Everything posted by 240ZX
please help on 1986 nz 300 with brake problem!
You mean to tell us that you fly a C5...................OMG, we're in trouble now!!! What do you do when the brakes on your C5 are not working correctly?
Replacing Transmission
CCC77, The existing trans you have (early model 5 spd) has a lower 1st and 2nd gear than the ZX trans, so you are likely to feel a little difference when taking off using the ZX trans. However, the ZX trans (late model 5 spd) has closer overall gearing than the early units. 4th gear on either trans is a 1 to 1 ratio with 5th gear having only a slight difference. Of course, going to lower diff gears will improve your acceloration.
Best in Show
Is this just a rant from v12horse or is he suggesting that the judging should be fixed..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmm??? Certainly was nicely done, wasn't it?
What's with these boots?
Bill, I think they're weighted so she won't blow away in a strong breeze! Or, are they just bulls_ _t waders?
Women at the WC Nationals
The question is.....is she just sniffing her finger or is this living proof that women pick their noses just like men do???
Rear caliper mounting brackets
Thanks for providing a better description of what works and what doesn't work. Now that I think about it, and it's been more than two years ago and I'm over 50, I recall going through the exercise of trying the wrong rotors from an 81ZX. Lance, I'm assuming you've done this mod! If so, did you use a proportioning valve with your Z. I did'nt, based on Terry Oxendales write up on the conversion, and the front to back bias for a street Z is good.
Danish nr.2
You've got the look for sure..............Oh yah, another very cool Z car. So winquist, I hear the women in Denmark are some of the most beautful women on the planet! It that right?
1973 Ebay Car
ScoHo, Way to go!!!! Very nice score. IMO, the price you payed is a good deal considering the PO has most likely got a lot more than that invested in parts alone, forget about any labor!!!! Plus, think of all the time and effort you would have had to put out to put a Z in this condition! But now, all ya gotta do is drive it and love it! Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaw!!!! We're all excited for you. Have fun.
Rear caliper mounting brackets
frank13, Looks like your doing a good job there. The only thing I will elaborate on is the 280ZX and 280ZXT calipers. The latter of the two, the 280ZXT calipers, are the prefereable units IMO and from the info coming in, they are just like the 240SX units with the exception of the e-brake cable attach points. Don't know for sure but who knows? The difference between the ZXT and ZX calipers is visually significant! The ZXT's are a nice looking cast unit and have a similar look compared with the ZX front calipers. The ZX rear calipers on the other hand incorporate some funny looking stamped out pieces that just look cheap IMO...although they work just as well as the ZXT units. Regarding the rear rotors, you definately want to use the non-turbo, standard issue 280ZX rotors. The turbo units have a larger offset and will not work for this upgrade. My reasoning for choosing this upgrade was basically because it cost a lot less than going with Brembo's or an equivalent brand. To sum it up, my 240 weighs about 2300 lbs and the ZX system was designed for a car that weighs in at about 2800+ lbs., add in a good set of pads and SS flex lines, and now I have a factory 4 wheel disc brake system on my series 1 car. I've been using them for approximately two years and I'm more than happy with the upgrade. It even looks pretty cool....kind of a factory installed look!!!
How much should I pay for a 280z?
More details on the car ( trans type, serial #, pictures, etc.) will help determine a value but, most importantly you want to look it over really well to see how much if any damage the rust monster has done, which also may be hidden by the fresh paint. Search the archives on this site regarding rust on these old babies. A little research done now will help avoid big headaches and lots-o-money later. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Glove Box Doors
Chris, you have good recall..............mine is at the top of the glove box door as well (HLS3002126 Manf. date 3/70). I'm curious about the other type too!
rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
Sonic, I'm familiar with your area. I used to live in El Cabong when I frequented the back roads on my Ducati. The A520's seemed to have a bit better turn-in but the grip was maybe a little better when warmed up. Put up a post and I'm sure you will get lots of feedback.
Factory headlamp covers 240 wanted
Chris, I just finished picking myself up off the floor. Imagine, if you will, some time in the future........................Rare and Classic 240Z for sale $50,000.00 ( $10,000.00 without headlight covers) ROFL
Ego Boosting!!!
So Carl, Thanks for the congrats............regarding the balance of your post......your kidding right? My guess is they had no clue who's car it was. I did however shoot them an email to inform them.
Factory headlamp covers 240 wanted
I'll second that request................I'll take a pair as well!
Ego Boosting!!!
OK, OK, I'm probably going to catch some flake on this one but, here goes...........In regards to the MSA 2004 show, had a very good time and was stoked with the responce I got from people about my 1970. Anyway, Gav240 sent me a PM regarding MSA using a picture of my Z on the home page....was I ever excited that they thought it was a worthy specimen. Seeing a picture of your car being used by the likes of MSA is pretty cool in my estimation. It's just a little reward for all the time and effort that was put into the car. Thanks MSA...I think you folks have good taste!!! OMG my head is swelling.........help me Mr. Wizard
rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
Sonic, Are those Yokahama ES100 tires? If so, whats your take on them. I have them and think they work well. Had the A520 before. Liked them but are a little harsher than the ES100. By the way....Nice car!!!
Blower Connections?
Royal Purple Synthetic Oil
gema, What's wrong with using Mobil#1??? Haven't you been reading the rest of the posts???? I mean, why do you wear the underpants (or is it panties in your case) you wear...that is if you wear underpants. And Mike, I'm sure there are many FOOLS who buy the same oil you us as well!!!
Royal Purple Synthetic Oil
I have to agree with Mike....for that matter, everyone. I am a fan and user of Mobil#1 syn. Been using it for over two decades..... Just like what someone said in an earlier post...."If marketing folks say it enough, it just has to be a fact!!!" Yah right!!!
Oh My...
Carl, I once heard it put this way......."For some people, their taste is only in their mouth" ROFL But hey, someone thought is was cool at some point or else it was just a joke from the start!
whats wrong with splitfires and slick 50?
Thank you Bruce! You are so right. When are these people going to learn that we just want the truth.........not hipe and BS. One of my favorite sayings is....."It's mind over matter! But, if you have no mind then it doesn't really matter!!!"ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
Sticky agressive throttle fix
I had the same issue with my Z. However, at the time it had mucho miles on it and the throttle linkage was pretty loose, well used at best! I read articles that described the problem and some even went to the extent of fabricating and or modifying the existing set-up. Well, that is what I had in mind at the time too! But, here is what I did and it works smooth as butter now. First off I went about eliminating the excessive tolerances that occured from 30+ years of use in the linkage. Secondly, I adjusted the adjustable part of the linkage to minimize the camming effect (hard to push initially and then it get's easier all of a sudden) to a minimum. And thirdly, I replaced the two return springs with a pair of lighter Stainless steel springs. Of course I did some testing to make sure they were not too light! I now have a throttle that works smoothly and with good control. In addition, I attribute some of the smoother take offs to the addition of a 13 1/2 lbs flywheel......which originally everyone said was a bad idea for the street because it would be hard to drive!!??!!?? Well, the truth is that it actually drives much easier with the light flywheel than with the stock unit.......go figure!? Just one man's opinion................that works!
Low Octane Fuel and Knocking
Landmizzle is right on the money with his explaination of premium fuels. As he said, the additives (antiknock agents) prevent the fuel/air mixture from igniting prematurely. And yes, premium fuel has less BTUs per give amount of fuel. So, as it has been said many times before....is it's not pinging and your using regular grade fuel, everything is fine! Using a higher grade fuel is a waiste of $$$
whats wrong with splitfires and slick 50?
I just think it's funny as all get out, that the spark plug marketing people have lead the consumer to beleive that spilfire, V-tip, and other multi-electrode plugs are better than the single electrode plugs for performance.......wow!!!! If one electrode works good then two or more are going to really improve my performance!!!! The only performance improvement that you will get is from weight lose..........less weight in your wallet that is, because now the plug manufacture has your hard earned $$$!!! P.S. Sheep are always going to follow......................