Everything posted by 240ZX
Looking for a brake booster
Well, its not unsafe in itself, as long as your leg is strong enough to exicute a panic stop! But it is a vaccum leak and that doen't help performance.
DynoMax Super Turbo
Yeh Sean, I contemplated an additional small bullet type pre muffler if I wasn't satisfied with the SPL and tone of the MSA system I installed. However, I'm a happy camper with my current setup. You just gotta love the sound of a well tuned and exhauted 6 cylinder engine!
Leaded Race Fuel Still Available?
I second what Carl said!!! Dave Rebello is a very knowledgable guy with tons of race engine experience. Someday, maybe soon, I'm going to break down and buy one of his 3.0 L 285 HP 50mm su'd motors for my 240. The additional 125 HP will be sweetamous!
DynoMax Super Turbo
I have the 2 1/2" system with the super turbo muffler (the system offered by MSA) on my 1970 (carburated 2800cc N42) and I love the sound! Its not quiet, its not loud, it sounds like a sports car should IMO. Anyway, one point that seems to come up in discussion between the two sized systems is that the 2 1/2" diameter system tends to produce a resonnace around 2500 RPM and the 2 1/4" does not. But for me, well, I never run at 2500 RPM...just pass through it while shifting, so I doen't experience the 2500 RPM resonnace issue.
Looking for a brake booster
When I had to deal with my 1970 brake booster, because the diaphram was shot, I looked into a kit, which was available back in 2000 from Courtesy Nissan, but desided that it would be safer and much easier to just buy a new one...which I believe are still available. Carl is right about the tools needed for disassembly and reassembly and since this is part of a system that STOPS the car, it's surely worth the extra $$$ for piece of mind IMO!
keep working
Chris, Just a thought, as I do not have an answer for what it came off of, but is it possible it is from an early production run and later they discovered they needed additional return spring length and tension, so they relocated the spring attach point lower? The one on my 1970 (s/n HLS3002126) looks like the ones off 26 & 27. Just a thought! P.S. Kats, you are doing an incredible on your Z. Two thumbs up!!!
motorsport cams?
For a L6 engine, changing out cams is not just a matter of changing the bump stick. If you call MSA, they will enlighten you.
GRM 240Z vs 350Z comparo
Interesting statement Blake! I have to agree 100% about the relationship between the old Nissan and new Nissan company. I guess if it wasn't for Mr. "G" (can't remember how to spell his name) Nissan would just be another page in the history books. I think its a great thing he did, turning around a company ready to roll over from an old management not willing to change with the times. Hell, Mr. "G" is not even Japanesse! So, I think its safe to say that a comparison between the 240Z/350Z and old Nissan/new Nissan are quite similar. Go figure!!! One thing is for certain....everytime I open my garage and see my beautiful toy (240Z), it always brings a big smile to my face. Now when I go for a drive, an incredible thing happens....a 53 years old man turns into a 20 something year old kid (with a bit more common sense of course). I just LOVE my 240Z...Ahmen! :knockedou
Gran turismo 4
Interesting that you took it personally and thought I was stereotyping you! I only stated that I think this practice provides our society with fat kids. There is no need for you to varify your fitness to me as I never questioned it! Insecurities do have a habit of revealing themselves. :nervous:
Gran turismo 4
Personally speaking, sitting in front of a CRT playing video games is not my idea of being productive! I think this is one of the reasons we have so many FAT kids now days...incapable of doing much more than pushing buttons and downing twinkies. Sorry for the rant, but I'll attribute it to the "Generation Gap"! :tapemouth
My BRE Replica 240z in Sports Car International
Feels pretty good, eh Ron? Very cool that they used your Z! I think a round of applause for Ron is appropriate!!!
Racing $$$
Very well put Stephen! It seems that the key to the problem is found in the statement, "People want prize money"!!! When is enough, enough? Thats a long discussion in itself........
Gunmetal or silver Rewinds on a yellow car?
Fine looking ride there Marty! Its nice to see another early 240Z in such nice shape. I have an early 240 myself...popped out of the factory 3215 cars before yours. Is this a shoot of you drag racing your toy? Jayru.....I think you should forget the Rewinds and go with 22" spinner type bling bling wheels! Oh, and don't forget to get the 130 db sub woofers so you can annoy everyone around you. Just kidding of course...Silver looks like the general consensus!!!
Advice needed
All of what has been said here is very true. But you may want to ask yourself, if in the future you plan on doing any up grades to the engine that will warrant installing an exhaust system with a header. Headers can be a pain in the butt, but that does not degate the fact that they do improve exhaust flow. The thing is, you are not likely going to notice a differnce in performance by JUST adding headers alone! If you do decide to go with headers, it is highly recommended that you pay the extra $$$ and have the ceramic coating applied. It will pretty much eliminate the corrosion factor and it will indeed reduce the temperature under your hood...two really good things for the extra price of the coating process. If you just want to get your Z back on the street as a driver....follow these guys recommendations. Good luck Doormat.
Good Year 600's
- Ooops!
Best of Show
No Brake Lights! Have A Fix-It Ticket!!!
I tend to agree with John. I remember going through this same exercise and finally narrowed it down to the combinations switch (turn signal assy unit). Sure enough, the damn thing was just worn out...imagine that after 30+ years. Anyway, I just broke down and bought a new one for around $90.00 and everything is grand once again!!! It's worth looking at Sean.
You Have Got To See This!!!
Mike, maybe you folks don't have the ricers running around with cars that have more power in their stereo than in their engine. We're talking about bass signals that are approaching 120+ db!!! It can vibrate stuff right off your dash...and you're car lengths away from them. :nervous:
Cleaning/Protecting steel brackets Aux Air Regulator
TomoHawk, For the steel brackets and attaching steel hardware, you may want to consider having them plated using the yellow chromate process. Alot of the original steel pieces were done this way. Pretty inexpensive as long as you do them all at one time. Just a thought!
Racing $$$
I agree Ron...I always like seeing a Z car leadinging a P car. I just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling. Can you imagine the thoughts going through these Porsche guys mind when a cheap old Z goes flying by them!
Racing $$$
I know what your saying about the attitudes, but I don't think it has anything to do with racing or any other sporting event for that matter. I believe it has to do with certain individuals only! You see these poor attitudes in all walks of life...not just in racing. Just consider the source of the poor attitude. Some people tend to think that because they have $$$ they are much more important and way smarter than those that don't have the $$$ to throw around. They are so insecure with themselves that they resort to putting others down....they think it makes them look better. Yah right! They are only exposing their insecurities. Just let it go!!!!
$ speeds tranny reversing switch
How about calling an actual Nissan dealer!!?