Everything posted by 240ZX
z @vw club meet
1972 240Z
Looks like another government employee who is going to have some fun in a Z. Have lots of fun..........you need it working for uncle sam!!!
904 white paint
Bill, My 1970 was originally the 904 white. It was then painted Guards Red in Dec. 1983. Still has the same paint on it currently.
Transmission shifter 4 to 5 speed swap
Hey Victor, You can imagine I was confussed, at first, when I installed my late model 5 spd, because every article I read said........"They just bolt right in without any mods!!!". Can you see me saying....Yah right!!? Of course later on I discovered that the later 240s did not require the mods. Live and learn! Anyway, with the 5 spd, 3.90 diff, and my 235-40x17s my Z accelorates very nicely concidering my L6 (2.8 litre) is internally stock.
Transmission shifter 4 to 5 speed swap
I put a late model 5 speed (shorter in length than original 4 spd)in my 1970 and it required trimming a little off the front of the tunnel opening, in addition to a modified shifter. This may be specific to the very early 240s as it seems the later 240s do not have the same clearance problem. I'm not sure now accurite this info is but I did have to mod my tunnel and shifter for a proper install.
look at me
Extremely nice body work and paint. One of the nicer units at the show. Where is his left front wheel cap???? Damn!!!
in the drive way
Widest wheels and tires?
If you are considering 17s, that'll work! I've seen a number of guys who are running 225-45x17 fr & 245-45x17 rear with no rubbing issues. I am running 215-40x17" on 8" wide wheels (fr) and 235-40x17" on 9" wide wheels (rear). However, I've also got sectioned struts w/ coilovers and wheel spacers. I think your choice, 17"x7" wheels, is just fine and you will likely have no problems. Hope this info helps?!!
Chillin' Z
Help to gauge a good price for this '72 240z
Wishihada240, The Z Police have done it again..........saved another brother from waisting him hard earned $$$. Isn't it just the coolest think to have all this expertise on tap??? Good luck and good hunting! Everyone deserves a hand
Engine Swap How To's?
You might want to go to HybridZ. I frequent the site often and it has lots of tech advise on engine swaps. Ok guys....don't panic, just because I frequent the other guys' site doesn't mean I'm thinking of replacing my L6 in my 240!!!
Help to gauge a good price for this '72 240z
Hate to break the news to you but, from the pics you posted and the exlanations about the other areas.................this Z has a severe case of the old rust monster. You can bet that if it looks that bag externally, it is likely even worse internally where you can't see. IMO, the $900.00 you sent this guy to hold the car is probably more than it's worth to begin with. Just be advised, if you purchase the car, you are looking at some serious time and $$$ to get the car in rust free condition. Don't let your emotions make your purchase decision. Just my opinion and an attempt to save you some heart ache later on. Stay focused and keep looking.....they're out there and in better condition for $2K
Sales Book 1972
Aren't they just beautiful cars??? And to think I was just in my second year of college in 72. Oh how time flys when your having fun.
- crashed z
From the Side
Car wont start
Sounds to me as though you are a prime canidate for learning about basic engine tune-ups and such!!! You have to understand that the question you pose is sooooooooo general that it's just impossible to provide you a simple answer. But for starters.........think about why it didn't start before. It was electrical wasn't it? Well, it's likely a similar problem if you have no spark. You just have to have a basic knowledge of the car's systems and go through the process of elimination. Just like the rest of us who have learned the hard way. A little research and some reading on the subject is a good way to start. I'm sure this is not the answer you were looking for but if you take the time to learn a bit about engines and the systems that allow then to operate, you will thank yourself later on for doing so. Give it a try anyway!!! Otherwise, if it's a matter of urgencey, take it to a mechanic familiar with Z cars. Good luck!
Turn Around
Each year we attend the MSA show, registered participants get a goodie bag full of stuff. This year we got a copy of a book titled TURN AROUND. It's all about how Nissan was save from sure death......a slow and painful death!!! Does anyone care to share their thoughts on this really good read book? All I can say is..................WOW! Wish we had someone like Carlos running the organization I work for!!! What do ya all think?
What would you pay?
Keep looking................................. The guy must be dreaming @ $5kROFL
Very red
Gee, it looks like my Z........hay! it is my Z!!! Hay Gav, as you may have noticed I have added the BRE style spoilers front and rear as well as the chrome mirrors and headlights. That's me in the shadow of the tree with the hat on. I'm just stoked that someone took a picture of my toy.
16X7 Riken wheels
Have you looked up the price of what a new set of the same wheels cost?
Where are the MSA pix?????
Oh well!!! I guess we can learn from our mistakes....as long as we can remember then!!? It's funny! I was hoping to meet some of the folks we talk to on this site but most of them are only identifiable by there Z car. I saw some of the cars but no owners. Maybe we (those of us on this site) can come up with a hat or T-shirt with are avatar on it, plus it would provide a little PR for this site. What do you think. And thanks for the compliment on the car Steve. I know we must have walked past each other more than once. I was wearing a tan Patagonia ball cap and sun glasses with a t-shirt that said "FULL SCALE HOT RODS"
Where are the MSA pix?????
Hey Steve, I looked for you thoughout the day as well as inquired about where you might be.......nadda!!! Different paint on the Z ehh! No wonder I couldn't find you. And, so how come I never saw you come by my Z and say hi. I spent most of the day chatting with people about Z car mods and such so I was at my car most of the time. They again stuck me way down to the left of MSA however I was closer than last year to the main booth area. I actually told the attendents that I had made plans to park with your group and they just said take a left...........ya right? No Steve, no parking! Anyway I had a great time talking to folks about Z's. As usual there where some super nice rides there.
California Mille photos
Ben, Those are some remarkable looking old cars!!!! Of course I now have a big puddle of drool on my keyboard. What do you think guys, does Ben get an award for providing us this absolutely killer post.....................2 thumbs up Ben...thanks!