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Everything posted by 73skyline

  1. 73skyline replied to Mat Big Hat's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    hmmm wow lots of skylines for jccs,.., i dont think ill make it there this year but my gc10 will prolly be there, i think imma have my buddy take it up there for me. i miss my kenmeri sometimes...,but ill be seeing since i sold it to one of my bestfriends...good looking 77 btw... mikey
  2. just wondering if anyone has a straight front bumper for a c110/240k coupe forsale or has any ways in getting one, chrome does not have to be perfect just looking for a straight front bumper. if you have any info email me at mikeseez@cox.net thanks mikey
  3. thanks mat big hat...enjoy mikey
  4. heres a few old pics with the watanabes on my old s13 240sx...they are 15x8.5 on 195-50 tires.
  5. hey kent when I first bought my watanabes I had a 240z with flares, back then and now the watanabe website had cars showing rim and tire size, the same section where lachlan and mat has there cars posted. I pretty much based my tire size by the cars that had the same setup as me. ill post up the wheels later today I just got them back...or if u want to email me directly ill send the pics... my email is mikeseez@cox.net thanks mikey
  6. no prob enigma i just dont like the word ricer...i like to be more traditional...when i first got my 240z gnose the first thing i bought was the watanabes...15x10 15x8.5....i had 275-50 tires at first then wouldnt fit,,,,i referenced tire sizes back then on the watanabe website and was suprised on what tire size they were using. i thought it was crazy and didnt believe it would work but then i tried it and it made stuff fit very nicely. i dont stretch tires like a fad like others...i try to use the widest tire that i can without issues...plus tires arent cheap so if i could get away with a small tire imma do it...anyway i cant wait to get my c110 wired up..its all ready for the stand alone computer...my microtech and dash display are now in so now its just time....soon the motor will purr... matt.... dude imma sell my pair of 15x8.5s watanabes for around $600 with tires if interested, its not a low offset so if you or someone would be interested in a pair let me know. its perfect for non-flared cars or the front of 240z's...i dont know what the offset is but i have pics. mikey
  7. well you'll actually be surprised that when you go to the actual rs watanabe website japan the tire size and rim combo are very common to run, I'm not trying to be a ricer I've owned my other set of watanabes since 1995, its more of a fitment for me I can't run a wide tire with the 14x9 has less than 1/4 inch from the strut, if I ran 225s ill hit. imma eventually run 205/60s theres a link here posted about watanabes and it shows the tire and rim sizes. I'm not new to stretched tires I've been doin it for years ...well anyway as soon as I get new rubber ill post the c110 with its new set combo of 15x10 rears and 14x9 fronts which fits very flush to the flares,..take care all mikey
  8. well i just bought another pair of watanabes...not sure on the offset but it fits flush to the flare on the c110....really nice fit , i need to get wider tires or atleast new ones, these old tires are leaky....right now 195-60 tires are mounted on the 14x9 watanabes....one is an old version and the other is newer style, one has smooth all around with logo stamped on the bars and other has castings with logo on the hub. mikey
  9. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    for what ive been told yes...but i could be wrong....but for a friend of mine who owned both the c10 and c110 he said their the same or atleast mount the same. mikey
  10. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    i havent had a chance to work on the front coilovers as of yet...ill be getting some 280zx struts and get them done off the car so when thier done i can just pop them in...i have tein camber plates off a 240sx(s13) that fit perfect. as soon as i get the rears all done with all the kinks out i wanna get the car shipped out to get the motor running then bring back for brakes and front suspension. i got a phone call today and a magazine wants my car to be in their issue upcoming issue....unfortunately my car is not done but they really wanna shoot the car regardless of the project....hopefully we can shoot a before and after....so i have 2 weeks from today to get the car somewhat presentable....gonna be hard since i dont have my headlights and other minor details,,,,,plus the car isnt running.....ill do my best to make the car look presentable and hopefully give the people in the US a second look at the Kenmeri c110. matt when im all done ill get in touch with you and if your interested ill try to help you on getting the perfect ride height for your car. im planning to get another set of rear coils....around 500# cuz of the angle it will be close to 250# coils.....so my 300# coils are about 177# a bit soft but i havent cranked the shock damper yet,..so maybe you might be interested in these for daily driving.
  11. any of you guys have this model....i like it ...i wanna try to get the whole collection...they have the c10, c110, r30 rsx, r32 gtr and r34 gtr my girls bro just came back from japan and sent this to me.... mikey oh yea and he also got me a couple 2000 gtr pull back toys as well
  12. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    im not gonna do a true 300lb rate...my setup right now to me is good...with the 40-45 degree angle my setup it is equal to 177LB which is a bit soft right now and perfect for daily driving but at the same time the dampning is still set at "0" so i can still play with the shock dampning which i can turn 12 steps. im actually over the recommended rate for the rears....according to the manual a 150LB rate is perfect for weight in the rear....im just going over because of my motor pushing close to 350whp. i wanna make sure it doesnt dip so hard. imma try what i have now and if its still to soft ill up the rate. i dont have much access for springs and shocks here in the US thats why im doing the coilover setup,,,i can get a setup that i like...just tryin to give us U.S. guys an option since its hard for us to get any parts for our cars. im keeping the 10" spring...i think once i mess with the damper it should be where i like it. thanks for the input.
  13. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    ok i found some reading....since the shock mounted is close to about 45 degress...because of the angle to get close to a 300LB spring setup ill need a 600LB rated coil because of the angle...i might have to play with some rates. ill check in later.. mikey
  14. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    well i bought a 2" stud extender to get a little more height we'll see how much more height ill get...right now im about 2 finger gap between tire and flare which is not a bad height...and have about 3.5" of shock travel which is plenty. i also havent adjusted the damper on the shock so its on the lowest setting right now..i have 12 adjustments. if everything goes well...if you run same shock with extender and 10" coils you should be happy with the results....ill let you know when i finish the mock up.... how low are you looking to go? im sure i can go higher right now if i compress the coilover more...the coils arent even compressed...if i tighten the coils more i can get more height. im pretty happy with the setup so far...once i fine tune it more it should work well...
  15. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    ok so heres what i got so far, still doing more research and refining....so far im running 10" springs with 300LB rate...with this setup theres barely any room for height adjustability....at highest point the car is about a tight 2 finger gap from top of tire to bottom of flare....i bought some 2" stud extenders to give more adjustability when they arrive hopefully next week i should have a 90% complete coilover system....i will brace the lower shock mount to get more strength. also i bought some top bearing mounts that will hopefully clear the top mounting stud,,,,i had to mock up some washer and such for now to mount the shock for test fitment...so far the axles clear...as soon as everything is done ill post up the finish product....thanks mikey
  16. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    mat thanks...big help for me...i fitted 5" rounds but the grill didnt fit well(stuck out to much)...i need to do some re-working to get the grill to fit. but for now the squares would work fine....hopefully i can get a set at an affordable price...hehe i ordered my coilovers so hopefully they will arrive this week so i can get to mocking up the rear suspension...thanks again mikey
  17. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    nice...now just gotta find some:( well i can always find something similar in size for now....if anyone knows where i can get a pair of these headlights please email me at mikeseez@cox.net //,,thanks mikey
  18. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    heres another pic of the headlights on a c10... mikey
  19. 73skyline posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    hey all...well ive been trying to figure out what headlights i want to run on my c110, so far right now the easiest ones are the 7" squares,,,easly mounted. i still want to put the original style headlights on the car but for now imma run these squares,,,,but if anyone knows what car/model the headlights i attached are from it would be appreciated,...i fitted some 7" Marchal squares on the car today but after looking at my video and magazine,,,,i think im using the wrong size...i need something wider and a tad higher.....thanks ps. i also attached pics of the headlights mounted on the car. oh yea i attached a photo of the headlight im looking for but unfortunately i cant read japanese....all i can read is "330" hehehe if anyone can reference these it would help me lot..thanks mikey
  20. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    well shouldnt be to hard, i was looking at some c10 coilover setups and didnt look hard to figure, i measured my cars shock length with full load as it stands, it was about 12.5 inches at rest...and my tires are actually tucked under the flare at this ride height, i found a 13.1 inch coilover shock at rest and has 5 inches of stroke which would work great...i found also a 12 inch coilover shock with 12 way dampening but only had about 3" of shock travel. i feel the 13" shock would work better...im gonna buy the 300lb spring with the setup. as for mounting, it isnt that bad...i can either change the eye hole style coilover shock to stud type or just run a u bracket and bolt it down on the stock mount and mount the coilover that way....either way should work...only thing to worry about the spring hitting the arm, since the coils are roughly 4" in diameter....i found some mount extenders i might buy to move the shock out more...as soon as i get all the parts ordered ill do a little right up when it gets done. mikey
  21. 73skyline posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    okay just wondering if anyone has made rear coilovers for their c10 or c110. im about buy a pair of coilovers sometime this week or next. im going to have to modify the mount a bit and extend but looks like a fairly simple job, i believe i found the right size coilover for my application, now all i need to do is buy the parts so i can get to work...anyway if anyone out there has already done this,.,,,your input would be gladly accepted. thanks mikey
  22. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    c10 wagon...nice....also nice 4 spoke watanabes.....i wonder if there any wide 4 spoke watts....i would love to see that on c110 or c10 coupes.
  23. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    so i was a lil bored...hehe
  24. 73skyline replied to 73skyline's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    sweet thanks for the pics...they look funny stock but im sure they can look nice....like a 510 wagon it looks funny stock but put the right wheels, perfect ride height and motor swap or modified stock the car can look crazy.... mikey
  25. 73skyline posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    talked to my buddy today with the 4 door hakosuka, he told me when he was living in okinawa his friend had a ken mary wagon,,i was curious if anyone has seen pics of the wagon,,,,ive seen hakosuka wagons but not ken marys...very interested on how it looks... mikey

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