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Everything posted by 240ZX

  1. 240ZX replied to tranzor_Z's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Ahh! This seems like a perfect opportunity to lay-forth some constructive criticism for individuals new to this site or any other car related sites. The regulars here will concur....I think. First off, this site has members with a vast amount of knowledge and or experiences regarding the early Z cars that will benifit people who are sincerely at thier ends for an answer. However, when people post questions and have obviously not taken the most rudimentry steps in thier information quest, such as making an effort to do a little research on their own, it is likely they will get responces that at first glance seem to be a little rude or they may get no responce at all. Having the ability to find this site and operate a computer surely implies that an individual has the intelligence to prepare themselves before asking questions. Let me put it another way if I may, when you pick up a dictionary you can't expect it to give you an answer unless you search through the pages for it. This site is no different. The key here is, if you are looking for something you have to look. No matter what you do in life, there is always a price to pay!!! I'll climb down off my little saop box now and wish you the best of luck in your search for knowledge. Oh, by the way.........try some pic-a-parts yards that deal have Z cars. P.S. This post is not intended to offend anyone but to provide a little guidance to new members. :classic:
  2. 240ZX commented on ChrisA's comment on a gallery image in Zcar Ladies
  3. 240ZX commented on Steve Parmley's comment on a gallery image in Racing
  4. 240ZX commented on Victor Laury's comment on a gallery image in 04 National Convention
  5. 240ZX replied to ceaih's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ok, so what do you get when you mix together a Crossfire, VW beetle, Audi TT, and a pipe dream....add in good handling and performance??? :stupid: :stupid: You quessed it...........A 350Z
  6. 240ZX replied to ceaih's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Ceaih, Ok, here's some serious critiques/comments..............Can you say, "This is a Z car site, this is a Z car site, this is a Z car site........... Honestly, I rather doubt that the Z car ever crossed Daimler/Chrysler's mind! The only similarity these two cars share is they both have four wheels. You should seriously consider not smoking that stuff anymore, as you may start thinking that John Kerry would be a good president too! NOT!!! Sorry for the political stuff, but I couldn't resist.
  7. 240ZX replied to viparz's post in a topic in Interior
    Z-ya, No I don't mind you asking my waiste size. 33" to 34". At 38" the Sparco Sprint seats might be a bit snug. However, Corbueo (spelled wrong, I know) has a similar seat with more width. I sat in one and it was a bit to loose for my butt. I might add that, If you guys are looking for a seat that is easy to get in and out of, you will likely be unhappy with these seats. But if you want a seat that really holds you in place, these seats are great as well as comfortable.
  8. 240ZX replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    If my 240Z was a woman..............let's put it this way, there would be a plentiful supply of new series 1 Z cars available in about 9 months!!!
  9. 240ZX replied to ceaih's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    What have you been smokin' ???
  10. Where do I like to drive my Z??? On pavement of course.........but seriously, I reside in SoCal, Ventura County. I love this area! Ventura County has some pretty nice back roads with good backtop, plenty of corners to be carved, not much traffic, and not too many CHP's (don't forget to take the radar detector anyway). Typically, Saturday mornings and or Sunday afternoons seem to scratch my itch. I have my designated routes for play time but on occation I like to take runs up the coast past Santa Barbara and usually further. The farther north you go, the better it gets! Have you ever noticed that you always seem to get stuck behind all the slowest drivers in the world when you're out in your Z car? I wonder what that's all about.........I wonder!!? Now if only there were a few more Z's in my local area, to do a little spirited driving as a group, it could result in a heck of a good time! But as Symon says it doesn't realy matter as long as you are driving your Z!!! When asked by my friends about the experience of driving my Z, I always tell them....."It's so much fun to drive, it should be considered illegal!" (Well, I quess alot of the times it is!!!) Just gotta love these cars.
  11. 240ZX commented on 26th-Z's comment on a gallery image in 04 National Convention
  12. 240ZX commented on germanz's comment on a gallery image in 04 Euro Tour by Z
  13. Just a technical tidbit............Scientifically speaking, the term decelerartion is not used! It's actually negative acceleration, the opposite of positive acceleration!!! Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in the velocity of a moving body. Everyone wanted to hear that one.......right!! :nervous:
  14. waynekarnes, Please help us understand your explaination! You say the "residual valve" retains a bit of pressure on the rear brake wheel cylinders (rwc) means, rear brake cylinders don't require a large amount of pressure to engage (kinda like a booster). If the residual valve retains a bit of pressure on the rear brake wheel cylinders, then surely you would have rear brakes that constantly drag. I don't think so! And if the rear brake don't require a large amount of pressure, then why would you use a device kinda like a booster? I'm not implicating that you do not understand the workings of the unit, just your explaination of it is in question. Wouldn't it be safe to say that the residual valve is nothing more than a reducing valve, decreasing the amount of pressure to the rear wheel? So, in reality the "residual valve" proportions the the pressure between the front and rear wheels, even though the residual valve is not manually adjustable, but a fixed setting. What-da-ya-think?
  15. 240ZX replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Stephen, Come on, you know you want one of those engines..........don't you!!! Seriously, I have to agree with you, but hey not everyone is the total detail guy...obviously. As you well know, there are lots of cars that at first glance appears to be this awsome car, but once you really take a closer look, like under the car and else where, and see that all the little detail items that make a real nice car awsome, have either been over looked, are so so, or just look like crap. (Out of sight, out of mind) And of course there is the photo factor! Photos certainly do hide alot of little stuff. One thing is for certain.....this guy is going to go through alot of rear tires. Shoot, it's hard enough to get 300 HP to hook up with these light wieght cars....wouldn't you agree?
  16. 240ZX replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    Well I just had to jump in on this one! Very very cool Z, first off! One additional little detail to point out about the underside photos...correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the oils pan look mighty low. From what I can see, it looks to be lower than the front cross-member. Here is a possible sinerio...take one lowered Z car, add an engine with the oil pan lower than the front cross-member, hit one really good bump in the road (by accident of course) and you will have something akin to the Valdez oil spill. OK, maybe he drives the Z on a billiards table or something of the sort. Next item on the modification agenda......Modifiy Oil Pan for better ground clearance!!!! Or maybe spend some real $$$ and go the route of a dry sump system....ya, that's it!!! Just my two cents worth.
  17. 240ZX replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey Carl, This is totally off the subject, but your new avatar is funny as s_ _t!!! Is this a Pleasanton Olympic Event? So what's the prefered meal before an event? ......just having a little fun with you. If you use your imagination, you can imagine you are viewing practice of this event through a pair of night vision goggles.
  18. 240ZX replied to EricB's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Eric...............S T O P driving that beauty to work!!!! You know how many brainless sheeple (people who function like a sheep) there are on the 101 or any freeway during prime time. I'm sure you own a commuter! If not, get one. Your Z is way to nice to subject it to that sort of a risk. I can certainly understand the urge to drive such a classic, but please please please spare us all from having a heart attack. Just a note; I live about 30 minutes from T.O. Also, good luck with the wifey.
  19. 240ZX replied to fightyourself's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Your on the money Steve regarding the SU's. I guess I should have been a little more specific with my explanation. I should have said.......based on the Ebay intake, excluding the use of SU carbs, it might work for a forced induction system! "fightyourself" is fighting with himself.......he still didn't get the comment about welding brass. You don't weld brass, you solder brass. It's a bonding process as opposed to a fusing process.
  20. 240ZX replied to fightyourself's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    I'm sorry, I can't help myself on this one!!! Since when do you WELD brass??? And what does the seller mean by calling it RARE???? As in not very well done? ROFL I'm guessing the seller is "fightyourself" based on his responce to the posts. Come on....................bring on the S_ _t flinging. Yeeeeeeehawwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. 240ZX replied to fightyourself's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Here's my .02 cents worth..........The idea is good but the exicusion is not!!! Not enough air volume within the tube for the two SU's. As said previously, look at those 90 degree air travel path turns. In fact if you think about it, the front carb would potentially have a low pressure area created at the mouth of the #1 carb as the air rushes across the opening.....similar to a syphon.....not good. Also, the guy says the brass conducts heat away quickly.....well, if it can conduct heat away quickly it can also heat up just as quickly.....another NG thing. The only way this item would work is if it was part of a positive pressure system (forced induction),!? As said previously, it looks like a boat part!!! But hey.....someone will buy it...you can count on it. If there are people dumb enough to try and sell their reject project then there are likely people who will buy it. I'll bet if he would have polished the brass it would already be sold!!! ROFL
  22. Mike, Thanks for the input regarding a fix for the limited mirror adjustability. I had the same thoughts as you about how to extend the adjustable limit.........just haven't got around to addressing it yet! I was wondering however, do you think by doing this mod it would expose or show a gap or an unchromed area when at it's extreme adjustment? With the way I have it currently, my view is about 15 to 20 degrees out from straight back..........good view of cars approaching in the adjacent lane anyway!!! It's actually Ok because the rear view, straight back, is addressed with the reaview mirror in the interior. Just one of those little ism's.
  23. 240ZX replied to Z-point's post in a topic in Europe
    Guus, Absolutely beautiful!!! I guess you wouldn't want to misjudge one of those corners, yes? If I had the money, I'd certainly join you guys. Sound like it would be great adventure!
  24. Hey Gavin, Regarding the mirrors you desire. I purchased a set from MSA (USA) for $50.00. They are OK but not of the highest quality.........nothing like the ones that came on an original Cobra or such. Anyway, I like them enough that I installed them on my 240 at the door locations. They would probably function better up on the fenders, as you prefer, as opposed to on the doors as I have done. Reason...........on the door location, the passenger side (RH) does not have enough adjustability to see straight down the right side. That's Ok though, as they have alot of HRC (High Rate of Coolness). I'm happy with them. Just thought you'd like to know.
  25. That was kinda harsh I admit................I apollogize. Rememeber however, that the brake system is comprised of a number of components. Troubleshooting is always a process of elimination. If you have a basic understanding of mechanics, purchase a repair manual and start reading! Then get your hands dirty. If you are not confident with doing a repair of a brake system.......take it to a professional! Otherwise you may become a causulty and a canidate for the Darwin Awards.......if you know what I mean? Again, my apollogy for being too harsh.

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