Everything posted by AxtellZ
Should users log-in to read forums?
i gotta go with my gut, that is- Mike your king here, so do what's appropriate in your opinion. My Win98 logs me in automatically, so it matters little to me personally. I'd hate to irritate potential members, but then again, come on- it takes 2 minutes to register- if it helps administration, then its the price you pay i guess. I guess the real vote-swinger would be if it will make a difference to potential sponsors, who in turn could help to support the site, as well as offer product/info to users here. also, i log on & off 2 to 30 times a day at work, depending on where i am, where the boss is, how busy it is, etc. Do all my log-ins count cumulatively, or what? Hope i don't screw up the statistics, its just that i've become addicted.. ..and that's all i've got to say about that...
A horrible weekend for me
Man o man, that makes me sick! Glad to hear you came out ok. Sucks about the car, but as they've said- its replaceable (it just doesn't FEEL like it!) Hope your doing well- i feel a little better about the crash-worthiness of Z cars after those pics- thats my wifes chief complaint about my cars- someone else is gonna kill me... Take care & good luck finding another. JA
L26 with 71-72 SU Carbs
Hi Frame, 2 many is right on (again..) I have done this swap twice- if you need specific details just ask. The only real PITA is the coolant lines that ran through the 73/4 carbs. Plug em or bypass em. Good luck!
3 and 4 screw SU carbs
i think the 3 screw were 70, then 4 screw were to 1972. you may check www.ztherapy.com for specific details- i don't recall the details. both my cars have 4 screw, FWIW they are supposedly easier to keep the dashpots moving freely with 4 screws rather than 3. Zya, JA
New Here
Hi Rev, Welcome! glad to have you onboard...by the way, where is "Yelm"? Zya, Jeremiah
chat room suggestion
Damn you people are all so smart! I've seen that pushpin, but have avoided it- i don't ike needles.... Thanks Keith! JA
chat room suggestion
Hey Mike, as i go in & out of the chatroom, i rarely am there at the same time as others. So i was thinking, if you had some counter or indicator of some sort to show if/how many people are in a chat room when you log in, maybe we would all find one another in there.. i am Not a computer guy, so i don't know if its a feasible option. feel free to straighten me out if necessary! Take it easy.
Blatant (*) kissing
2many, rat, et.al- i agree with all you've said. Let's keep in mind, Mike never asked for donations, we "forced" him to accept our offers! I can afford it, so i did. If someone else doesn't, i have no problem at all with that, i just figured i could afford to help Mike last week & did. As far as stars, labels, or icons as a contributing member- i was just "ball-busting"...that and sarcasm are my favorite hobbies next to all things Z! Sure hope noone holds a grudge on this. Zya:)
For Sale 1972 240 Z
Umm.. anyone noticed the ad was placed in May of 2000??
Intake Manifold-Triple Webbers
i'm not positive, but i *think* Motorsport Auto used to sell 'em. Otherwise i'd probably browse the classifieds at zcar.com- hate to lug that site here (sorry Mike), but the volume of stuff for sale is impressive. You might try a "want to buy" post on the IZCC mail list too. Hope that helps, JSA
Oil Pressure Drop
there was a way-too-deep-for-me discussion about oil pressure on the Z-list a few weeks ago. General consensus in the end: 5 to 15 lbs at idle are just fine, and under load around 30 to 60lb. Most likely the sender is faulty anyway, but seems to me most zcars are not deficient in keeping their oil flowing. Try pulling the oil cap in the valve cover while its running, and peek in at the cam with a little flashlight. Most likely she'll be smothered in oil... Good luck- i'd keep an eye on it, but doesn't sound like you have to much to worry about.
Blatant (*) kissing
Mike, beats me what "echeck" is- i just paid through Paypal, out of my bank account rather than a credit card. must be their flag. Jeremiah
Blatant (*) kissing
.....and of course, a Holiday Card from Mike, and a place to stay when you visit Oregon, and........just kidding!
My 260 baby
Blatant (*) kissing
okay, okay, i made my "first" donation to Mike's cause! Now about that star.... i'd like it 2001 Viper Yellow, with a black interior- like my 260! Hope everyone will toss in a couple bucks if this site has ever helped them out (ahem) Everyone here's great, really- Thanks. BTW Mike- a mailing address for cash customers isn't a bad idea- poor credit card-less 18 yr olds and such..plus i could send more w/out the wife thinking i have joined some craZy Z cult or something....
Blatant (*) kissing
So Mike, after reading and thinking....(tough sometimes)...it seems the simplest would be plain old "cash donations to Mike". I would like to see shirts or grill badges, but i'd hate to see it flop and end up costing $, or taking 4 years to break even or something. So while we (again, ahem..) are feeling generous, maybe you should post a mailing or Paypal address- you know, the "strike while the iron's hot" idea! Maybe an icon on page 1 of the website- "click here to support" or something or other... Let us know, thanks- your my home page- the wife "LOVES" it!
as far as other guages, i 'spose you could put an oil temp or something like that in its stead. You may consider just waiting till you can snag a quartz unit out of a 280. It's a straight & simple swap, with quartz accuracy...that was how i handled it, YMMV Jeremiah try asking people with a 280 parts car, or hit a boneyard- i found one for like $5.
Blatant (*) kissing
Well said folks, i must say i feel the same way. Hey Mike, let us know what we can do for you- maybe post your address & we'll all mail you a dollar or something. .. Donate a couple bucks via Paypal?? I would'nt object... Thanks to everyone here!
Diesel maxima crankshaft
i am no mechanic, nor engine builder, But... i can tell you that there is an article in the new SportZ magazine on the very subject. Just got it yesterday, and haven't read it, but i know its a 3.1 stroker that uses the diesel maxima crank. FWIW.. as a side note, anyone who loves Z cars should have a subscription- my favorite (and only) magazine!
newby question
Welcome Kellan! If you search the site, i am sure you'll find a bazillion posts with respect to condition. also, check www.zhome.com Carl Beck has really good info there, plus he's in Clearwater. As far as rust- obviously you want as little as possible! The "killer" spots are frame rails/floors, and around the battery box/firewall seam. Little spots, fenders. doors etc are really not a problem to fix. the frame rails and floors are available to replace, but it becomes a big job really fast. On the plus side, you can find nearly every z part for sale somewhere, so just find the best you can, and build up. seems to me you can find a beater for 2000 or so, and a really decent car for 4 to 6, plus a wide variety inbetween. Just hang around here and at zhome, you'll learn a ton if u want! Good luck. Jeremiah
SU Carb Needles
The manual says it, and Scott Bruning of Ztherapy.com said it, so i installed mine flush. I suppose either way will work, as you'll compensate when tuning the carbs. FWIW, Jeremiah
Looking, like everyone else for a 240z
i know nothing about it, but z-list member Pete Paraska has a friends car on his website (its in Maryland) http://mywebpages.comcast.net/pparaska/kenz4sale.htm Good luck! Jeremiah
73 240z stock ignition, intermittent problem
yep, sounds like condensor. as far as 2 cond on the auto, both are screwed to the dizzy- the third deal by the coil is for radio hum.
260z Wanted
You may get a better response if you give some details.. like your location, how far you'll travel for it, etc. Also, are you looking for "good condition" to begin a restore/refresh, or just drive or ??? No, i am not selling mine Good luck!
Some 72 240z parts and L26 engine
Hey Moby, still got the carbs? need the linkage between 'em too. Dont need the manifold, but if you prefer to unbolt it as a unit that would do.. Let me know if available. Thanks! Jeremiah