Everything posted by mlc240z
only one turn signal works
it caught me too. but i think he's referring to how in some cars (old fords and chevy's i think), when one lamp blows out the others in the circuit will still light. they just won't blink. so say if right front turn signal lamp blows, the inside indicator and the rear lamp will show a constant light but won't allow the flasher to work, killing the blink. bart
not using the mech. fuel pump?
bean, no need to be sorry, i was tickled by the Zvirus 33 years ago and finally 'welcomed' the full blown infection in 11-04. bart
not using the mech. fuel pump?
now i know i'm infected with the Z virus, cause i actually understand this sentence. sorry to intrude, bart
Sorta new member...
welcome, she's a beauty.
JC Whitney door seals
this looks like the stuff my PO put on mine, same profile. doors and hatch closed ok. i replaced the hatch seal with VB since i didn't like the look of this replacement. not enough lip to cover the ends of the interior vinyl and i wanted to make sure no air/exhaust fume leakage. i can't comment on air leakage on doors (not on the road yet) but upon detailed inspection with light, it seems to give a complete seal. bart
Detailing Engine Compartment
can't help with the pics but i've been slowly redoing my engine compartment for a couple of months now. every part i touch gets some kind of treatment right down to nuts, bolts and washers. with most parts i've been just removing them, cleaning them up with either carb cleaner, paint thinner, lacquer thinner (whatever solvent works). i use a wire brush (various sizes) and toothbrushes to get grease and dirt off. then i hit them with a wire wheel (bench grinder mount and power drill), dremel and/or sandpaper. small parts like bolts, flanges, brackets respond to wire wheel rust removal but you will lose just about all of the cadmium plating. starter, smog pump, fan clutch etc, i partially disassembled, cleaned, relubed and repainted. i hit the aluminum with a clear enamel to help slow down oxidation and preserve the 'clean' look. braided hoses are scrubbed with detergent and if faded, i've tried hitting them with paste shoe polish. there's probably a better way and i don't know how long it will last, but looks ok for now. it's time consuming as hell, definitely not concourse, but definitely an improvement since i started. have a lot of patience, don't rush it and enjoy the "wow's" you get when you pop the hood and people expect to see 30+ years of crud and rust. hope this helps bart
Hood Emblem Question
thanks Zdreamer, that's the one. i thought it was too low, mine's placed only 1 1/2" above the point. time to make a move and replace. bart
This is funny 260Z For Sale....
sounds like a divorce case to me, poor schmuck probably doesn't even know she's trying to sell it out from under him.:cross-eye
Hood Emblem Question
need someone with an originally placed hood ornament (in the holes) to do me a quick favor. i need the measurement from the point of the hood to the bottom of the ornament. the PO had bondoed the holes and attached the ornament with tape and it just doesn't look like it's in the right spot. since he did a lousy bodywork job and the nose of the hood 'droops', it looks even worse. i need to know if it's the bodywork or the placement of the ornament. thanks in advance, bart
This is funny 260Z For Sale....
betcha it's much more than crack!!!
check out my new z car
i hate you............ looks great, lots of luck bart
stuck rear wheel
follow beandip's sequence and they should pop off. i used to use Liquid Wrench to unthaw frozen threads and thought it worked pretty well. then i read about PBBlaster here and decided to give it a try. that stuff's more valuable than gold or platinum. it flows into the threads so much better and i have yet to bust a bolt (or my nuts). highly recommended.
Should I do it?
this may be a dumb question, but hear me out. in trying to keep the stock look, i wonder if instead of an airdam, the addition of the splash pan to redirect the incoming air would prevent or help prevent some of the lift? i know most drivers say high speed will cause the front end to get squirrelly. if it's because the incoming air is getting trapped under the hood causing the lift and if a little of that air could be blocked......... even maybe the addition of vented inspection lids (there goes the stock look) just to give an air outlet to reduce the pressure and subsequent lift. i know some owners use them to lower underhood temps by providing an outlet. or is the lift generated from some other factor?
Eibach Pro spring installation
i recently bought the pro-kit, 6305.140, but haven't installed yet. just got off the phone with them to verify. 6305.001 is for the front. 6305.202 is for the rear. by the way, they are installed so the eibach logo is right-side up and readable so the closer coils are at the top. bart
Cleaning Control Knobs
i used a very soft bristled toothbrush. soaking the part in a mild dish detergent solution (warm not hot water) for 15 mins to help loosen the crud seemed to really help. i avoided any harsher cleaners (gojo, formula 409, fantastik, etc) so as not to loosen the bond of the inlaid paint. i also tried adding a little bleach, very little, to the solution and was quite satisfied with the results. bart
Drive shaft u-joints
i prefer a good vise, less 'wham' marks on the ujoint cups:classic:. definitely a do-it-yourself type of job.
Drive shaft u-joints
go to another shop! $10.64 ea @ www.rockauto.com $14.04 ea @ Motorsport $12.95 ea @ Victoria British $?????? @ your local NAPA or auto part store. if you don't know how to replace them, you could pay for labor. hope this helps, bart
New guy here.
enrique, a dozen is addicted. 15 is obsessed, demented and possessed!!!! ITSAV6, welcome, you've come to the right site to fulfill your fetish. and after 15 Z's you should be a welcome addition to the knowledge base, bart
New lad from Norway
definitely love the color. welcome and keep us posted. bart
Under hood rubber seals...
red-eye, same site under new parts http://www.cybersanford.net/NEWPARTS!.html bart
In lieu of jack stands
i never understood the benefit of an impact wrench, always thought it was just a tool to loosen nuts quickly. then my son bought one........ it's gotta be one of the best tools to use especially on older rusted fasteners. i have yet to break a bolt using this thing, and i know if i just used a breaker bar i would have torqued off quite a few.
Hurricane Katrina
one thing i notice is that all these people interviewed say they WITNESSED beatings and rapes, and then ask "where is the help and the police". no tv available so i guess that's their entertainment? just stand there and watch? why can't THEY do something, after all they're right there. 15,000 people in the superdome, at least half adults. in a society, it's everybody's responsibility to respond, not just the 'government'.
where to buy?
can't help you there, i haven't done it..........yet. i'm sure someone else can answer that, there's a lot of guys who autox here. bart
where to buy?
watch your prices, but i've had some good luck on ebay. beck-arnley ball joints with shipping for less than local parts store, MSA or VB. local parts stores, napa, autozone etc are also options but expect to wait a few days for special ordering and shipping. online for beck-arnley and generics try www.rockauto.com pricing is pretty good and fast, reasonable shipping bart
Hurricane Katrina
I think the scope of the devastation just overwhelmed any preparations they had in place. You can plan all you want, but the best laid plans become really inadequate if the wind shifts and the storm comes ashore 50 miles away. It's just too unpredictable. As far as the levees and other flood mitigation projects, we're all guilty of the same thinking, even to the local and personal level. Despite what a lot of people think, there's no money tree. It's a finite pot and everybody chooses what to spend it on based on the needs at the time. Say, for example, the government has $300 million to spend on NOLA. They already have the current levee system in place and if, before this storm, you went to the people and asked what to spend it on, I doubt few would have said make the levees stronger IN CASE we ever get hit by a storm. In the past, we've weathered everything and it always misses us anyway. That's why a lot of people stayed thinking they'll just ride it out. They would say been there, done that, we've ALREADY spent all this money (over $450million since just 1995), don't waste it on the same project. With all the other needs to throw money at, they probably would want roads repaved/improved, welfare assistance increased, job training, a new park, a new stadium or convention center and the jobs that go with it, more police, etc.etc.etc....... NOONE can predict the future. I can guarantee a lot of money will be thrown at this now, but you might never get hit by another storm like this. Unfortunately, people often use hindsight to point fingers at everyone else but themselves.