Everything posted by 240ZX
Project Z
Jeremy, If I may provide you with a little advise....I know, knowone want free advise! Do a lot of research first and learn about the usual issues you are likely to encounter. Then, figure out what you intend to use the car for.....street, autocross, closed road course, and or drag strip. Once you decide, figure out what your budget will allow and put together a plan of attack. You will more than likely exceed your planned budget, like many members will atest to doing but, thats a normal thing that happens with car nuts. We have a ton of information here, in the archives, on these cars and what people have done.......pretty much anything you might be considering has been done before. So, make use of the search function and you will have available to you an incredible wealth of good information on all aspects of of these old Zs. Most everyone here is very good at helping others out! Read on and enjoy. Tom
So... guess what happened again?
Don't you all know, trezzzzzzzzzzz have an attraction to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's! ROFL
Celica axle chunk?
A chunk of what?????????????:stupid: Sorry for the comment but, I just got off another forum................
Fighting Rust...Help
I believe POR-15 actually chemically alters the rust (iron oxide). Correct me if I'm mistaken.
Clutch Problems
Just a note on the DOT5 brake fluid! As mentioned, DOT5 (non-hydroscopic)does not absurb moisture as does DOT 3, 4, & 5.1 brake fluid (hydroscopic type fluid). However, moisture will still find it's way into the system but instead of being absorbed into the brake fluid it will pool at the lowest point in the brake system......a proven fact! Also, be very careful to not shake or aggitate the container it comes in, it is very tough to get tiny air bubbles out of this stuff. And as mentioned, NEVER use DOT5 if you are a fan of heavy brake usage...the stuff has a high rate of expansion, compare to the hydroscopis stuff, when heated and will certainly cause you brake greef! Tom
Anybody replace the plastic rivots...
Yeah, they're are a bit pricey and I have used then on a freinds racecar for the removable aluminum panels but, I have not put any on my Z.....I just used the plastic rivets! Tom
Rating the factory 240Z fuel vent hoses
Regarding aftermarket hose that will stand up to exposure to gasoline....try looking into TYGON tubing. The hose is clear and is available in many diameters and wall thicknesses. Just a thought!
Distributor support needed
Bill, I don't have one but, have you checked the boneyards (pic-a-parts) yet? Tom
Bumper Over Riders for 1970 Z
If you are talking about the rear unit, I have one that I would be willing to sell. I'm located in Ventura County, Ca. It has no damage and the chrome obviously looks over 30 years old but, not rusty! Guys, what do you think a fair price would be for this unit? Tom
bored SU's vs tripple webbers
The SU's that Dave modifies are very happening and work well, as you know. The only thing I can think of to be aware of is that the needles are all custom profiled....not an off the shelf item. At least that's what Dave indicated to me. When I got my pair form Rebello and opened the box I just went WOW!!! They looked like jewelery, inside and out!
offset/backspace? please help!
Don't take this wrong but, this question has been asked sooooooo many times! That is likely why you haven't seen a responce. We have a thing called the SEARCH function! It will yield you so much information, it will make your head spin. Please try it, you will find your answer! Tom
Anybody replace the plastic rivots...
If someone wanted a really trick looking fastener set-up for replacing the plastic rivets, why not install Dzus fasteners. Sure it would take so time to do properly but, the end result would be very cool looking and best of all easier and quicker to remove a panel than the other suggestion made. I know, it's a bit over board but that just me!
Acetone in your gas!!!
All this is fairly interesting! This is a SWAG but, maybe its just a matter of the additive cleaning the fuel system....hence the better mileage. What would be interesting, would be to run a number of tanks of fuel, with the acetone, and let's assume there is an improvement in mileage. then, run a number of tanks of untreated gas and see what the results are! My quess is that the untreated gas will now provide the same mileage as did the treated gas....at least until the fuel system had time to build up deposits again form the crap fuel we currently get. What do you all think? My gut feeling is that the acetone, which is a solvent, is just cleaning out built up deposits that fuel has left behind. So basically its a fuel mileage comparison between a clean fuel system and a fuel system with deposits.....quess which one gets the better mileage!
There needs to be a so cal z club here.
Yeah, getting together with other Z owners for a fun meet/drive has always been something I think about and would like to do but, living in Ventura County seems to mean I usually have to drive at least two hours just to make it to the meeting place. I know there are Z owners here in VC but it is rare if ever we cross paths. So, what do I do? I just take the toy out and hit my usual fun routes, come back happy, of course with a little less rubber than I started with. Victor knows how fun the back roads are around VC! Anyway, I'm always up for a good outting in the Z, just drop me a PM! Tom
V8 Conversion
Mark, welcome to the site! You are likely going to get the best advise on this subject from HYBRIDZ.....this is what they are all about. Tom
MSA's Sunday Show thoughts
Goose52, After seeing your post and looking at your avitar I realized your the guy a had the long chat with. I was the guy with the white Alpinstar hat on that commented on your wheels. I was a pleasure shooting the breeze with you. Tom
MSA's Sunday Show thoughts
Well, Drove down Sunday morning to the Show-n-shine.....much much better location compared to the earlier shows in front of MSA. There was actual shade to be in and no heat radiating off black top. Cars were seperated by year of manufacture, it seemed nice and orginized that way. Spoke to a lot of folks and chatted about our toys....of course! As usual there were many outstanding cars to be viewed. Anyway, just thought I'd report on the show and see what people had to say about it. Tom
New ride height...
The new ride height looks really good! I like the lowered look....(see my photo gallery) Man, with a little elbow grease and some Mothers on the wheel beads it will look even better.
I had a fire!!
I think your best bet is to just purchase a new one....about $90.00 U.S. currency.
old zman
Welcome to Classic Zcar Club Daryl. Regarding being an old guy.....your not alone! There are a number of member in this catagory...I'm just a couple of years behind you. We're obviously all still young at heart! Anyway, lots of great folks here and tons of good information to be had.....and do become familiar with the search function....reading the archives will keep you busy for sure. Tom
Side Mirror Removal - Replacement
IIRC you don't have to remove the door's inner panel to remove a review mirror. Most are easily disassembled from outside the door.
Jose, As others have said....welcome to the club. I just wanted to personally thank you for doing your part in the middle east and welcome home!!! Tom
77 280z 2+2 low speed driveability problem
Cheryl, A tune-up is certainly a perfect place to start! Additionally, on an EFI system there may be some sensors that need replacing in order for the controller to respond correctly. I recommend you try our search function. There is tons of good info....although you may have to spend some time going through it. With the information you have provide about your Z's situation and knowing a tune-up is in order, it would be a SWAG as to what the specific problem or problems your Z has. Give the search function a try! There's just not enough information provided in your post to pin point the problem. Hope this helps you a little....and by the way, welcome to the club! Lots of great folk here. Tom
Has Anyone Fit Rota Rb Wheels?
Excellent choice for a Z car wheel IMO! The +4mm (0.157") offset should not be a problem as stock is 0 offset. You should get them if you really like them!!! They will look great on a Z! Tom
Front Calipers
I'll second that emotion, regarding the REPCO pads......they work great and are nice to the rotors as well.