Everything posted by AxtellZ
Hey, 240Z...
don't have an answer for you, but did you use alta vista's "babelfish" web translator? Might help a bit. Good luck. JA
carb/fuel/ignition problem?
Hi everyone. Been busy with "honey-do's", but finally got out to the Z. Started checking stuff out, and found a wire from the rear of the alternator ( that one lower & near the passenger side framerail) was basically half there- the bullet connector was barely connecting/arcing. No wonder my gauges would wander, and ignition was halfhearted. I semi-attatched the wire- don't have a connector on hand, and the car seems to run well. However, my Right turn signal doesn't blink (left does) Maybe fried the blinker? Does each side have its own? Any guesses out there? Hopefully i can look in the daylight tomorrow, if it ever warms up again.. Thanks all:) JA
carb/fuel/ignition problem?
Thanks everyone. Ended up working today, but did pull the float covers. All seems well, i think i'll chase filters tomorrow.
Brake Hiss (Help please)
if its while running, i'd lean even more towards the master-vac, or one of the vacuum lines, since thats only when your creating vacuum. if it were just hydraulic in nature, it should be the same running or not..HTH
Brake Hiss (Help please)
I'd guess master-vac too. Can you pop the hood & listen, or have a helper do so, so that you can pinpoint where the sound comes from?
carb/fuel/ignition problem?
You mean the grose-jet or assembly it replaces, correct? Seems a year ago when i cleaned the carbs up, one of them did act a little goofy/sticky or something (they are the original style, NOT grose-jets). That would explain why it feels like half the motor is working certainly. I can remove the float bowl cover with the carbs mounted without a problem right? (i've always done my tinkering when they were on the shop bench previously) Thanks for the tip- sometimes my mind gets numb when i'm aggravated! anyone know the going rate for grose-jets, and is ztherapy the only place to sell 'em lately? ThankZ!
carb/fuel/ignition problem?
Hi all, my 74 260 with SU's has been bogged down :-( Saturday when i turned off the choke a couple miles from work, lost all acceleration/power. Stopped & whacked the rear float bowl (the top was damp) and it ran fine the 26 miles home. Its rained the last 3 days (car stayed inside), this morning i brought out the Z, got about 3 miles and "here we go again". So i pull over, whack the bowls again, and take off, but still crappy power. Don't notice it at low speeds, but in 3rd & 4th gear at 3000-3500rpm, it acts like only half the engine is powering. I also noticed my amp meter jumped to +30, where it is normally just to the right of center? So i figure i'll check floats, fuel filters, ignition...can anyone suggest where to start first? I really hate to replace entire systems just because i didn't check one item first! Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks everyone. Jeremiah Axtell 73/240 74/260 both w/Su's
Dashboard Lights
IIRC= if i remember correctly AIR= as i recall HTH= hope that helps etc,etc
Bumpy ride
Have you talked to a rep at MSA? About a year ago, i was in the market for suspension. They told me that tho lowering springs dropped the Z 1 to 1 &1/2 inches- the 28 year old springs were already sagging that much, more than likely... Don't know how accurate that is.. I bought OEM and KYB and urethane. I'm quite happy with it, and the car does sit a bit higher, but i doubt its an inch and a half. Bad news is OEM springs went up about 40% from last spring:( HTH, Jeremiah
Dashboard Lights
which bulb/s are you after? IIRC, my 73 has about 6 mini-bulbs in the dash. 1 in each gauge, and a few behind the heater panel etc. Depends which you're after, it may be easier to remove parts for access. If you didn't know, the lights have a single (power) wire to them, the fixture is a metal spring which clicks in place to hold its position and provide a ground. so you can pull the lamp assembly out, change the bulb, then pop it back into place. My hands sure aren't small, and i've done it, though it may have been when i fixed the heat controls, so access is easier! HTH
Ignition interlock
i don't recall, as those type of features have been disconected on my 73 & 74. IIRC, its just a buzzer, but its been awhile. Don't worry about it, unless you *like* minor nuisances in your life!
"don't try this at home"
:D I like.
Im new so im sorry if this has been answered...
yep, its possible, but probably just as easy and more effective to swap a whole assembly from a xz turbo. check out www.hybridz.org zya, JA
Gas gauge calibration?
i've been told you can remove the sending unit and simply bend the wire arm thats inside the tank to "adjust the reading". Haven't tried it, but supposedly you just unscrew the big knurled nut where the sender is mounted in the side of the tank towards the front of the car, and pull it out. Of course you'll want very liitle gas in it at the time:rolleyes: HTH.
How har is it to Fit a v8 in a '75 260z
quite easy (relatively) so i hear. i may one day put a 350 sbc in my 73, but it'll be awhile:( you really should go ask at www.hybridz.org you'll find everything about the swaps there. good luck, JA
L28 NA vs. Turbo Intake Manifold
If you need a turbo manifold, my tenant*may* still have one from the 81ZXT he just dismantled- send him an email to disco_rod@hotmail.com or get back to me & i can check with him. Zya, JA
HAHA!! Yet another crusty Datsun comes into my life!
I gotta agree the 2+2 isn't the sleekest look, but then again, a toyz a toy, isn't it? I damn near got a "free" 2+2 280, but 3000 miles separated us, so its Moderator Mikes nightmare now...i wonder if he ever got the fuel pump to work? At any rate, have fun with it, ugly or not! JA:)
possible purchase
I'd think 1500 is fine, depending on how good/bad the floors & rails are. Nothing like "hands-on" vs a picture. Maybe you can try an awl or screwdriver & see if the rust is only on the channels beneath the floor pans, or all over. If it is only the channels, Charlie sells those separately at www.datsunzparts.com Quite a bit less $ than floors complete. Good luck- looks decent in the pics! JA ps- did you check the battery tray/ spare tire well also?
I'm RICH! Well, my mixture is anyway...
OMG, all this innuendo and puns...driving ..me..nuts..
Exhaust fumes in the car.. Yaaaaaark....
You say you're going to be in Largo for a week? I sure hope you plan to visit Carl Beck, king of the www.zhome.com site! Send him an email i think its beck@becksystems.com ,but check zhome to be sure. Carl will entertain you with his 7 Z cars for a whole day! I stopped in last year when i was down there, as have several of our local club members...Highly recommend it if you have ANY spare time! Zya, Jeremiah
valve adjustment
Do you have a Haynes manual? I think its in there. The FSM is also a worthwhile investment! try the directions from zhome for now: http://www.zhome.com/Care/Valvlash.htm HTH
Exhaust fumes in the car.. Yaaaaaark....
well, this subject has been discussed ad nauseum (no pun intended) on the mail list in the past, and i think theres info at zhome too. 1) the further out the exhaust tip ends, the better. 2) seal every little crack around the back panel- taillights etc, etc. Remove the panel inside & check for leakiness. 3) some people say having the windows cracked a bit equalizes pressure, so less fumes are sucked into the car. All of this is from 9 years of reading others problems, i have yet to mess with my cars, 'cause its not ALL that bad (unless u ask my wife!) HTH, JeremiahLOL
insurence for the 240 Z
yep. my hagerty is $89 a year. $8000 agreed value. they prefer 3000 miles, but don't enforce a yearly mileage limit. May also try www.grundy.com They're very similar- i went with Hagerty because so many other "Z people" have! JA
What size tires?
My 260 i bought in August has new Firestone F-570 195/70/14's on the same size rim. Looks stock, and seem to be a really decent tire, FWIW. Haven't been on the track, but hold nicley for "spirited" driving so far. HTH,
darn thing that poops on the screen
so Eob, what's the fix? Is it in Mike's hands, or up to each of us? Thanks for the info anyway. JA