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Everything posted by 240ZX

  1. Gav, I'm with you.........I'll take the Cobra. It's got to be my all time favorite sports car....even my girl friend loves the Cobra! However, the next best choice is an early Z car!!!! I can afford the Z car. Someday maybe I'll be lucky enough to own a Cobra.
  2. I use SWEPCO gear oil in my trans and differential. Great stuff...visit their web site.
  3. 240ZX replied to civ104's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Carl is correct about the throw-out bearing collar! Just use the collar assy that is standard issue on the ZX trans. I believe the earlier collars for the 4 speed are shorter and won't work properly.
  4. 240ZX replied to Tidoubleger24's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Dan, this is off the top of my head, but if I recall correctly the turbo oil pump puts out more volume than the stock unit not more pressure. If you do decide to make the change, be sure to follow the proper procedures.....setting the engine at TDC #1 before removing the old unit as well as installing the new unit with the oil pump/distributor drive indexed correctly. Purchase a repair manual if you don't already have one. Oil pressure can be increased via increasing the spring tension on the oil relief valve. Good luck and hope this helps a little.
  5. Wes, read the above posts again. Also, give your current insurance company a call and ask what is available. At 17 years old it may not be cheap. Good luck with your Z!
  6. 240ZX commented on Murph's comment on a gallery image in Member Albums
  7. When I was looking into insurance for my Z, I looked at both Hagerty and Grundy and at Farmers Insurance (my current insurance company) and found that Farmers offers a policy for an agreed upon valve and you could drive the car when ever you wished. However, mileage is limited to 5K miles per year....not a problem for me! Anyway, I was surprised to discover that the price for this policy was just slightly higher than Hagerty or Grundy. Additionally, by adding another policy on my insurance gave me a multiple car discount....making the slightly higher price almost a push. So, give your current insurance a chance to belly-up to the bar.....you might be surprised.
  8. 240ZX replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Carl, I like the way you interpreted my post!!? All I was talking about were deaths...period! I guess it's not so important to you that people die but how they die.....!!!! I have obviously touched a sour spot with you. And for polluting this thread....since when were you asigned as the Lord of the posts! Give me a break and step down off your soap box and chill out...we don't want one of our buddies having a heart attack...namely you!!! I'm done..........
  9. Congratulations Will, on the new addition to your family. Another future Z person.
  10. 240ZX replied to Kirby's post in a topic in Interior
    As I remember, the actual removing and installing of the dash was not a big deal, but the steps taken in preparation for removing and re-installing the dash are not some of my favorite memories......lying on my back, contorted, and wishing I had smaller arms and hands. Oh well, they are just memories now and the fruit of these labors are...............loads of fun, as we all can atest to. God I love my Z!!!
  11. 240ZX replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well put Bill.
  12. 240ZX replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here's an additional thought for you all.....which presidential candidate do you think enemies of the USA would vote for, if they could???? John Kerry for sure. Come on people, wake up!
  13. Excellent post Gema....truely american!
  14. 240ZX replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think if you look back in history, the numbers speak for themselves! The number of americans killed in this latest effort is by far small compared to such wars as, lets say.....Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI, etc., etc. If you people truely believe all the dodo about President Bush's calls for being over in the middle east, then I feel really sorry for you. Here's a thought for you....how would you like to have these wacko's over here....I think not!!! Oh, let me guess...you think that John Kerry will save the world............yah right. I guess we'll find out who most americans want to run our country very shortly! Did you all vote yet today? I know I did......I enjoy my freedom and intend to support other who think likewise.
  15. 240ZX commented on blitzkraig's comment on a gallery image in 04 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  16. 240ZX commented on EricB's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. 240ZX replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    It never fails to amaze me how people get all worked up about how many of our troops who have been killed, in actuality the numbers are extremely low thank God, in this middle east issue but somehow fail to think about the 10's of thousands of people who are killed yearly in auto accidents. How much focus is put on these people??? OK, I quess it's just not as popular a subject. The bottom line is....people's lives are being lost. Wouldn't it make more sense to focus on the bigger causes of death than the smaller ones, that just happen to be a more popular subject. Just some food for thought!
  18. 240ZX commented on cr240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  19. 240ZX replied to Dans240z's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Just follow the standard practices for installing a head. Do you own a repair manual and a torque wrench? Remember that good preparation and attention to details are always crucial to success. If by chance you've never done this before, get someone who has to assist you.
  20. 240ZX replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Good idea Ed, but there is already enough pandemonium going on with 100s of Z car being parked at the show. One thing I intend to do differently next year is arrive really early....like, 4:00am in the morning so I can get a parking spot thats not way down at the far end of the street. Maybe if I suck-up to Steve M. a little more this year I can park with those bad boys. I've always enjoyed myself at the MSA shows, but have yet to meet any of the good people who participate here at Classic Zcar Club (with the exception of Victor and Steve). I think I'm going to wear a sign around my neck that reads... "I'm 240ZX from Classic Zcar Club". Speaking of something new...how about if all the folks from this site, that will attend the 2005 MSA show, reserve space so we can all park together!!.
  21. Well, now that Jessie James is a big celebrity and obviously making the big $$$, its not hard to imagine the likes of what goes on at Monster Garage. Sure Jessie is a very talented guy in his own right, but the people he has on his show are usually a bunch of hacks or worse yet....totally inmature egotistical morons! These people can't even get along with each other. Were do they get these people.....the bottom of some barrel. I think as long as you keep the frame of mind that these shows are nothing more than pure intertainment, then the show is fine. But the sad part is, that young folks look up to this guy and are subjected to some pretty bad things like...less than poor shop safety habits, childish behavors, and loads of fowl language. I always ask myself, after watching a show......would I want someone like that working on my car??? I think not, and that goes for most of those sort of shows relating to cars and motorcycles. On a fresher note...has anyone picked up the latest copy of GRASSROOTS MOTORSPORTS magazine? There are a couple of good articles (with great pics) on some vintage Nissan iron. Check it out.
  22. 240ZX replied to stevemasum's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    It seems pretty obvious the person trying to sell these items has no clue about Z cars!!! Come on, a 1960s Z car! There is no such item on an early U.S. 240Z. I guess you have to give them credit for trying. Correct me if I'm wrong but, the only interior light in the early Z cars is a dome light (excluding the instrumentation lights and glove box light. I think the person is full of dodo and is only trying to make a buck off of some poor fool...............Amen!!!
  23. 240ZX replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Isn't it ironic that it's always the, shall we say, less than attractive women who carry on these sort of protests. I'd bet that if these women could trade places with the likes of a Hooters girl, they would not be protesting!!! Get a clue ladys and get yourself in shape so you can be proud of what the good lord gave you. Ok, I'll stop!
  24. 240ZX replied to kmack's post in a topic in RACING
    I'd have to say those blokes are shy on realistate!!! Those Brits are so clever.....run an autocross in your driveway........now that's down-sizing for you! Nice stoppy by the mini.
  25. Try some "mineral spirits". It should not effect the plastic pieces mentioned. I think you can still buy the stuff at your local drug store. Allow the mineral spirits to soak into the paint partical for a while. It may not disolve the paint but loosen them from the plastic. It goes without saying.....always test a solutions compatibility on a small, out of sight, area before doing the entire area. Hope this helps.

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