Everything posted by 240ZX
Big, nasty bumpers
Welcome to Classic Zcar Club....you've come to the right place! As a new posting member, one thing that is very useful is the search function. Over the years an accumulation of questions regarding the early Z's on what can, cannot, and could be done have pretty much been asked before. Just queery what you want to learn about and you will most likely be provided with a load of info and should keep you in the read for a while. Enjoy the site! Tom P.S. You will find info regarding the replacement of the big impact bumpers with earlier units.
Reinstalling fender - caulk, foam?
Just a little technical nominclature correction.....regarding the statement about the sheet metal annealing over time and becoming suseptible to cracking. Annealing is a process to bring the material back to a soft state using heat and typically a quench, where as workhardening (which is what is realing going on) is what I believe you intended to say. Tom
Never seen a ZX like this one!
Looks as though the old rust monster is pushing it's way through the fresh paint. The person selling this Z must be a few cards short of a full deck.....they call it a 260ZX but, as you scroll down the pics you see a 260Z owners manual!:stupid: Tom
Two weeks and nothing....Argggg
Yeh, anticipation is a son-of-a-beach isn't it? Tom
Rhino line interior
Obviously, you want to address the rust before using any protective coating! The Rhino Lining will certainly add weight...how much depends upon how much you apply of course. The Rhino Lining would also provide some sound abatement. Rhino Lining is not such a bad idea if you dont put it on too thick! Thats my 2 cents anyway! Tom
73 240Z Choke Problem
When was the last time a tune-up was performed? Tom
Hybrid and V8s
Well put John....I'll second that emotion! Both sites are great....imagine what it would be like without either one! I frequent both site regularly and think that both sites handle themselves far better than many other site....and I think you know what I'm talking about. Two thumbs up for both sites! Tom
LA Area DATSMEET Jan 20th
Victor, I'd attend but I'll be out riding my CRF450R! Thanks for the heads up anyway. Tom
Found this last night looking for parts
IMO...just another wiggit to lighten your wallet! If you have a cooling system with that much dunk in it, its time for a flush!!!:stupid: Tom
Water Elbow Installation
Sorry, I didn't open the link,just saw neverseez on the link...I stand corrected! Regarding teflon tape...if used properley it is does a fine job. Problem is, many people don't know how to or how much to use. Tom
Harbor Freight Gift Card Auction
Now thats what I call creative financing Jon!!! Tom
Installing rear diff mount
Rob, Have you read any of the many posts on solid diff mounts? If not, I recommend that you do so. Reason......if you install only a solid mount at the front of the diff and retain pliable bushings on the mustache bar, you are going to have a failure over time. You need to use either solid mounts or pliable mount (front mount/mustache bar bushings) but, don't use a combination of the two. Hope this provides some insight! Tom
Water Elbow Installation
Geezer's suggestion of neverseez however, does not provide the sealant factor! Teflon tape or a teflon based pipe dope will do the trick! Tom
Water Elbow Installation
If you can hand tighten it to 3 O'clock, then wrench tightening it to the 10 O'clock position will not be a concern. These are pipe threads and are tappered. Are you using teflon tape or other type sealant on the threads? Tom
Camber Bushing kit - front
Doehring, I have no personnel experience with the kit you mention but, in all the reading and research I've done there has been no mentions of the adjustable bushing loosing adjustment under hard use. A number of members use them....hopefully they will add their 2 cents. Tom
Thinking of going turbo
As a suggestion, you may want to visit HYBRIDZ. As usual, research their archives before asking questions. There is a ton of info regarding turbo conversions. Tom
What did your holidays bring your Z?
Well, Santa didn't bring me anything for my 240Z but, I did get in some really good seat time!!! Oh, the back road where just flat azz fun, with most everyone at work and me on vacation! However, Santa did me well on my CRF450R......rebuilt and revalved suspension from RG3. Man what a difference! Tom P.S. Hope everyone had a happy holiday!
Welcome, If you intend to race your Z, first thing you do is decide what class you wish to compete in....then aquire a current rule book, so you will known what is allowed in that class. Also, you may want to visit HYBRIDZ as there are a number of folks who race, as well as, some very good fabricators. Happy huntng! Tom
1st Z
Welcome to Classic Zcar Club "X" I think you will find a vast amount of info here.......check out the archives with the SEARCH function. Just about anything you can think of, to do to the Z, has been addressed at one time or another. I know that when I was doing research for redoing my 1970, I discovered so much valuable info that I highly recommend spending time researching. Again, welcome! Tom
Single Filter box for trip webers ??
Maintaining cold air to any type induction system, NA or EFI is a plus up in performance. With appropriate placement of the air inlet, one can benfit from the ram effect as well. So don't fool yourself into thinking a cold air induction system won't benefit a NA system. Thats a fact Jack! Tom
Swapping heater hoses...necessary to remove blower?
Speaking of the heater valve....there is no better time to replace the heater valve than while you're replacing the hoses! It will be worth the satisfaction of knowing its all fresh! Tom
Help! I need very good piston rings for my L28 FI
Thats a fact Jack!!!!
List for santa..
Looks like a Dave Despain Boblehead with hair and glasses! Tom
Lifesize Crying child dolls
I quess in retrospect, we should be thanking TomoHawk for provide us the opportunity to share a little Christmas entertainment! And Darrel, I think you've nailed it! Tom
Lifesize Crying child dolls
You know what they say Chris...."Great minds think alike." Tom