Everything posted by 240ZX
This car is toast
Engine Shot
Left side shot
Triple S.U setup
Axle boots
Some food for thought.....I would not recommend using hose clamps for this application!!! Think about it, you would be adding excentric rotational wieght to the drive axles. This may cause an out of balance situation! A couple of words of caution, when disassembling the drive axles....place index marks on the two parts before disassembly as you want them to go back together the same, be very aware of the sequence in which the parts are arranged, DO NOT loose any parts as they are no longer available, and be sure to relube the assembly with the correct lube. Hope this is of some help!
z owner map
Just a thought to consider before putting your home address on the world wide web! As we all know, there are many undesireable people in this world who would take great pleasure in knowing the exact locations of our many beautiful Z cars, making it extremely easy to rip you off! I'm not being paranoid, just thinking of your pride and joy sitting in your garage, while you are at work, and a thief going down the list of Z owners and choosing his first hit. :stupid: If someone wants to know where someone resides....PM them!
Need ignition help
I believe you can also use the GM HEI module....about the same price. Doing a search should bring up the wiring diagram.
My First Z
Welcome aboard! One word of advise.....learn to use the search function, it will save you from being bombarded by member comments to the fact. Z car love is actually a very contagious disease that few ever recover from. Throughing money at it helps however! Lots of good info to be had here and the members are pretty sharp too. Enjoy
Color Choice
Unless of course it's a red Z !!!
Color Choice
Chrome it !!! Seriously, paint it what ever color you wish! let's face it, who has to live with that decision anyway......not I! Painting it white sounds like what you really want anyway. It is only my opinion but, any stock Z is pretty.....as you stated, PLAIN. Make a statement, live a little, push the envelope, make women weep amd chidren run for cover.......or, just paint it PLAIN old white. However, you make the call!
What are your favorite Quotes?
Now here is a really good one..."Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." (Quote by A. Einstein)
What are your favorite Quotes?
Here's an interesting one."There is nothing so over estimated as a bad f_ _k and nothing so under estimated as a good s_ _t!" :surprised Also, "If you don't use it, you lose it!!!"
This is why I speed!
Chris, None of us know what we're talking about here, so go ahead and pursue your need for speed on the street. Or, just suck it up and take our advise! You may thank us in the future.
Congrats to WRC's Sebastian Loeb!
Sebastian is so level headed! Great PR guy! And......really fast! I just love watching the WRC. I think these guys are some of the best drivers in the world....and god bless their navigators. I was watching the show and they filmed an oriental guy, from one of the supporting companies, getting a ride from one of the racers....funny as hell watching the expressions on the oriental's face. The guy looked half scared to death most of the time. At the end of his ride he was, of course, thrilled beyond words. WRC rocks!!!
What is the most attractive part of a Z?
As many have already stated....the looks of the early Z's is outstanding and timeless! So, #1 is looks, #2 is.....its mine and its paid for!
This is why I speed!
Chris, you seem to be putting together all the right pieces for the Darwin Award! :stupid:
suspension bushings - best kit?
Jody, Urethane bushings are certainly the way to go as they will likely never have to be changed ever again! One misconception is that they make for a harsher ride....they do not!!! Harsher suspension come from higher rate springs, stiffer dampers, low profile tire, and such....not from the bushings. The urethane bushing will tighten up unwanted movement of components but do nothing to incur a harsh ride...it's an old wives-tale. They do transfer a little more road noise however. When installing the urethane bushings, be sure to use the supplied urethane lube....otherwise you will wind up with a squeeky Z.
Bill, you morbid creature you! Stop putting those evil pictures up, they're going to make me have bad dreams!!! :nervous:
back of ls1 engine shows white powder
Removing Over-spray on dash
Great info Chino! Never heard of those products before. I was going to suggest mineral oil. If you let it site for a bit it usually will loosen the overspray. As Chino says....always test the fluids you intend to use on a small out of the way spot to see if it may gamage the finish.
L28 EFI Conversion to SU's
Negative on that Bill! The NA intake will bolt right up to the EFI head. You may notice little cut-outs on the intake ports for injector clearance, but the int/exh gasket will cover them up. Note: Be sure to use a really good gasket.
Spindle lock bolt
Just a though! If the retaining pin is as frozen-in-place as mentioned, it's likely the spindle itself will be tough to get out as well....so, you might consider drilling out the pin. If you do, be careful not to F-up the casting. Once it's out of the way, you can tackle the fun job of removing the spindle. Purchase new spindles and retaining pins.
zed fest- toronto( oakville)
I believe the lever next to the choke is a throttle positioner....kind of like a manually operated cruise control. Hate to tell you but, the first two pics (white Z) is not a Scarab......where's the V8???
How Close Are Our VIN #'s
Here's mine......HLS3002126 Mfg. date 3/70 Pretty low s/n eeh!? OK, 26th has number 26 & 27....now those are really low s/n!!!