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Everything posted by 240ZX

  1. Does your car bounce up/down now? If not, that mean your inserts (shocks) are still functioning. Installing stiffer springs will not make your car bounce as long as your inserts remain functional...however, with the stiff springs you will be working the insert more due to the increase in spring force. All this means is the the insert life will be shortened. Consider saving your $$$ until you have enough to purchase new inserts and do the springs and inserts at the same time......this will save you from doing twice the work!
  2. 240ZX commented on Aussie Zed's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. 240ZX commented on zorro's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  4. Hey Dave........I see your point regarding WHAT we see on these shows. And besides, we all know it's about making ratings and putting $$$ into the producers pocket...not the show's ability to provide meaningful content. Shoot, a good 40% of these show are commercials anyway! However, I tend to think the the general populous, who watch the shows, may get the impression that all of us car guys/gals are like Mr. know-it-all Duane. Wether or not Duane is or isn't an Ahole in real life doesn't matter (unless maybe he's a neighbor). What matters is the impression this jerk leaves with the people who watch the show. We certainly don't need this sort of bad example broadcast about our beloved sport. OK, I know....just don't watch it! I,m sure you've watched the show with Chip Foose and his crew........that's the kind of car guy/gal impression I'd like to see people getting. Certainly not the same message as viewed on the Coddington show. Wouldn't you agree? :classic:
  5. Hey Vicky, I'd bet if you through enough $$$ Chips way, he'll do them. I think Chip Foose is outstanding when it come to custom cars....wow, what an artist he is! I'd definitely have him build a car for me if I could afford it. On the other hand, I think Boyd Connington is also very talented, but with the the guy he has heading up his build crew on the TV show.....I think his name is Mr. Know-it-all Dwayne, I wouldn't let this jerk work on my rollerskates!!!! Dwayne's leadership skills are on par with a caboose. Dwayne.....if you're so unhappy with life...end it and save us all the trouble of seeing your sorry arse on TV or go cry to your mommie!!!! Sorry for the rant......ahhhhhhhhh, I feel better now.
  6. 240ZX replied to mlc240z's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    It's definitely a direct swap and bolt in deal. By changing from a 3.36 ratio to a 3.54 ratio you will have a 5% lower gear ratio, improving accelloration for sure! Of course you will want to change out the speedo gear in the tranny to one matched for a 3.54 diff, so your speed reads correctly. Also, when your in top gear cruising the down the highway, you will be revving the engine a little more for the same given speed as before (approx. 500 rpm more). You will definitely feel the difference!
  7. 240ZX commented on zorro's comment on a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  8. 240ZX replied to kcdc's post in a topic in United States
    Welcome aboard! Lots of good folks here.....very interesting at the least! I think if you do a little search here or on the net, you will find a Z club in Indy. If you have pics of your car, please post them as we all love seeing members Z cars.
  9. I went through the same exercise as you....I got tired of hearing that constant buzzing sound. It's likely to drive you insame. So, I did a little research and chose to purchase a Mallory gear type pump. Work very well, and the only time I can hear it is when I turn the ingition on, just before cranking over the engine to start. Once the engine is running, I can no longer hear it.....I'm a happy camper now. Mallory has many sizes and pressure outputs available to suit your needs...check them out.
  10. 240ZX commented on BuujinBejiita's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  11. Nice looking unit! Good theft deturant for sure. Unfortunetly, it still won't stop the tilt flatbed truck with a hook/winch senerio!
  12. 240ZX posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Just purchased the latest copy of Sports Car Magazine. In it, they have an article on the 10 best sports cars form....well, many years ago until now. Anyway, the 240Z was nominated but did not make the final cut. The part that pissed me off was that they didn't even show a picture of it, even though it was talked about as a significant car. But they showed pictures of cars that didn't even get selected.....what's up? I guess they are biased against Japanesse sports cars. To make matters worse....the 300ZXT (twin turbo) was picked as one of the top sports cars, but again they didn't even show a picture of it!!! Oh well! :stupid: :tapemouth
  13. 240ZX commented on v12horse's comment on a gallery image in 04 JGTC USA
  14. 240ZX replied to Datsun-Fever's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Old vent hoses and plastic parts rot with age!!! Do a search on the subject...it's been discussed many many times.
  15. 240ZX replied to 78 280zcar's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Carl, You crack me up! What' on second?
  16. 240ZX replied to 78 280zcar's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Not to dispute what was said previously but just a curious question here! Aren't clutch type fans a hydraulicly coupled mechanism...similar to a torque converter? I could be off base here but don't you think these units will operate correctly if turned in either direction (CW or CCW excluding the fan blade itself)? Just curious!
  17. Always address the simplest things first. You may want to start out by giving your Z a compression test, which should give you a good idea of the condition of your engine. Maybe it just needs a simple tuneup. Remember you have a fuel system, ignition system, and the physical condition of the engine that all need to be addressed in order to have a good running engine. Any out-of-adjustments in any one of the systems mentioned can attribute to a poor running engine. This should help you get started, at least!
  18. 240ZX replied to AChev's post in a topic in Polls
    Another Geeeezer sounding off! I too was 19 when the 70 Z came out....amazing to be able to remember that far back in time! I fell in love with the Z the first time I saw it, during my senior year in high school. So in 1983 I found the Z I had been looking for and boy was I excited about getting it. Purchased a RED 1970 240Z (manf. date 3/70) in 1983 from Pierrez in Hawthorne Ca.. It's currently a street car and has seen tons of TLC in addition to many modifications. Like I always say..."It's so much fun to drive, it should be illegal". By the way, it still has the same paint job on it as when I purchased it in 83....still looks respectible. A note to the younger guys......just because us geeezers may be physically older (and maybe a little better situated financially speaking), our minds still think we're in our 20's....a good thing to be able to look forward to. Life's a gas, especially when you own a Z car!!!
  19. 240ZX replied to go z racer, go's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Carl, OUTSTANDING comeback!!! Best laugh I've had all day!
  20. Your so right Chris! I guess I just can't read anymore (old age I guess)!!! But now that I'm clear on the subject....the bearings he is talking about, in the steering shaft U-joints, are a proprietary type bearing. What this means is they are only sold to the manufacture who specs them out....so basically you can't buy them! What I had to do, after discovering the bad news, was go to a number of salvage yards and seek out a steering shaft assembly, from a Z of course, that had no play and remove it and purchase it. I suppose one could modify their existing unit by welding on new u-joints that have available and replacement bearings. Isn't there a company called Flamming River who makes all sorts of steering line components?
  21. 240ZX replied to go z racer, go's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey Carl, do you think the women who drive H2's are trying to compensate for their small boobs or just trolling for a man with a peni$ larger than her husbands'?
  22. 240ZX replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Since I haven't yet purchased a Classic Zcar Club hat, I have printed up an I.D. tag so folks will know who I am at the MSA show this year. It reads....... Tom Whitaker 240ZX on Classic Zcar Club 2126 on Hybridz Maybe others might do the same, so it's a bit easier to identify our fellow members! Just an idea!!!
  23. 240ZX commented on Ron Carter's comment on a gallery image in Zcar Ladies
  24. As I remember, the tappered mounting holes, in the steering knuckles, for the original ball joints are smaller than on later model Z's and the older balljoint are no longer available. You will have to go with the currently available balljoints that have a larger tappered mounting stud. The fix is either to enlarge the tappered mounting hole in the old steering knuckles (less expensive but time consuming to enlarge and less accurite) or purchase a pair of the late model steering knuckles that fit the currently available balljoints. I went through this exercise and decided that since I was going to replace the old steering knuckles with the newer steering knuckles, why not purchase the quicker steering, steering knuckles (available from MSA). This way I got the larger mounting holes to accept the available balljoints and also have a Z that required less steering input. It's a win win situation!
  25. Install the bushings into the carb bodies. The butterfly shaft rotates in the fixed bushings.

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