Everything posted by 240ZX
Brake proportioning valve
Another nice feature of an adjustable proportioning valve is being able to change the front to rear bias. For example...when its rainy out you my want a little more front bias for safety reasons and in the summer you may wish to improve overall braking by adding a little more rear bias when traction is better. Or if you may choose to spend a day at the track or auto-x where you will likely adjust for more rear bias than you would typically use for the street. Anyway, its all about getting the best braking for the conditions you are driving in.
diff. axles? passenger side wont come out?
Good advise! The splines do become worn and do tend to get stuck in place due to the worn area on the splines. The mallet trick is a good one. Additionally, you can also (with the wheel on) rotate the wheel left and right in an abrupt fasion....this will sometimes get the worn splines to line up with the un-worn section of splines that must be passed over for disassembly.
Brake proportioning valve
Generally speaking a proportioning valve is used to reduce the pressure to the rear brakes to prevent premature rear wheel lockup. Regarding your question about removing the proportioning valve, you would be increasing the pressure to the rear wheels. Actually the pressure (without the valve) would be the same for the front and the rear.
Save S30-0002
From the condition of #00002, maybe it was stacked on a flatbed with our like cars.....destine for the CRUSHER, but was luckly saved!
Series 1 Dial needle pointer colour
I believe the original pointers are white....against black gauge faces, at least on the USA Zs.
Mounting the Brake Booster?
I think all you need is some type of weather seal to keep moisture from getting into the interior of the car.
'Picked up my 280Z Today :D
I don't think there are any magnets in a starter motor. Once the coils are energized they become electro-magnets....but no real magnets exist in the starter!
Unbelievable Motorcycle Racing Accident!
Regarding flags.....based on the view we were given in the video, you cannot really tell if a yellow flag was issued! It may have been, but up the track a little ways and out of sight of the camera. It seems likely a yellow flag was given, as the speed of the approaching riders was surely less than race speed. I wouldn't goes so far as to say the corner workers did a deplorable job, but in fact responded rather quickly to the incident. It's racing and racing is inherently dangerous. Just an unlucky situation if you ask me!
Keeping Tabs on the Z Market
I quess it's good to see higher prices on really nice Zs....it means ours are increasing in value! The blue Z is certainly nice and I'm almost certain there is well over 20K invested in parts alone. I'd say it is actually a great deal! You buy it and you drive it! Although most of us would rather (and have) toiled over the beasts' ourselves. Anyway, the blue Z is very happening IMO.
Replaced all front PU bushings - have slack in Rack???
I quess the best way to really know whats going on is to pull the rack out, clean, inspect, disassemble if necessary, inspect again, replace what is necessary if need be, reassemble, lube, adjust, and put it back in the Z.
What do you think of this look?
I think your selection for the rear spoiler is great and time specific as well! Why not stay time specific and go with the BRE style (Spook) front air dam. But as they say....each to his own!
Replaced all front PU bushings - have slack in Rack???
Play in the rack...is the play between the rack and the chassis or the internals of the rack? If the play is internal to the rack, it can be adjusted with that big slotted adjuster screw. Get a factory service manual if you don't already have one, for adjustment specs. If the play is between the rack and the chassis, for bushings are to be questioned! Of course there are other factors like ball joints and steering knuckles to address as well.
exhaust manifold to exhaust pipe connection
Didn't you already say they are different? My advise to you is to take it to a muffler shop, along with the new connector for the 79 manifold and let them install it.
exhaust manifold to exhaust pipe connection
I believe you've answered your own question! Get the correct exhaust connector, remove the old one, weld in the new one, and drive! Or use the old exhaust manifold to replace the 79 unit....but who wants to go smaller?
Worried....how do u protect ur z from being stolen
Put a sign in the window that reads....."I'm an EOD specialist and my Z is equipped with a remote delayed detonation security system!!! You have been officially warned! Are you feeling lucky today?"
Rear Axle bearing question
Don't forget to apply a thin film of grease on bore the bearing race presses into....it will reduce the insertion friction as well as prevent any moisture getting trapped between the race and the bore it gets pressed into. Sometimes getting the race perfectly square to the bore, prior to pressing it in, is a real chore without a nice press. Also, be certain the race is completely seated without any metal particals under it.
What's wrong with this picture??
And people wonder why we do the rear disc conversion!!!
Carl the Bambi-Killer...
Carl got layed and is still in bed smoking a cigarette!!! Can't wait to hear his comments when he reads this thread. Carl.....it's called male affection! :sick:
Need help finding a Mode Door Actuator
Have you checked with Victoria British or Motorsport Auto?
TC Rod install w/new PU bushings...HELP...
Keith, I also had the same problem installing PU bushings on my 240Z TC rods. What I used to compress the PU bushing assembly was a large pair of channel lock pliers. Placed on both of the exterior washers, I was able to compress them enough to get the nut started. As Steve said, its just a matter of brute force! I suppose one could use a come-along to apply a load. If you attached it to the LCA (where the TC rod attaches) and to a point rearward on the chassis. This would certainly compress the front PUs. Just a thought!
Year vs Build date
This is interesting! My 240Z HLS3002126 has a manufacted date of 3/70 and is registered as a 1970 model...in California. So I guess that equates to approximately 1300 to 1400 cars produced over a one month period or roughly 45 cars a day! Hmmmmmm, something smells fishy here regarding your registered model year.
This is how NOT to act...
Well, you certainly missed seeing a real MORON. As much as I dislike media news (Tabloid News) channels like FOX, I have to side with the broadcaters' disbelief on how scrambled this guys brain is.......no logic to his opinions! What a cry baby whimp this guy is. I hope he is not an indication of are youth today! Maybe if people did a little research about history, they would discover that not much has really changed in the overall sceme of things. I'm always surprised at people who comment about all the lives being lost in this middle east war......crap, you could take a body count of all the soilders lost in the current war and it woudn't even come close to the lives lost during only one day of WWII!
F1 Race @ Indy
I tend to think that the entire "one set of tires rule" per race is pretty lame! Come on, this is supposed to be the top of the heap racing! Another point I've thought about is.....every time the FIA attempts to slow the cars down, the teams find a way to keep their speeds up (thanks to $$$ and technology) so, the way I see it, the only weak link in the chain are the old, too slow race tracks! How about building some tracks that can handle the latest and future speeds and technology. I'm quessing the fans would love to see, if only for a fraction of a second, cars whizzing by at 250mph +!!!
F1 Race @ Indy
Well, I'm guessing that every F1 fan is as pissed off as I am at MICHELIN's big tire F-up on Sunday's race (Ferrarri practice)! Six friggin car!!! Now thats a race.......right! Anyone care to share their thoughts on Sunday's big race???
Shot from rear