Everything posted by ZIII
Heat shield for triples
Will, Have tried many different times and they are no bigger than 600X800 and still no-go..... I can send you an e-mail with an attachment if you want.... pm your e-mail..... Managed to get the shot you wanted into my gallery but no way am I getting it in this thread.....
Heat shield for triples
I have trip-carbs but my shield is mounted and can't get a real clear picture of it. I built mine with two sheets of aluminum and in-between I put a layer of header-wrap and riveted the two aluminum sheets together much like a sandwich. It is 25" long and 6" wide. However, if I had to do it over again I would make it about two inches wider. The braces on each end are billet aluminum. The rear brace is bolted on to the last header bolt and the front is bolted with a brace to the thermostat-housing bolt. The pictures are not the greatest but may give you an idea. Before I made this brace I had another simple, single aluminum one. Without a doubt, this thicker shield is much better and dissipates heat better than my first one. You can drive 50 miles, put your had on the shield and it is just warm. The previous one was so hot you couldn’t keep your finger on it without burning yourself. The double layer and the header wrap I think did the trick. (Can't get my pictures uploaded!!!!!!!) BTW, what's with your paint code in your signature? 110 is red not orange.... Will, Am using horns but with a filter... here in windy El Paso, filters are a must....
RHD 1970 G-Nose on Ebay
David, Some issues???? You are but too kind.... I would say the car has SERIOUS issues and the registration would be yet another.....
Looking for Security advice
Neat idea.... all we can hope for, as you say, is to "slow someone down for a little while..... On the rare times I am stopped for awhile and do not have the car in sight I just pop out the fuel pump fuse which is easy for me to get at....
Rear strut top speaker enclosures?
I like the lower set, however, are you sure you are going to be able to cram a 4X6 and a super-tweeter in that space????
Looking for Security advice
Like Arne, I never leave the car unsupervised. First, I live in El Paso and the border is like, right there, and you can practically see the chop shops from this side. However, there are times when I am off to car shows etc., where I will spend the night at a motel. This is nerve racking for me. It’s gotta be the “right†hotel. Nothing to do with how much it costs but everything to do with what the parking area looks like. Then, the drill starts. I have a battery disconnect switch with key mounted on the firewall. Then the rotor comes out. Then the fuel pump fuse comes out. Then the coil to dizzy wire comes out. Now all I have to worry about is it being lifted on a flatbed and that alone keeps me up most of the night.
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Jon, I regret that this IS my take on this particular rear bar. Now, you have yourself a REAL bar, as does Ron. Remember, the TEP bar runs just to the shock towers with a provision to secure the bottom triangle to the shock tower by drilling a hole and inserting a bolt which I elected not to do. Nevertheless, we go back to the original assessment in that I just did not get the bells and whistles that Jayru experienced when I finally got it installed. Additionally, as I mentioned, perhaps it’s doing something that I am just not sensing because of how my car is already set up. As Jayru seems pretty convinced of its usefulness, I am equally convinced of its lack thereof. Furthermore, I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer here but rather a question of its merit to each individual car and set-up.
240Z Registered for Barrett-Jackson 2007
Great eye David.... Anyone know what type of rear spoiler this is?
Rear strut top speaker enclosures?
I like it!!!!! And yes, I would be very interested......
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Jon, I hope you don’t think that I put all this time, effort and money into my suspension system so that I could cruise up and down the boulevard. I did it so I could turn. While my car is certainly not a track car I don’t think I would be too embarrassed to be on a track as it turns and will pull g’s with the best of them. I agree with Ron when he says the front is much more critical. When I put the front bar in I saw an immediate and very perceptible change for the better in handling. And that was with the straight MSA bar. I am now sorry that I didn’t go for the more rigid PDK bar but I am happy with what I have. I was expecting only half a miracle with the rear bar and sorry to say I didn’t get it. Perhaps it’s doing something there but I have not perceived any change in dynamics at all. (Don’t bother alluding to the fact that I may not perceive things because believe me I know my car). And, as far as getting rid of all the squeaks going up ramps or dips mine never did that in the first place. Now, every Z, while a Z, is different and time has had different affects on each individual car. The rear bar on mine has done little that I can tell. Daniel, regarding the rear bar and despite all the hassle to get it installed, it is staying in. I don’t think it takes up too much space and as a matter of fact, for me, it serves as a tie-down for stuff. IMO, the front is way more critical and I would certainly focus on it. If I had to do it over again, I would opt for the PDK front bar as Ron suggests.
240Z Registered for Barrett-Jackson 2007
Agreed.... Right there the seller lost about 50% of the interested audience.... But, I will be there and will keep an eye on it and see what it goes for....
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Daniel, Well, today I mounted the TEP rear strut bar. I don’t want to tell you how long it took as I am a slow and methodical worker and I wasn’t trying for any speed records. First, in order to get the bar to fit correctly I had to enlarge all the mounting holes on both sides. One side required about 1/8th inch the other side just a tad less. The reason for taking from both sides is because the bar itself must fit between the towers. This was a trial and error routine, as I wanted to take as little off as possible. Once the holes were properly aligned I did have a problem with the bar itself fitting between the towers and I had to force the bar down onto the bolts. This resulted in a small tear in the vinyl on one shock tower, something I was not too happy about. Anyway, got it in and bolted down. I did not secure the bottom u-shaped brace to the shock tower simply because I was not thrilled about drilling another hole in the tower. However, the u-shaped bracket was very tight up against the tower and I clamped it as tight as it would go. Now, for the results. Went for a long drive, about 20 miles hwy and 10 back roads. I cannot say I noticed any difference at all. Let me just say that my car is already pretty tight (front/rear sways, front strut bar, poly bushings everywhere and tokico shocks and springs). I wasn’t expecting a miracle and I didn’t get one either. The bar looks nice, it’s there and my fire extinguisher will bolt on to it nicely… that’s about all I can say…..
Restored 1970 for sale. Ebay
Mark..... Enjoy it!!!!!!!!
Restored 1970 for sale. Ebay
Mark, Mark, PLEASE do not misunderstand me….. I am not, and neither is anyone else I am sure, offended by the fact that you purchased your new baby. Quite the contrary, I am very happy for you. Having owned two 911’s including a Turbo and currently owning a Z06 Vette I understand perfectly well the sensation you are experiencing. My point is simple, or so I thought, and that is what you had was a truly unique car and the route you were on in modifying it would have made it into a contemporary sports car able to run, stop and turn with the best of them. I drive my Z06 and, yes, it is nice. With 505 hp on tap I’ll hit 60 in about 3.8 seconds, turn on a dime and stop so quick it even scares me. But, I get out of the vette and say to myself, nice car. Drive my Z and something happens to me…. I get goose bumps just listening to my carbs, no a/c, no cruise control, no Bose stereo, no electric this and that, just pure driving pleasure. Stop for gas and inevitably a crowd gathers. All kinds of questions and conversations develop not about how much it costs but the car itself. Stop at a number of traffic lights and someone is bound to role their window down and say, “Hey, you wanna sell it?†“ Had one in high-school should’ve never sold it…. “ Real Beauty, Congrats!†Stuff like this never, ever, happened in my Porsche- never in the Vette and it was one of the first C6 Z06 around here. But I digress. The simple fact of the matter is that you are happy and nothing else matters and as I said, I am happy for you.
Restored 1970 for sale. Ebay
Mark, Am happy that you are happy BUT... I would take your Z over this P anytime.... anyone with money can have this and you will see yourself coming and going everywhere... Now ...your Z, well, that was unique! Don't see yourself coming and going in that.....
Dynamat installation
Max... Am considering doing the same thing to my car.... Came across these folks at Second Skin, thought you might want to give them a look. Several here have spoken highly of these guys, I am debating getting their product but thought I would throw this out just for consideration. http://www.secondskinaudio.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi
one wire Altenators suck
I would like to second that recommendation of Z Specialties.... I have installed their 105 amp and I will tell you it is one of the best mods I have ever done on my car.... The Z Specialties alt is a breeze to install. It’s a direct plug and play operation. You use the same pulley, bracket, and belt. Wiring is simple and straightforward. The instructions that come with it are fool-proof. The stock Voltage Regulator comes out. I opted to use an additional 8 gauge wire directly to the battery in addition to the stock wire. I also took some pictures of the install but believe me this is a simple, no-brainer operation. Strongly recommended…..
Glad to see we're back
Mike, Thanks for all your good and dedicated work!!!!!
Bumper rubbers
Chuck, You can also try Ebay with a place called vintage nissan parts.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140050825168 He usually has a pair of these on auction every month..... However, I have never purchased anything from him.....
Beauty on EBay but some questions
Good for you.... someone is going to thank you....
Beauty on EBay but some questions
Me thinks... REALLY interesting!!! I am truly amazed that you put this together after all this time. Of course, I am anxious to see what this guy says or even if he responds at all. Long time ago had a guy on Ebay selling a nautical compass for a hefty price and trying to pass it off as an original. I wrote him documenting the fact that it wasn't.... no response of course. Finally, after agonizing over it for days, I wrote the two bidders explaining my views and what I suggest they consider. Both were extremely grateful that I had written and both withdrew their bids. Would I do it again? Probably not but am happy that I did do it in that case.
Capital Z of Texas Show Pix!
GREAT looking car....don't know about the engine swap but it does look super. By the way, do you know where the owner got the rear spoiler and what type of wheels does he have?
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Daniel, I did call TEP and this is what they told me. "We have been making this bar for years and it is measured to spec". (The obvious implication here is that this is my problem not theirs). When I mentioned that I was not the only one having fitting problems they said, ok, so you have to enlarge the holes to get it to fit, no big deal.... (But it is to me). Needless to say, I was not and am not, too happy. Their tone turned me off. If I had gotten just a bit of understanding rather than a defensive argumentative response I would have said ok, let's work together here and perhaps you might want to revisit your spec sheet and confirm the measurements so others don't have problems and guess what? You might sell a few more bars..... I now fully understand the thread on zcar that Darrel mentioned. Didn't get to it before I ordered the bar. If I had to do it over I would get either the MSA rear bar or the PDK, keeping in mind that the PDK is probably the far superior bar while the MSA bar would meet my limited needs.
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Ok.... Here are some photos of the TEP bar and its non-fit..... No comments about the photos please.... I'm in a hurry trying to get out of here and get my Z to a show..... will do better when I return...... However, you should be able to see what we have been talking about....
Top End Performance triangulated rear strut bar...
Darrel..... Thanks.... I will try.... Appreciate the zcar post you refered too. It is exactly what I am going through with the rear bar.... I too now regret having bought this thing.....