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Everything posted by 240ZX

  1. 240ZX replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Interior
    Dave, I believe the best way and possibly the easiest way is to remove the center console. You will likely find more metal clips (mine had 6 or 8 IIRC) under the console area. Basically, when the console is out and turned over, you roll the edges of the new boot over the the bottom edge lip of the shifter opening and install the clips over the boot material and shifter opening lip. Note: My clips were pretty stiff, so be carefull not to rip the boot when installing the clips. Location of the clips is up to you. Hope this helps you out.
  2. 240ZX commented on Victor Laury's comment on a gallery image in 05 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  3. 240ZX commented on Victor Laury's comment on a gallery image in 05 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  4. 240ZX replied to DatsunZGuy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Beyond the WET, I think all had a good time at this years show. I want to personally thank Victor for his hospitality, as Camp Vic was in a prime time location, albet a required move from one spot to another (only about four parking spots away)....the usual show disorder while parking! I almost drove my Z to the show, but as I was leaving home I looked toward LA and decided my Z didn't need a complete washing (you know...every friggin inch of exposed car from top to bottom) so travel to the show was via my pickup truck. I think I enjoyed the show alot more this year as I got to talk to a load of folks about their Z's as opposed to sitting around talking about my Z (as in years past). Some really awesome Z's where in attendance. One in particular was an early Z with the ZG flares, big wide wheels, a turboed SR20, and a 240SX dash. The car was really done well. Another older guy from San Diego brought his persimon colored 240 (autocross guy) that at first glance didn't appear too striking until you got up close and personal. By the way this guy was an autocross class winning champ. The 240 had all the correct chassis mods to handle the 400 + cu. in. sbc (a friggin Dart alum block for starters) with an output of 480 HP!!!! The guy said he was a tool and die maker and from the looks of his work he is an excellent one as well! Anyway, lots of super nice Z's and loads of great people to talk to. And I did get to meet quit a few of the members that post here...most had on the T-shirts (they look good too). I on the other hand was wearing a T-shirt from the other guys (HybridZ). Yes, I have friends from HybridZ! Do I have to do penance how? One last item...I finally got to meet Vicky and her husband Chris....great folks and we talked for some time...loved it. It was certainly a different experience for me this year, not showing my Z, but being a spetator. Like I said, beyond the WET, it was a great show!
  5. Hey Eric, it may be possible that the 4 spd you have came out of my 1970 240Z. A few months ago Victor drove up to my place and I traded the 4 spd for a case of Pacifico beer. He was pretty happy with the deal. Also, if you visit most any of the big tire outfit online, they have the calculation formulasto figure out your speed...just type in the info and it will calculate it for you.
  6. Kids......... :stupid: Carl, what's this world coming to anyway?
  7. 240ZX replied to KGL's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I quess that all depends on....well, just about everything else beyond what engine you have. Examples....transmission type and gearing, differential gearing, rear tire size/compound, weather conditions at where ever it is you plan to put down the 1/4 mile run, etc., etc.!
  8. 240ZX replied to Chino 240Z's post in a topic in RACING
    Craig, Thanks for all the encouragement and advice! It would definitely be a real hoot. I used to hold a racing licsence (motorcycles), did club racing for a number of years and have turned many laps at Willow, so at least I wouldn't have to spend a ton of focus on learning a new track, although I'm sure the lines will be different in a Z car. Man, now you got me all worked up....we'll see if I can swing it this time. And thanks for the offer to hang out. Talk at you later Craig.
  9. 240ZX replied to Chino 240Z's post in a topic in RACING
    Craig, Thanks for the heads up! I'm looking into it. Wensday the 11th of May. All I'm lacking is a helmet. Would be a perfect opportunity to feel her (Z) out and discover the limits of my car and of course me as well. I would be running street tires (Yokohama ES100's).
  10. 240ZX replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Bill, the Panasports are really nice looking wheels however, if you want to be different, as tons of folks run the Panasports, you may consider something different. Your choices will increase if you incorperate wheel adaptors that change the stock Datsun bolt pattern to the Honda bolt pattern. Most wheels available today are intended for front wheel drive cars (more offset, compensated by the applicable width of the wheel adaptors), so there are by far more wheels to choose from. You can opt for 15", 16", 17" or even 18" wheels. As long as you don't use a wheel wider than 7" or 8" you should be able to have them fit under your Z without issues.....any wider wheel and you will likely need to convert to coilovers to achieve for the additional clearance needed. Just some food for thought Bill.
  11. 240ZX replied to ROOPZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Damn Disney charactures anyway!!!! Carl, I never heard the story....but, it's very clear now about Bambikiller240.
  12. 240ZX replied to ROOPZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Crap! I hate it when I post more than once....sorry folks!
  13. 240ZX replied to ROOPZ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I'll second that Ron! Fiberglass - much lighter that the flexible units and typically cost less as well. I remember an incident with a babbit at about 60mph....the rabbit won! The friggin aid dam (fiberglass BRE type) literally exploded into pieces as there was just no safe way to avoid it! So, as Ron recommends, buy two or be prepared to buy an additional one at some point in time. As far as price goes....for the actual performance that a good air dam provides, it's a bargin. When I added a front and rear BRE type spoilers to my 240Z (which by the way sits pretty damn low) I was amazed at the difference in stability at speeds of 80mph and above. The car no longer exhibited the floating sensation.
  14. 240ZX replied to US240Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey everybody, Chris is getting kick-backs from SportZ Magazine!!!
  15. Jayru, I'll bet your happy! Looks like a real sports car now......nice choice!
  16. 240ZX replied to US240Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    OOOPs...deleted the second post :stupid:
  17. 240ZX replied to US240Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm with Gary regarding the mag. I let my subscription expire because there was very little on the early Z cars and what was provided was basically beginner stuff. I also contacted the magazine and made suggestions about possible coverage on club racing, auto-X, and such (pertaining to the early Zs)......but nothing but 350Z stuff and now G35 stuff!!!??? I see more stuff about the early Z car in the Grassroots mag! I guess if you are a total newbee to Zs, SportZ is a good choice...and if one associates a 350Z with the real Z cars. Beyond that, there's the pictures that have no explaination....are we supposed to just guess about there importance. And the woman always looking like she's working on a Z....come on, who is she? I guess the only reason I subscribed at all was because the mag happened to put a picture of my 240 in it, and without even asking permission to use my photo...what's up with that kind of business? Like I said, good NEWBEE mag and to much 350Z and now G35 stuff. Sorry Art, those are just my feelings and have nothing to do with the hard work you folks put into the mag. Wish you luck in the future.
  18. 240ZX replied to US240Z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    WASTE CAN'em or maybe give them to some 350Z guy....I mean, isn't that what that mag is all about anymore....350Z's ?
  19. 240ZX replied to halz's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Interesting comment about steel wheels! I don't believe I've ever heard that steel wheels are notorious for going out-of-round....unless of course one bashes rocks and potholes! I'm curious, what leads you to believe steel wheels are notorious for going out-of-round?
  20. 240ZX replied to blue fire's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I suspect that by now "blue fire" is thinking......what a bunch of wise guys and they're having too much fun on my behalf....all I want is an air dam, damn!!! :tapemouth
  21. When replacing my original choke knob with a new one, I had to do a little custom fitting to have go on without loading the plastic knob and I also made a little recess in the steel lever for the knob set-screw to seat in. I did this to avoid over tightening the tiny set-screw and cracking the new plastic knob. Just one of those little details for longer knob life.
  22. 240ZX replied to blue fire's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Carl, would you please quit giving out all the good secrets......
  23. sccabrian, that's a pretty big request. I somehow doubt that anyone is going to reply to this type of question as the answer would qqqqqqqquit lengthy. I would recommend spending some time doing some research on the subject. It's all been done before with numerous write-ups on it. Tip #1 -look through the archives here and @Hybridz. I wouldn't suggest asking the same question at Hybridz either as you will likely get the same responce. There are just too many unknowns about your car and the donor car to even begin answering your question. Sorry to be the one to poop your bubble, but you gotta do some homework on your own first. It sounds as though you've never pulled an engine or worked on engine systems before. You have to learn to walk before you can run. It's all about the details...and of course time and money! Good luck
  24. 240ZX replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Eric, the Rolex Sports Car series with the Daytona Prototypes and the GT cars (250 miles)...Grand Am Series with formula BMW USA and also the Mazdaspeed Miata Cup. The event is being presented by Shell V-Power and the Grand Am Road Racing Association. It will be going on fri, sat, & sun (4-29-05, 4-30-05, & 5-01-05) I plan to drive up early Saturday morning, catch some of the races (maybe), spend the night, and watch races on Sunday. There is also a MARQUE MADNESS thing as well (a number of different car clubs are having corral parking down on the infield (pavement) with some additional privileges for those who join in on the corral parking. You may want to check out the Laguna Seca website for details. Could be entertaining!
  25. 240ZX replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What? No takers! Hummmmmmmm, interesting.

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