Everything posted by ZIII
Quick Release Steering Hub
Am getting ready to put my Momo steering wheel on and was wondering if I should go with just a Momo hub adapter or use a quick release hub. Have read what I was able to find in previous posts. Anyone have any long-term experience with a quick release? Does it get loose after many take-offs and put-backs? There’s one on Ebay (picture below-# 7960519634) for $79.00…. any comments about how good this might be? George
MSA Show
Thanks Carl..... I guess I will drive over on Fri & Sat and park it in MSA's lot. On Sunday it must be a real zoo trying to check in and park 500/600 cars.... I will be an experience, I am sure, but am looking forward to it..... George
MSA Show
Ron, Ok... but I would imagine that we could park our Z's in MSA's lot altogether. Is that correct? Or, would you suggest me leaving the Z at the hotel and walking over on Friday & Sat and just take the Z on Sunday? George
MSA Show
I will be going and driving my Z from El Paso…. Had a quick question; is Friday and Saturday a show day? That is, do we park our Z’s at MSA during the whole day or do we do that just on Sunday? I know that there are events going on during Fri & Sat but are the cars on display on those days also? George
Great deal on 240 & early 260Z Tokico illuminas with springs Brand new! (Ebay)
XRay, From the pictures, keeping all your caveats in mind, the front still looks a bit high to me. In fact it looks about as high as mine and I have Euro Springs. I was hoping that the Tokico's would bring the car down a bit. Perhaps yours needs to settle, I don’t know. However, my desire is to get mine about an inch and a half lower than what I have now. The picture here should give you an idea…… George
Great deal on 240 & early 260Z Tokico illuminas with springs Brand new! (Ebay)
XRay How much was your car lowered when you changed to these springs????? George
Beautiful Show Car!!! Modified - But Beautiful!!
In many ways it is a beautiful car. A lot of nice touches. The underside also tells a story as has been observed and mentioned. The hood bothers me. I realize why its there but for me it throws the lines of the car way off. Speaking of throwing lines way off, how about the auto shifter. Is that a BRE spoiler in the rear? Looks just a tad short to me….
FTO seats in 260z
It is a great looking seat and compliments your interior very well..... Congrats to you and your Dad.....
Heat Shield Plans???
Attached are some pictures of my system. What I did was rather simple, two stainless steel sheets sandwiched in between is a sheet heat shield made of the same material as a header wrap. Then I riveted all together and built a metal brace to support it. Works great and I have no cookoff although I should mention that my headers are ceramic coated and I am sure that helps also. I saw an interesting device which was a tube running from the fresh air vent in the radiator support to underneath the carbs. The fresh air vent on the driver side had been disconnected. This tube ran directly below the carbs but it also had a fan, similar to a computer fan, which was hooked up in the middle of the tube. Very interesting but probably overkill. Anyway, the shield is simple enough and I hope this helps…. George
finally done
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Thanks Will. For a stupendous light effect I am prepared to beg and even grovel if I have to. So, I will wait and try to be patient. George
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Ok, someone please tell me if I have got this right. One can replace all exterior lights with LED’s except for those that blink. Blinking lights require a change of the Blinker only. (And my understanding is that a Buss 552 blinker from AutoZone will do the trick). Is this correct? For the rear brake light I am considering purchasing a 24 LED 1157 bulb…. 6 LED’s on the side and 18 in a group. Does anyone know if this is enough and will it give me a brighter rear brake light than a standard bulb? Thanks, George
What kind of fundraiser merchandise would you buy?
Strongly support the suggestion of a grill emblem....
240z Bumper Pricing
Why, OH WHY, would you ever want to put 260Z bumpers on a 240???? And, as the question has already been asked, could you even do it without a lot of work, to what end? Take a look around for early 240 ones or consider the fiberglass ones MSA has for sale. They run about $140 each, you can paint them and they look sleek. Whatever bumper you put on there isn’t going to do much good even if you get into a minor scrape. It’s for show primarily so IMHO, go with what looks good to you. I’ve seen lots of pictures of Z’s without bumpers and they look good also. By the way, my 73 bumpers have no shocks. They are directly bolted on. George
"European Springs"
Will, Can you explain this to me?????
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
The honor is yours.....
"European Springs"
Mark, I like the set-up of KYB with the Euro springs and have had this set up for many years now. It is not soft at all, but rather firm and excellent for everyday spirited driving. Not as harsh as coils over springs certainly and on uneven roads you’re teeth don’t pop loose. However, it was a marked improvement over what I had, it certainly cornered better, there was zero squat on acceleration, and I liked the degree of firmness. I bought a package deal from MSA with these shocks and springs, as did many others I am sure, and it was the rave of the time for suspension upgrades to a Z. Again, the ride height is what bothers me. I have to do something as it is driving me crazy. Problem is I don’t want to do something for the sake of doing it and either not get it right or throw off the suspension and handling. Now I’m thinking of either going to the MSA springs or Eibach but that may mean the KYB’s might also have to be changed…. I love these dilemmas…... George
"European Springs"
Marty, I have the exact same problem with my ride height. When I did mine, well over ten years ago, I replaced both shocks (KYB) and springs (MSA Euro) and out it came higher. I was told, “don’t worry, they’ll settle after a whileâ€. Well, here I am after a long while and I would swear some days I think they are growing rather than shrinking. I haven’t a clue what has caused this and it is the one serious detraction in my car. So, if you have any ideas please let me know…… George
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
Lets see, my receipt shows I paid $47.50. Heck, for $300.00 I'll take mine off and sell it.......
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
Lance, the length of the diamond is 25mm or .98 inch. It is not flat. It has an angle to it, almost raised and tilted. What is on my Z is a unique screen and it has more of a design angle that what I have commonly seen for sale at hardware stores. It is not the type of screem you would ordinarily find at Home Depot or Lowes. Anyway, I haven't seen any like it. But, I have used Home Depot screens to make screens for my vette. They look nice also but I would highly recommend that you prime it and then top coat with a color of your choice and then seal it. Many moons ago a good friend of mine had a red 70Z on which he put this screen and from whom I got the itch to get one after having seen his. He painted his red and it did look very nice. I left mine stock color as I like the contrast. Hope this helps..... George
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
Take a look at my first photo, couple of threads back, copy it to your drive and then expand it and you should have a good view. It is, in fact, a diamond shaped expanded metal. It is 10mm (.4 inch) at the widest part of the diamond. Now, depending on where you live and where you drive, you might want to consider making the grill opennings smaller in order to offer you better protection from bugs, small rocks, etc. The radiator, as you know, is right there. Now, if the picture doesn't work out for you let me know and I will go out and shoot some more.....
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
THANK YOU Carl !!!!!!!!!! I was spending all this time fiddling with the insert buttons on the edit line!!!! So nice when you know what you are doing..... Thanks for the info..... George
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
Ok, I have wrestled with getting pictures in here long enough....I still have no clue how to do it. So, there are three shots in my photo gallery.... Center photo shows how that aligns up perfectly. Top; you will notice that the attachment is slighly bent. Bottom, you will see a bolt between two wires... this is were I drilled the panel. Simple.... good luck.....
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
I am pretty sure this is a 240 grill…. I have one and it does require a little bit of modification to get it to fit on a US spec car. Nothing serious or major. The center attachment is dead on, the two top ones have to be bent slightly at an angle but that is a no brainer. (I cannot tell from the Ebay picture if the top ones are already bent, they very well may be). For the two bottom attachments you have to drill through the panel in order to secure it. I did not use the 240 mounts. If you like, I can try to take some pictures of it mounted for you. I much prefer it to the stock grill but then again everyone has different tastes…. Thankfully….and… as far as it being frail…. I have only had mine on for 26 years and she’s as strong as the day I put her on…..