
$50 usd ? If it was a 1969 manual with the car sideways slightly , the sky's the limit ?
After July 1st, I will be paying at least $ 1.50 Cad $ for 1 ( yes , one ) litre of regular 87 octane . It will cost me over $180 to fill up my work vans , each tank , about a tank and a half per week . Right now, today , it's at 1.47 . By July 1st our wise Provincial leaders in B.C. will adopt a 2 cent per litre ''Carbon tax '' which they claim will go directly to STOP pollution etc. etc. I know and understand we still have cheap gas in North America , but isn't this the tail that wags the dog ? And yes, our esteemed Premier drives a big white Yukon , what great optics and insight !:squareeye
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you do ! ( Trudeau salute )
Montreal Z Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English first please , are you trying to scare us on the left coast ??? Jeez, only 15 % of us speak Franchaise , yet you write the Bible in French first , English second ??? Have a good time , and layoff that poutine 'n' beer.
California Tornado
That's crazy ! What's going on with our weather ??? Even up in Victoria B.C. Canada , late May is normally 18-22 celcius , lows to 10 , and we're still getting frost ! Slow pitch sucks at 6 degrees 7-9 PM with wind and rain , yet they predict warm + sunny . What's up ????
Door won't open
You will have to manipulate the latch mechanism manually from the top of the door , either the rod fell off or the handle itself is broken . Remove the passenger door panel and plastic water shield and see how it operates , then try connect a door opening tool with the mechanism to pull it back to release the latch ( drive the car over to a good locksmith or body shop ) . It's fun and games , be carefull . Also shim the door at the bottom to relieve the pressure , maybe push the door in at the same time ( stiff weatherstrip ) . Good luck !