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Everything posted by 240ZX

  1. My quess is, based on what you've indicated and the age of your Z, you probably have crap and or rust in your tank. The pick-up line in the tank has no screen, just an open end of the tubing. Its very typical for these old Zs to have debris is the gas tank. You might want to check it out.
  2. Ford GT40, Chevy Z06, or wait a little while and buy the new replacement for the Skyline GT....Infinity GTR!!! Hey, it's only $$$
  3. 240ZX replied to Blue Meanie's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    The 72 Z should have the good SUs on it.....not like a 260 with the crappy flat tops. The Webers will work, as many have done this conversion, but will cost you more to do the conversion than simply freshening up the SUs and putting them in tune/sync. Performance wise, I'd stick with the SUs.
  4. sup

    240ZX replied to ZeroHour's post in a topic in Introductions
    There are a numer of disc conversions you can do to your Z. If you are refering to changing out the rear drum brakes for lets say, the 240SX/280ZX Turbo calipers and 280ZX discs, then the answer is yes....its a plus up deal. You will have upgraded to a more modern brake, its easier to service, and they look far better than the drum brakes. Do they provide better performance? Well, you'll get different opinions on this! I know I'm pleased with mine!
  5. Something that has always bugged me with new members, or any member for that matter is, they want alot of answers without any effort, other than posting a question and won't even take the time to fill out their public profile!!!? Your public profile is a great tool for all participating members....it lets one know what part of the world you are located, your age, and what you do as well as your interests, beyound Zs. Its much easier to reply if you have some idea who you are relying to!:disappoin
  6. Ya, saw you and the guy behind you just as you guys were coming through the stop light (going right toward Ventura) in Ojai. The rest of your group, a bit behind you, saw my red 240 and arm came out and were waving...of course I reciprocated! I was taking a run up and down 33 to fullfil my weekly need for four wheel fun. Shoot, now I know why the traction was better coming down the hill as opposed to up the hill.....you guys had just layed down some rubber in the corners! Thanks. It seems as though your route is a good one. Would be happening to get a group of Z's to do this route! I watched a couple of the videos, especially coming down 33, and recognized all the corners....very cool! Glad you all had a good time. Tom
  7. Hey guys, Sorry I didn't make it to the start of your outing Saturday but, I did get out for a late afternoon run up and down HWY 33. I had a suspision I just might see you guys coming down 33.......sure enough, saw Victor out front but, even with my waving arm out my window old Victory was obviously focused else where. Come on Victor, there wasn't even any good looking women on the side of the road in Ojai. A minute or two later I passed some of the other guys and got the big Datsun wave. I'm sure you guys had a great time, especially with the good weather. Looked like it was a total roadster run....didn't see any Zs in the group!? Anyway, just thought I'd mention that I saw you guys Saturday in Ojai. Tom
  8. 240ZX replied to knapper's post in a topic in Introductions
    They are called "Fuel Cells" and may be purchased from automotive performance outlets.
  9. 240ZX replied to maabus03's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    One additional aternative, if all this sounds like too much to deal with.................get a rental car!!!!!!: Sorry, but I could not resist the tempation. Tom
  10. 240ZX replied to ZXTwnT300's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome Shawn! Welcome to the Z jungle! Enjoy!
  11. 240ZX replied to theianmonster's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey, if I was independently wealthy I'd quit work today..... Fortunitely, dreaming costs nothing!!! Sure, if money was not an issue my Z, and who knows what else, would be the envy of many. That funny little thing called "reality" keeps getting in my way! Tom
  12. 240ZX replied to Blue Meanie's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    First off....a technical correction is in order! BACKFIRE = out the intake, AFTERFIRE = out the exhaust. Sounds like a rich condition to me! What color is your exhaust? Tom
  13. Sleepyzzz, As you might imagine, just about any question one might have concerning these olds Zs has been asked and answered numerous times. So what I suggesting here is, do some research on the subject! It will give you an idea of where problem areas are, what to expect, how to address the problems, and what others have done. There is a thing called a "Search Function" on this site that can provide you with tons of info and insight. Also, after you have done some searching and have a better idea of whats at hand, you will be better prepare to ask specific questions. Everyone here is more than willing to provide help but it far easier if to help if you educate yourself on the subject rather than jump into the deep end without knowing how to swim. Tom (240ZX)
  14. 240ZX replied to Blue Meanie's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    One nice thing about the old slotted rims, regarding refreshing the finish, is the surfaces are not difficult to polish....no stinkin little recesses and such! If they are in really bad shape, Mike's suggestion of using various grades of sand paper is recommended. Then, with a buffing wheel and some polishing compound (Mother's, Blue Max, Semi-chrome...), you can polish them out to a beautiful mirror finish. Its certainly a messy job but the results will be amazing!
  15. 240ZX replied to peng155's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Jon, sorta like lab rats? I couldn't agree more. I live approximately an hour north of Los Angeles and dread the thought of having to go near the place....especially since I lived in Hollywood some years ago during my time playing music. It was like taking a BIG dump when I moved out!!! An interesting thought, although it would take a miracle to come to fruition but, people have the power to change this obserd price gouging!!! How you might ask! Simple, OK its not simple but, if everyone would just stop buying gas for one week....yah thats going to happen right, the friggin oil companies would loose so much $$$ they would be giving the stuff away just to get the cash flow happening again. But people are just not willing to make that sacrific...! Its just too easy to complain about it instead of actually taking a stand and doing something about it. Its similar to voting and controlling our government officals. Why do the oil companies and big government do what they do??? Because we let them!
  16. 240ZX replied to Zak's Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Taking some cross corner to corner measurements should tell you if the chassis is square. Just make sure you choose good points to measure from....a two person job for sure! However, if your doors are lining up correctly with the chassis and fenders, its likely things are still as they were originally. Visual inspection in usually a good and cheap method to start with too! Lastly, take it to a shop with a chassis rack. They can do the measuring and if things are a bit out they can physically tweak the chassis back in line.
  17. 240ZX replied to R&D Z Factory's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Robby, regarding the linkage....start looking at PIC-A-PART yards or call Victoria British and ask if they have the linkage items. There are more suppliers that likely have the parts but I'm not recalling any others at the moment. And there is always the internet....best search tools I've ever used. Tom
  18. An electric fan will certainly work well but, there are a couple of things you may want to do additionally to eliminate the over heating. Flush out the block and radiator! Years of oxidation has built up on the walls of the block and radiator (a very thin layer/film of rust colored stuff) and it acts as an insulator....preventing good heat transfer between the block/radiator and the coolant. Also check your water pump. Upgrading to at least a three row radiator will make a significant improvement as well. I live in SoCal and have the set-up described on my 1970 240. The only time the fan kicks in is if I'm sitting a long while in traffic or shortly after I have turned the Z off. While driving, the temperature never gets high enough to activate the fan. Regarding the issue of high current draw from the fan and the low current capability of the Z wiring......to get around this you wire directly from the battery and use a relay to close the hot circuit from the battery to the fan motor. Generally, an electric fan kit will provide the temperature probe/relay to do this. Wiring for the electric fan can be neatly placed and secured to avoid a clutterd look. Hope this helps you in your quest! Tom
  19. 240ZX replied to Koal's post in a topic in Introductions
    Thanks Mike! Guess I should put my glasses on! I usually take a peek at peoples personal profile before doing a post. As always I did...and didn't see any details. Ha.....they were in front of me all along.
  20. 240ZX replied to Koal's post in a topic in Introductions
    Briant, welcome to Classic Zcar Club, the premir site for early Z cars (240, 260, 280).Lots of great people here and willing to share as well! Don't let having a 280ZX deture you from participating, we just may not be able to answer some of your question about the ZX series. Wishing you luck! Tom P.S. You didn't mention what part of the world you are from. It is benificial to know....trust me on this one.
  21. Dumb dumb, plumbers putty.....are we working on the drains in the house or are we working on a classic Z car? How about good old foan type gasket material. What size gap are you talking about anyway....1/16", 1/2", 1" ??? Don't get me wrong, the guey stuff would work really well but I just had to laugh......Dumb Dumb! Kinda of reminded me of some people I work with! Tom
  22. 240ZX replied to R&D Z Factory's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    Robby, have faith, you are headed in the right direction with the round tops. As Beandip mentioned....you'll need the thicker insulators (and gaskets of course) between the SU's and the manifold. Regarding the linkage, shop around and you will find what you're looking for. If you don't want to scrounge up OEM air cleaners, there is always aftermarket units. Also, I'm not clear if the 260 choke cables will swap to the round tops but, its a good chance they do.
  23. IIRC, someone in the past posted about purchasing weather stripping kits that were the correct replacement however, the replacement weather stripping was on the fat side (larger than OEM). I believe it was just from a particular supplier. Might give the search function a try!
  24. 240ZX replied to R&D Z Factory's post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    And what is that problem????
  25. 240ZX replied to LanceM's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There's a reason red is called resale red....it sells cars...especially sports cars! If your intention is selling the Z, forget about pleasing personal likes and go with a proven formula. Just my opion anyway! It worked on me when I was 32 years old...I bought a red Z LOL !!!

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