Everything posted by 240ZX
Non EFI Turbo????
Very interesting, but if it's as new as claimed, you have to wonder why it's being sold so soon. Maybe the guy is going to EFI/Turbo set-up!!? I quess without more details it would be a $700.00+ risk.
My new 71 240Z toy
Great find ezzzzzzz! Just wait till your first drive...the feeling is addictive. Just ask anyone here. Congrats
Ford's newest addition
Did anyone happen to see the special on the SPEED channel about the new Shelby GR? Wow!!! All I will say is, that is what the 350Z should have looked like. Much much better looking than the current high performance toad.
20+ years waiting
It's good to hear another Z is on the road!!! Enjoy, and we're always glad to answer questions. I feel the same about the available information from everyone here when I went through my Z. Have fun!!!
Puzzling misfire
Justin, I feel for you! I had a similar problem when I was going through my 240. Now I'm not suggesting this is your problem, but my problem turned out to be a worn out centrifical advance mechanism in the distributor. It would run like crap and hardly idle. Once above 3000 rpm it ran perfectly. The strange thing about the whole deal was that I went through three distributors and all three exhibited the same problem. Finally purchased a Mallory Unilite distributor and all has been well since installing it. Hope your problem gets resolved soon....good luck buddy!
Hey blondie, it would easier to leave if you open the garage door first! With looks like that she can likely command the garage door to open!!!! Wouldn't you all like to open her garage for her....anybody!!?
Blake, If I didn't know any better, I would say that instrument in your mouth has got to be a DATSUN part.
Now that's the kind of smile a Z can give you. Way more fun than rescueing a fat lady stuck in a bathtub. Good luck with the new Z.
Visitor from LA
Billy, go to the transporter and enter "Destination SoCal". By the way, bring a Z car. I'm part of the over 50 crowd and life just keeps gettin better! Also, if thats your sister in your avatar, I need to meet her!!!!
Shift Boot and Shifter Knob
Holy crud.......I thought jszarecki meant the boot had an "L" shape to it!!! I quess I'm getting old. It's funny the names people give to certain products. One of my favorites is.....BLING BLING. Sounds like something from the RAP culture. So, what else is new? Has anyone else noticed the over used word "like" with the youger generation? Everything is like this or like that. I sometimes question young folks (just to get a rise), when they say "like"......OK, it may be like (what ever it is in discussion), but what is it actually. Could you please be a little more specific.....thank you. I quess it's a generation gap thing!
engine bucking help
Thanks for the correction Chris....no harm, no foul !!!
Visitor from LA
Well Victor, we'll see how many interested parties respond. It would be a fun deal for sure. Glad you got home in one piece. Tom
engine bucking help
In addition to the above mentioned items you may consider syncronizing the SUs. You may also have some old fuel and or water in the tank.
I believe the 3-2-1 set-up provides a little better low end power as the 6-1 in better in the high rpm range. If I understand it correctly, the 3-2-1 provides a better scavanging effect in lower rpm range. But hey, what do I know! I went with the 3-2-1 ceramic coated animals and the 2.5" exhaust (MSA Super Turbo set-up). Not to loud, but that always subjective, but you will experience a little resonance around 2000 to 2500 rpm. It's only an issue if you stay in that rpm range, not noticable passing through it. What ever one you choose, spend the extra $$$ for the ceramic coating.....it will reduce the radiated heat produced by the headers, keeping the under hood temp down. Plus, by keeping the heat in the exhaust gases it provdes better flow and scavanging. Basically, the higher the exhaust gases stay in the headers the faster the it will flow.
Visitor from LA
Victor Laury stopped by my house Sunday to deliver a case of Pacifico beer in trade for my 1970 4 speed tranny. He shows up in his Z and the first thing I notice are his new wheels. They look great Victor!!! We had some good conversation and of course alot of Z stuff was talked about, especially how great this site is and how we have some incredibly informed people here. Anyway, Victor asked if there were some good roads to play on while he headed home to LA.....I of course provide him with some input. So, about 20 minutes after he left my house, I get a call from Victor and he's all excited about the route I mentioned. He then tells me about a 10mph lefthand corner he encountered and says...wow, it does really mean 10mph!!!! I know the corner and it is definitely a slow corner......if you exit the pavement here you will wind up in a lemon orchard. It was great meeting Victor in person, a good guy, and sharing Z stories. Had fun Victor and thanks again for the Pacifico beer! Maybe I'll take you up on your suggestion about putting together a Z run here in Ventura County....lots of fun twisty roads and great places to eat. Anyone interested please comment to this post. If enough interest is generated, I'll make it happen! :classic:
Crank Scraper - Worth it or not?
Allan, Chris is correct! A crank scraper does nothing more than basically wipe away the oil accumulated on the end of the crank throw, reducing rotational mass and freeing up a little HP.
Rocker arms, new or regrounds?
I'm no expert, but if you want to sleep well at night I recommend going with the OEM rockers, new springs, and lash pads. While you're at it, what condition is your timing chain?
corrrect placment of a fairladyz emblem on 260z
Alan, I figured it would just be a matter of time before you read this post and set us all straight on the badging issue. You're terriffic....thanks!
corrrect placment of a fairladyz emblem on 260z
Steve, I think if you do a little searching you will find pictures that show the badging on the 260Z. I don't think any of the U.S. issue Z cars were badged with Failady badging!
My Car at MSA
Victor, the new wheels you put on the Z are definetly a plus up to wheels shown in this pic....good call!
winter storage
zhead240, It seems to me that your buddies heated garage will pretty much protect your car. You have to ask yourself, how long will it be sitting? 6 months maximum, maybe less! Maybe some fuel stablizer (or drain the tank) and tending the battery should cover it. Or, you might consider moving to sunny southern California. It's a damn nice place to live.....wouldn't you agree Chino 240Z?