Everything posted by 240ZX
Got Hot!
Just a suggestion,............get rid of that fan blade asap, how that it is completely out of balance and will destroy the water pump soon!!! Try an electric fan that's thermostaticly controlled. You'll free up a little horsepower and no more fan blade problems. Just an idea!
Looks good there Victor. Spending big for new shiney parts always takes a little while for it to feel really good, but it's worth it, isn't it???
I am now Z less
Hey Victor, So glad you got your baby back!!! I know the feeling of a missing Z. Back in 1986 or 87 my 240Z was stolen from right in front of where I worked at the time (San Diego). It felt as though I had lost a child!!! I had visions of it disappearing over the US/Mexico border. Two days later it was found by the police only a few miles away from where it was taken. Fortunately, the steering wheel had been removed by the thief, otherwise the Z would have been taken again, considering the neighborhood it was found in. Believe it or not I actually drove the car home from the impound yard using a large vise-grip as the steering wheel.........I was younger and less wise also!!! Anyway, we're all smiles again:D :D . P.S. The only music I listen to in my Z are the sounds a Z makes when it's owner is having it's way with it!!!!
Mustang Shelby GT350
Gav240z, I agree with you!!! I used to own a 65 mustang when I was in high school and always wished I could have owned a GT350. Oh well, I quess I'll just suffer with my 70 240.
Front view
symon, congratulations on your purchase! When you get to the task of restoration, there are a lot of guys on this site that can help you out with questions you may have. You'll have to excuse some of the east coast (USA) guys this time of year, they get cabin fever and get a little touchy with their responces to posts. Anyway, you have a Z.........very cool!!!
Barret Jackson Auction is ON!
zrush, Basically they are the same body except for the headlights and taillights and a little duct on the rear 1/4 panel. The 69 has four headlights (two in the grille, two outside the grille), the taillights protrude and the rear 1/4 panel has a duct. The 70 has onlt two headlights (in the grille) taillights are re-sest . P.S. If I remember correctly, the 69 was the only year they put four headlights on a Mustang.
Barret Jackson Auction is ON!
Interesting observation made while watching the Barrett-Jackson auction on the SPEED channel. They were auctioning off two white Mustang fastbacks.......anyway, they were calling them 1969 models but they are actually 1970 models. I would have thought they would be a little more particular about car's information. Every Mustang person that saw this was probably saying................Geeeeeeeeeeees, come on guys, get your info correct. Everyone knows the difference between a 1969 and a 1970 mustang!!! This kind of mistake makes you wonder about all the other cars that go up for auction??? Just one man's opinion!
Backfires when shifting
Just a refresher.............BACKFIRE = out the carbs, AFTERFIRE = out the tailpipe.
Replacing sidedrafts with a Carter or Holly
FWIW, stick with the SU's!!!
5spd better or 4spd
Aren't the later ZX 5 speeds considered the close ratio units and the early 280Z 5 speeds the wider ratio units? If I remember correctly, the ZX trannies have a little higher 1st gear but the spacing between gears is less than the early 5 speeds. Anyway, for a street car I would recommend the late model ZX tranny with a 3.90 or 4.10 rear end.
Z Rush
RB26dett in the 350z
I think the best why to address comments like Zpictor's is not to respond at all !!! This person might be the type that gets a kick out of seeing people react to their nonsence. The following statement may not be relevant, but maybe it applies a little. "Never get in an arguement with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and then whip you with experience."
I'd bet most all L6 owners would like one too!!! That is, if the price was not out of this world. Oh well, it's cheap to dream.
Gaggle of Z's
- 3 Z's
That's got to be the first time I've ever seen a choke cable bracket. I've always wondered what the additional threaded boss was for, now I know! By the way! Nice ride......red Z cars always get me going!!!
poor kitty
I think I've figured it out!!! This is a picture of a Mexican Hairless at a Haloween party wearing Uhg boots and a kitty mask. Ya, that's it!!!! Sure looks pissed off!!!!
Injection system
Fentin_Fury, Maybe you should PM allknowingbald1 for some pocket change!!! ROFL
What's it worth?????????
Frans, As most members will tell you, you can never really know a car's condition just by looking at a few pictures. From what I can see from the post, the 73 Z looks pretty nice. However, old Z cars have a lot of places the rust monster can be hiding out, just out of sight. Now if all of the statments are true, like 59,000 original miles (which could actually be 159,000 or 259,000 miles) and no rust, then the car is likely worth the current bid of $7100.00 The safest way is to personally view and drive the car before plunking down the cash. Oh, and have someone who really knows early Z cars go with you. Hope this helps you out a little!!!
LSIR SCCA Fall Classic
Nice play toy you have there. The smile on your face is a dead give-a-way to how much fun you have with it!!! By the way, is that Steve's striped Z, behind and to the left??? I thought I saw a wine bottle there somewhere.
My 240Z, Sydney Harbour Bridge
2000GT Toyota
Very cool and collectable, for sure!!! However, I still prefer the looks of the series one Z cars. Nice shot.
2000GT Toyota