Rear side light markers
Or classified section. Try Skipzcar@aol.com
Does 280Z have a lower Front Grille?
All 280's have a lower grille.
help 76 280z running rich
Replace the ECU.
Hello All I need a bit of help
I have Factory Service Manuals. You can contact me direct at Skipzcar@aol.com.
upper rear panel body replacement piece
E......... I emailed Charlie direct and he returned my request for the info on the replacement panel. If my old feeble brain is working I think the price was $136.00.
upper rear panel body replacement piece
Charlie Osborne at Zedd Findings. www.datsunzparts.com
Freeze plug ?
Form-a-gasket gets my vote, also. I've used it for more than 40 years with no failures.
clutch hydrolic leak
Those parts are still available at most auto parts stores.
Map Light
If you are not in a big hurry I'll bring you one. I'm coming to the balloon fiesta in Oct.
Gas tank Question
It's not that big of a job to remove the tank and look inside.
replacing fuel injectors
This is not a job you want to do often. It's important to do everything right the first time. New injectors do come with the hoses attached. You don't need to buy new clamps. I know the FSM says to replace the clamps but I've used the old ones many times without any problems. Check each one to see that they are still good. If your plastic hold down blocks are still good they can also be reused. The injectors are sealed with an 'O' ring. Use new ones. The entire fuel rail does have to come off. It's a tedious job but with patience it will get done. I sent my injectors to Bill Johnson and had them sonic cleaned. They all have exactly the same spray pattern and I expect them to work perfectly. My project isn't far enough along to start the engine yet. Bill's email is:bjcda2000@adelphia.net. Cleaning is far more economical than new. Good luck Skip
Removing the lower rack from pinion??
The rack will come out without moving the engine.
What is this and what does it do?
Stephen, The 79 ZX also had the dashpot. Mike, The dashpot does not have any vacuum connections. It's function is to keep the throttle from slamming shut when you take your foot off of the pedal. Leave it there.
Tear down Results-Inputs please!!
The flywheel can be resurfaced if it is not trashed too bad. Any name brand parts will do fine.
Automatic Tranny advice/help needed
This won't help, but it doesn't sound like a trans noise. I'd look for something else.