Everything posted by danc
Got 4 Volts from my Ignition and a sic moan
Guys: Found the voltage problem source and fixed that , but it didn't make any difference. Finally put a remote starter switch across the starter and it starts right up. I have no other symptoms, and everything works. It will also start sometimes like normal sometimes cold or hot?? Any electrical wizards out there who can tell me what would function intermittantly in the starting circuit when everything else works perfectly?? Ignition Control Unit????? Thanx Dan
Got 4 Volts from my Ignition and a sic moan
COZY Z COLE: I have an 83ZX with a SBC, but the wiring is unchanged from the 6 cylinder. I didn't want to predispose anyone based on the conversion, and the battery cables are clean! Thanx Dan
Got 4 Volts from my Ignition and a sic moan
Guys: I have been having starting problems (different thread) and had 12 volts coming off of my Ignition switch. I now have 4. Battery is definitely good... The noise (a sick sounding moan) is coming from the glove box area, so I assume it is an ignition relay but I don't have a service manual? Any thoughts or ideas? I've exhausted the local Nissan dealership mechianics expertise and am pretty much lost at this point???? Thanx Dan
83ZX Won't start
I am new to the forum and made another post in the tech area and find out now after "wading" around that I put it in the wrong forum. I have an 83ZX that had an intermittant starting problem (having to turn the key more than once to get it to start) to now not starting at all. All I get is what sounds like a relay click from the inside on the passenger side of the car. The dash lights dim, but the interior lights and low oil pressue light do not. The battery and Starter have both been bench/load tested and are good. I have 12 volts to the large terminal from the battery to the starter, and the ignition side of the distributor in the "on" position. I do not have any voltage to the other terminal on the solonoid where the yellow starter wire is attached. I put a jumper wire from the distributor on the ignition side just to see if the starter would turn over and it does with the key in the "on" position. It also turns over with a push button starter switch hooked up on the solonoid. I was told to check the brown fuseable link on the passenger side fender well and it is O.K. I do not have a manual, and I guess the question is what is between the ignition switch and the Yellow wire on the solonoid? My next stop is an electrical shop and I hope to avoid that deep-dig in the check-book? I suppose I could put a push botton starter switch, but that's not a good solution for me asthetically.. Appreciate any help... Thanx Dan
83ZX No Power to the Solonoid
I have an 83ZX that went from having to turn the ignition key a couple of times to get it to start to plain won't start. The Battery and Starter are both good and have been bench load tested. I have 12V from the battery to the larger starter terminal, and no voltage to the starter in the "start" position of the ignition switch. I have 12V from the ignition to the distributor in the on position. I have checked the "brown" fuseable link on the passenger fenderwell and it is O.K. HEP Hep!!!!!!