Everything posted by Unkle
Love it or hate it
Heh heh . Yup , off site maroons are free shots !
Vin 231 on Ebay
Someone link it for us...... Looks like a great resto project, and an 11/69 build date ! Item # 120644876035
Love it or hate it
I had wented to the craigs list ad , but the moment I finded out he boarded the engine out , I didn't likeded it anymore.
winter storage
LALALALALA I'm not listening ! Wasn't it just summer a couple of weeks ago ??
i need sirouse help
Don't be sorry about it - I have a problem with this ''peave'' and really should not point it out ( grammar and spelling ) all the time ! You seem like a good kid , how's the car coming ? Any fix yet ?
i need sirouse help
No slight on Zkid here really, my niece and nephews all communicate this way as well . My wife and I speak to each other in a series of clicks and grunts ( over 26 years together ) and we can understand each other ! But to come to a forum and ask for serious advice by using ''thumbspeak'' drvs me up th wll . :tapemouth
i need sirouse help
OMG Please quit the textspeakandspell it drives me up the wall Good luck with your car though......
Ignition Off Current Draw
Shot in the dark here, but how about replacing the ignition electrical switch ? This is the round plastic electrical switch located at the back end of your ignition assembly on the column. It's driven by the key turning at the other end, and may now be loose / worn enough inside to make partial contact . Just a shot...... P.S. Your antenna is also powered through this switch as well ? Will it go up when you turn the radio on with or without the ignition in the ''accessory'' or ''on'' position ?
Ignition Key
+1 Arne . As well, M , N , VH , X , Y with 4 digits to follow. Also if codes were ever found, they are 90% of the time on the passenger door lock . Either on the lock housing or the ''pawl'' that operates the linkage.
Ignition Key
Zed head option 2 = replace ignition cylinder plug assembly. AZMarty yes that's the code , usually starting with an ''x'' .
Ignition Key
Locksmith job . You really aren't saving time / money by DIY. Do you have correct replacement door caps ? Alligator cap remover ? New , keyed to your key ignition cylinder ? Wafer kit / springs / experience to say whoa , not needed/needed ? If you jam a key in the ignition , do you know how to remove without destruction ? Etc Just some questions/thoughts.......
Ignition Key
That's why a combination of new code cut key AND new ignition cylinder would work better in your particular case ! I still can't believe the amount of keys people have on their keychains ! 10 , even 5 keys on a ring being bounced around on a daily basis takes a huge toll on the tiny soft brass wafers , springs , and pot metal cylinders . Also the codes hand written on paper tags in the glovebox are rarely there after 25-40 years later !
Ignition Key
Argh . Your key can be professionally ''read'' by a competent locksmith . This means he/she will measure your key with a micrometer , transfer these specs onto a new key via code cutter , and after testing said key , ask you for around 20 bucks if you bring the car in and park it nearby the shop. You will end up with a key with factory ''square'' cuts, not rounded worn ones like you have now. These ''square'' cuts will allow the ignition wafers to sit and stay in them, thus eliminating the possibility of removing the key while in the ''on'' position. This new key will also work the other locks like ''new'' ! This by far is the cheapest option ! Option 2 is more involved and costly , and yes it does mean ignition cylinder replacement . If you combine option 1 and 2 , you will eliminate all wear and end up with a proper factory spec setup. Always try option 1 first as this really does work most of the time, and is by far the cheapest and quickest. Yes I am a locksmith with 25 years of ''hands on'' experience . The above is just advice, take it or leave it the way you or your budget see fit .
What is "unmolested"?
Any car that isn't catholic - oh I guess I went there ..........
Okay, so I found an advantage that the Canadians have...
Uh , yeah ! Especially anything bought at Canadian China (Tire ) ! And , there's more to Canada than the East . Come West young man, no real snow , and I bet we could mix you something close to your diet Dew . Oh , our haircuts are better too - no need to cut around a touque ( winter hat ) !
- Aluminum Radiator Isolation
Another early 240Z?
Welllllll , he's not really riding the low vin horse to death , and sure it's got wrong parts on it, but who cares ? It's probably the real deal #525 , and whoever gets it can restore or modify it any way they want , right ? My #538 is modified , and I still like the fact that it's a low vin car as well !
Flywheel question
Why not go aluminum lightweight at this point ? Stock heavy and wavy seems a step backwards !:bulb:
Has ethonol mucked up my carbs?
Heh heh .
Has ethonol mucked up my carbs?
Well , I tried.............:eek:
Has ethonol mucked up my carbs?
Bruce , most of your replies use the word ''douch''. Is there another substitute word ? I want better pics in my head.....:sick:
steering help!!!!!!
Looks interesting ! Do you have specs , pics on the car, and road test comments ? Any government testing needed ? How much does it weigh, what's the draw (amps) and how much $ ?
my NEW 500$ 240ZZZee!
Now , don't take this as a flame . You actually went ''there'' with the phrase ''rust free'' ........ You have a sense of humour which you will need !
Where should I get my first job?
Sigh..... I'm going to sound like an Uncle here . Stay in school somehow , and forget those jobs for 15 year olds . You will get screwed more times than not nowadays . Try apply yourself in a vocation if ''higher end'' classes don't suit you . Yes, what I'm saying is....wait for it...... forget owning a car , especially rust buckets that need more work than you can afford right now . Buying a car is easy, gas, insurance, maintenance WILL cost more in the first year than the actual purchase price ! Ask someone in your family that you trust that's done well , and take their advise . Do not cheat yourself by getting into an early rut of car payments and other related costly mistakes !
Early 240Z gas tank ?
Heh Heh Nah , you guys down South look like y'all will be tied up for a spell in the Middle East right now and into the future..... although the Great State of B.C. has tons of power + water for the highest bidder ...... hmmm.