Everything posted by 240ZX
350Z Photoshop
A little praise for a fellow memeber
Your right TomoHawk, I must of had a momentary laps of reason. Thank you!
my contest #1 entry
I think you are on the wrong site! We do 240's, 260's, & 280's here, not toads with ricer paint jobs.
A little praise for a fellow memeber
OK, I quess I should have included everyone......................
A little praise for a fellow memeber
I just wanted to mention this to everyone!!! I think 2ManyZs sould get a round of applause, from everyone, for his regular and knowlegable contributions (posts) toward helping members with their questions. I am always amazed with the depth of his knowledge about our loved ones (Z cars). Anyway, thanks 2ManyZs!!!! P.S. There are other contributors with equal knowledge that deserve recognition as well......it's just that 2ManyZs was upper most in my mind.
MSA show Caravan
Man, it's that time again already! I will be leaving from Santa Paula (just inland from Ventura) very early on Sunday morning. We'll see ya all at the show!
Time for a new meaningless poll...
Outlets, outlets..................uhhh, I always need more outlets!!! Well, the house I own now, as of two years ago, only has two doubles for the entire two car garage and one of the two is for the washer and dryer..........but the house is around 50 years old. You know the kind, they built them back before they invented the wheel. Don't get me wrong, I love this old house.....quiet neighborhood, it's in excellent shape (excluding the garage of course), and most of all it's payed for!!! So, one project I will be undertaking in the near future is adding numerous O U T L E T S, adding insulation, drywall, drop ceiling with built-in lights, painting the floor, and add a door into the house from the garage. All it takes is time and $$$
AT 2nd Gear Slippage
Well, you obviously have an automatic transmission. On most all AT's you check the fluid level while the engine is running with all componets are at operating temp. Fluid should be between the two factory marks and the fluid should not smell or look burnt. Now, regarding slippage in second gear.......second gear is most always the gear that gets the most abuse in a transmission, wether AT or manual. So your trans just may be getting worn, indicated by second gear no longer grabbing as well as the other gears. I'm not familiar with the Z car AT, so I can't tell you if it is possible to adjust your second gear band. I'm almost sure someone with more knowledge on this subject will jump in and help out here. Hope this info helps explain things a little!
That's one of the best cases of cancer I've seen posted. See what happens when you smoke the wrong stuff!!!
Z car update
Welcome aboard JetDoc, Nobody knows anything about Z cars on this site............. ROFL Of course I'm just kidding!!! If a question can't be answered on this site about the early Z cars, it's not likely there is an answer. There are definitely some really sharp tools in this group.
Wheel Stud Pattern Adapters
RAZOR, Don't feel alone with your thoughts about wheel spacer cost!!! I felt the same way when I researched wheel spacers. However, I decided to build my own since I have access to the necessary tools and the experience to fab them. Even at that, the raw material (6061 T3) cost me about $90.00 (U.S.) from a surplus outlet. Anyway, if you have a mate who has the tools and can build them for you, do it.
another claimed 69 240
HS30-H, Your pic is quite appropriate!!!! Where on earth did you find it?
another claimed 69 240
This guy trying to off his, so called, 69 Z is obviously not aware of the presents of the "Z POLICE" residing on this site. It will be a cold day in hell when someone can stoop this group!!!! I just love it when everyone jumps in to pinpoint all the little details, obvious to most of us, that reveal the true year and condition of the Z in question.
Electric Fuel pumps
ChrisA, You may want to consider a gear type pump as opposed to the pulse type pumps that you mentioned. I went through the same exercise on my 70 Z, and I even went to the trouble of mounting the pulse type pump on an isolation pad.........still heard the hammering from the pump. I currently run a Mallory gear type pump (pressure output is adjustable on the pump as well) and have been satisfied with it. The only time I hear it is when I first turn the key to "ON". Once the Z is running, I never notice it. Very nicely built units, I might add. Just remember that you only need about 4psi for the SU type carbs. Any more pressure than that and fuel will start bypassing the needle/seat assemblies in the carbs, especially if they are old and worn needle/seats. Ok, new needle /seat assemblies will take more than 4 psi., but that won't last for long. Results will be, the car runs richer and richer as time goes on. There are other gear type pumps out there beside Mallory....I just like Mallory products! Hope this helps you out a little.
engine side pic
Bob Sharp 280zg #33
phantom side
check this site out
Holy s_ _t!!! I quess there is a good reason for right hand drive cars. :dead:
All right Vicky!................I second your thoughts on this!!!!
Help me write a Ballad Please
Your a real sport TomoHawk!!! I kind of figured you had a sence of humor.
Help me write a Ballad Please
all cuz my dad
I quess I'd have to blame my Dad for getting me into cars as well. He was into Triumphs and owned a TR2, TR3, and finally one of the first TR4's. When I was just a little guy, he used to take me with him to the races in Santa Barbara. Basically, alot of sportscar roadracing. It was very cool thing for me to do at that age. However, if he was still living and he knew how much I've put into my 240Z, he would be rolling over in his grave and saying "My God, why would you want to spend all that good money on that old car for???" But hey, if it weren't for him and my Mom...........well, I wouldn't be writing this right now. Thanks to my folks....God rest their souls.
2 Fuel Pumps on a '73?
Interesting....my 240Z (s/n 02126) has factory wiring and a mounting position for an electric fuel pump, even though they did not come from the factory with them! Did the Euro or Japanesse models come with electric fuel pumps or what? Anyway, it sure worked out nicely when it came time to install my Mallory fuel pump.....the wiring was already in place!
Accessing HybridZ!!!!?
Thank you much 2ManyZs. I was getting frustrated and the brain was shutting down. I'll give your suggestion a go!
Rear caliper mounting brackets
After looking at the links TomoHawk posted, it appears that the 240SX and 280ZXT calipers are the same units.....could be wrong but it wouldn't surprise me that Nissan used the same caliper for both applications. Anyone care to elaborate on this info?