Everything posted by 240ZX
Income poll...
Vicky, did you beleive my story???
Income poll...
Whow is me...I live under a lemon tree in an orchard. You know, you've seen my sort walking the streets digging in trash cans for whatever! I can usually pan-handle about $15 to $20 a day and if I'm lucky I'll find some really long ciggy butts to puff on. We gots lots of veggies and citrus to eat for free...just gotta go pick it at night time so you don't get busted by the farmers. So, on a good year I can scrounge up about $5K...tax free of course. One of my favorite tricks is lifting TP from the gas stations...gotta keep a little extra TP around, you know! Sometimes on weekends I'll pick up trash in restaurant parking lots in trade for a hot meal....Mickey D's is my most favorite place! I keep my Z car stashed away in an old abandoned garage out on this ranch...aint seen no body out there in 5 years but me. Yah right!!!
Which Ignition System do you use?
Mallory Unilite w/vac.adv., MSD Blaster coil, Magnacore KV85 plug wires and the ubiquitous NGK plugs (gapped at.040")....on my (internally) stock N42 Fires up evevry time, hot or cold weather, and never skips a beat across the power band. Hey, just like then modern ignitions do!!!
Anyone Know this Airdam?
Just out of shear curiosity.....could you please explain to me, and others, want exactly would define a "drift" air dam as opposed to any other air dam? Or did you just happen to see a car in the act of "drifting" and it happened to have this air dam on it??? Please help me!
My Car Is Ugly... Help! Need Body Kit!
Stephen, thanks for the clarification on Salma! Quess I should have payed a little better attention.
My Car Is Ugly... Help! Need Body Kit!
Will, are you on the wrong post or what? What the H are you talking about...when you think of Salma. Am I missing something here?
My Car Is Ugly... Help! Need Body Kit!
Stephen, Jeff mentioned Motorsport Auto (MSA). This is an outfit that has tons of Z car items and many of us throw lots-O-cash their way....if you know what I mean. If you visit their website (you can type motorsport auto for the search) you should be pleasently surprised at the volume of items they have. If you talk with them they can enlighten you on the items I described. Regarding the word SPOOK...it was a nick-name that was given to the front air dam that was used during the early haydays of 240Z race cars.
Ron took the words right out of my mouth....looks like he followed Terry Oxandale's styling. Not my preference, but who am I to judge someone elses taste in Z's. And....thanks for the pics Bill.
My Car Is Ugly... Help! Need Body Kit!
Hey....just a thought! With a relatively small amount of $$$ you might consider ZG flares, BRE (spook) front airdam, and one of the original style rear spoilers. For an additional amount of cash (budget is shrinking now) you might address the banged up front end with a G-nose kit. Check out the photo gallery for ideas...there are plenty of great looking Z's on this site.
What do I do with my car? Do I need a new body?
All I will say besides welcome aboard is, there are a lot of folks who would have liked to start out with a chassis like yours...based souly on the pics you provided. I and many of the site members have seen some pretty bad rust cases over the years and yours is nowhere near that bad. All it takes is some time, some money, and some TLC to get your Z into shape. Looks like a 1971 240 you have there...am I right?
States droping tax on gas !!
Gawd, isn't it just pathetic that the vast majority of mankind is motivated souly by money/power...............like they say (who ever they are) MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Anyway, what seems to usually happen in these cases is, and sadly so, all the little sheep (non thinking individuals) will fall in line and take the big d*** up the A_ _ and then complain about it later, while the thinkers bust their butts trying to prevent these kinds of atrocities! The reality of it, IMO, is that governing bodies just can't manage anything, especially themselves! Hell, it's just a semi-organized free for all. Boy can I rant! Sorry guys...
R200 3.90 Swap or Rebuild
From what you have indicated about your 260Z's differential, previously converted to an R200, a 280ZX differential should bolt right in. Of course I am assuming your current R200 is likely the same type R200 as in a 280ZX. The 280ZX and 240SX R200 differentials are basically the same and are the usually units used for an R180 to R200 conversion. If you can post some pictures of your current differential....it would certainly help in providing you a positive answer.
Price & Disadvantages of Switching to 4Spd from Auto
Will, You know, I never really checked. However, there was definitely a few beers missing very shortly after the delivery!!!
Price & Disadvantages of Switching to 4Spd from Auto
Here's one example of the cost of an early 4 speed tranny in good working order.....Not to long ago I was talking with Victor (good guys and member of this site) about Z car stuff...imagine that, and the subject of transmissions came up. Well, to make a short story shorter....I traded the 4 speed, out of my 1970, for a case of Pacifico beer. I think Victor is stashing parts away for the future.....huuummmmmmmmmm?
Simple answer requested - tuning SU carbs
Mike is on the money with respect to his advice. In addition to what Mike said and before you even get to the point of syncing the SUs, be sure your valves are correctly adjusted, check your sparkplugs for correct heat range/gap/are they in good condition, check your timing, and go through the recommended procedure for insuring the SU throttle linkage it set correctly. I know I may have left a few items out! Basically, there are a number of items that require attention before you attempt syncing the SUs. It sound like alot and can certainly be confusing for first timers. Once you understand it all....well, of course it will all make sense at that point. In the meantime, you may concider contacting Z Theropy (see their website) for their information on going through this process...it may make it a bit easier for you. Hope this helps out to some degree!
All I want is a decent ride
ROOPZ, easy on Carl.....he just may have had a momentary lapse in thought and forgot that they now manufacture 30, 35, 40, 45 series tires. You have to remember that years and years ago, a 50 series tire was a low profile tire. Carl, we love ya, but your showing your age (I should talk!).
ARP rod bolt torque?
Have you called ARP?
A drawing and several pics of my custom exhaust...
sonofzzzap, maybe my vision is poor, but it looks to me as though you may have a pretty restictive connection between your header collector and the 2.5" pipe coming out of it! Just an observation.
Monitoring Air/Fuel ratio article - Aus.
kmack, I've seen these items for sale through a number of performance outfits for as little as $125.00....some are more expensive. Requires welding in a bung for the O2 sensor and mounting the readout display in your interior. I would think, unless one has all the materials, knowledge and time, it would be less expensive and alot simpler to just purchase a unit that already complete and tested. Just a thought!!!
Monterey Historics - Aug 19th - 21st - Laguna Seca
Sounds like a good idea...I'll put it on my calender for this year.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
Wow, I know things here in the states are not getting any better, but man I feel for you guys down there in Auzzie land. They take away your guns, now they're taking away your cars....what's next on the agenda? Look out guys, next they'll be coming after your pe_ _s's (hangy-down-think). :nervous:
All I want is a decent ride
ezzzzzzz, I tend to agree with Victor, but if you are mainly interested in a comfortable ride with the lowering springs.....just be sure to run high profile tires (50 series at the least) and run them at a slightly lower air pressure. Just a thought!
Monterey Historics - Aug 19th - 21st - Laguna Seca
Ron, thanks for sharing the pics....wish I'd gone to the event!
Ok, I need help on some wheel i.d.
Yes, they are by Racing Hart (C4's)