Everything posted by Unkle
Question about my battery tender and optima
I get that . But , ''batteries'' are a different topic. ''Safely'' charging and maintaining a charge using cheap stuff made in China is another , and ''hot'' to the touch transformer type units illustrates the need for real time advice by a pro ( not me ) or someone really familiar with safe techniques . The bull in a china shop methods reflect unsafe household methods , no? Even offering constant RV charging at over 13v advice leads to boil over at some point with wet cell ''no maintenance'' batteries , and again fire risk. My take and 2 cents anyway !
Question about my battery tender and optima
So to further the poking ..... Optimajim , can you say that the above people / person using the bypass trick and ''charging'' batteries this way with a .75 amp unit is a good / proper way of doing business , or are you simply an Optima salesman seeing an opportunity to '' slightly advise , advertise , and leave " ? Here's a chance to help a 21 year old ( and all of us ) make safe practices !
1970 240z vin-4587
You , sir , just got a real deal . I'm a little envious ! Pics of the interior ?
Question about my battery tender and optima
''Float mode'' sees no voltage go through to make it warm to the touch ! You should disconnect the positive lead wire when maintaining your battery with this type of charger . Generally these small charger/maintainers are meant for low amp, motorcycle batteries , not optimas . Maybe get a better, larger spec unit . Spend the money , don't expect a 30.00 unit to do anything miraculous for you !
Car for sale
I wouldn't ''throw up in my mouth'' on that one either...
happy canada day and 4th of july
Yay ..... taxes go up , gas goes way up , utilities go way up , :sick: The Premier of B.C. is a liar , and the whole political shooting match here can leave and let's start over as IMO .
Car Security
Hey Matt - I'm in Victoria . Anyway I can say a good pager alarm - the Viper can also start your car with the iphone app ! Other than that , if you park it outside you're screwed . Good luck and welcome !
Fuel : Ethanol issues
Does anyone use a fuel / water separator yet ? You guys in the States were saying that ethanol is now part of the issue with starting troubles / running issues due to the h2o it attracts .... I have used one on a Dodge Cummins engine and these things really work. Does anyone use a mini version for a street car yet ?
Problems with parts vendors
Don't go for a refund through Paypal . Try going through your credit card first - Paypal is owned by Ebay - and most refunds now have a limit . I almost learned the hard way after ''my'' headlight covers never showed...
1972 240z 3rd gear+ violent loss of power
Crap plugging the fuel lines intermittently at gas tank ? Crap fuel flow / pump shot ? Crap in carbs ? Crap old gas destabilized ? Crap in general ? Crap / rusted fuel lines ?
Respectful way to haul Z parts
I still have a bunch 'o parts from my 521's . Complete gasket sets, a new fuseblock , glass fuel bowl strainers ( one's unused ) and other stuff I can't remember . Look in my pics to see my grey truck . If interested , maybe we can make a deal.
Permitted items for Interior during judging
I stand corrected . That would explain the judge's recent stink eye...:embarrass: What can I do then, mine's a '70.......in the glovebox maybe !
Permitted items for Interior during judging
A crisp 100 dollar bill , top of console .
Primadonna 240Z #2
I would consider it at 1/4 the price and make slight changes . Track day would be fun.....
37 Years of Patina
Fix the weeping seals , and I'd be impressed ! I hate leaks, especially consistant drips 'n drops .
240z speed help!!! asap please!!
:embarrass: Um , you do realize soccer moms have to use ''your'' freeway / streets as well ? Small kids in cars smashed in by the need for speed don't do so well. Wrong forum , wrong year ( 2010 , not 1969 ).
New Member Introduce my-self
Trinidad ! Welcome , remember to wear out the ''search'' button at the top. Most questions are asked and answered on previous posts . Post some pics with the scenery !
What is required to bring a car into Canada
Er , that's 5% GST , 7% PST for now until July 1st. Then it's a ''harmonized'' tax of 12% on ALL purchases . That's my 12 cents for what it's worth .
How come my battery frame doesn't look like yall's?
The optima fits perfectly , and it also somes with a plastic ''booster seat'' for cars that need a taller battery to fit the factory hold down brackets.
How come my battery frame doesn't look like yall's?
''all of y'all's '' is the true plural form , soon to be accepted by the Oxford dictionary no doubt........
Door wont lock
Does the lock button function with the door open ?
Engine noise after oil change
So this has happened to me in the past . Look for a lost socket or wrench before assuming anything internal ! I've even found an original key rattling in the cooling fins of my Honda 900 ! Try using a magnet pick up tool in the area of where the sound is coming from. Something , a bolt , or nut might be lodged somewhere you can't see. Good luck .
how much does a early jdm 5 speed worth?
'' How much does a early JDM 5 speed worth '' '' About 50 dollers '' Listen , all ! That's the sound of Evelyn Woodhead turning over in her grave ! Cheech & Chong comes to mind " My comprenshun has increased wonder fully '' . Is this where we are going with the english language as we know it ? Don't flame me for responding like this , at least TRY to put a thought down with proper grammar and spelling . :tapemouth Sorry , I had to ......
Webers leaking
You have the car sitting a long time ? Your gas seems really ''varnishy'' , almost like a cherry colored stain ! I would rebuild the carbs and clean out the system as well . Or , did you use a (lot) of gas stabilizer ?
Hagerty's pick for under $5000
The comments under the article suggest where this ''Hagerty'' stuff can be filed . What a waste of type and story - leave it to an insurance seller to tell anyone what things are worth , let alone collectable ! Only in the last few years have they decided to play nice with us - this drivel is too ''sweet''.