Everything posted by AxtellZ
Bill, you mean the IZCC list from zhome? z-car@taex001.tamu.edu
What mail do you get, Bill? Do you mean emailed notices of replies to threads, and PM's? Or the original mail list?
Amen! Many of us miss it.
Removing Rusted or Otherwise Stuck Nuts/Bolts
I like Kroil best www.kanolabs.com That and a brass hammer, as Carl Beck advised years ago.
white smoke?
Yep, so the answer is obvious: Drive it daily!! And keep an eye on the fluids...
Long Term Parking Brake Use
I'll add my 2cents- I leave the car in gear when parked, if on a hill i put in gear opposite the slope (facing downhill=reverse & vice-versa) I use the parking brake in daily driving, but never engaged for long term (Winter here in NY) storage. Yes, it will rust & be a pain in the spring! The other thing i'll add, that no one has yet, is that some advise to use a length of wood or some such to partially depress the clutch pedal if the car is to be left parked for a looong time. Apparently that too can rust/bond in time. Carl Beck knows the details on that one!
Z FALL FEST & CAR SHOW - Rochester, NY
Bump up again- come on out Peoplez!!
Valvoline Max Life commercial guy with 2 Z's
Cool, i saw that late last night. Sat there hardly believing what i saw, figured i musta been trippin' ;-)
Z FALL FEST & CAR SHOW - Rochester, NY
bumping it to the top..
ZXT intake questions...
WaHoo! Kyle's back! Missed you, bro'. i was just bitching about the email list being down so long... Nice to hear from you. Can't help with that mess above, other than to say it looks fairly well effed up.
car misses at high rpms (4500)
I'd double check the float levels, make sure they are adjusted properly. One carb may be running out of fuel under load, causing the starvation..
email list?
Hi Mike- Any word on the list coming back? I realize that the forums can do all that the list did, and more... But it's too bad that many of the "listers" i was familiar with spend very little time on the site. I really miss some of those guys, and their input. I have saved many, many emails that have come in handy working on my cars- it seemed the email list was more of a rank of serious racers, mechanics, etc. who's opinions were extremely valuable (to me anyway). Thanks!
I too, can't recommend Charlie enough! His business is like buying from a friend or neighbor- he goes out of his way to be helpful. I've met Charlie at several Z events in the Northeast, he is one of the more pleasant people i have come across.
missing problem
maybe points or condenser on the dizzy? Does it always miss, or only when warm, cold, etc? Coil could get funky when warm?
What do you do for a living?
Pharmacist here.
Crossfire vs Z
Hey now, i just LOVE *Bush*!! Oh, you're talking politics.... I thought this was the "boobs" thread ;-)
"Alternative" Jack Points
When we replaced the floors on my 73, we were rather perplexed, as they were toast. Ended up using 4 cement blocks under each wheel. Jacked up under the crossmember as others have said, but rather than using jackstands, put 2 cement blocks side by side under each wheel. Got a taller jack & did it again, with 2 more blocks on top (facing the other direction) It was EXTREMELY stable, and allowed plenty of room to work.
260Z Truth
that would be "replumb" the water lines. My 73 i ran some heater hose temporarily to bypass the manifold. Also, the phenolic spacer between carb & intake *may* be a different thickness, so you may need the old ones.
260Z Truth
Ayan- first, as Carl pointed out- check out ztherapy. They can supply any part you need, and all the advise to match. Essentially, all you need is to bolt the old SU's on. You need the linkage that goes between the 2 carbs from the earlier style. Also need to hook up the throttle return springs to the heat shield underneath. Intakes are fine, fuel rail, etc all work the same. You will need to "replumg" the water lines. I simply unscrewed the fitting from the thermostat housing & went to find a brass plug the same size, and rigged a plug at the backend too. Pretty simple all in all. Any problems, give a shout. Are you going to the z show at Appleby college near Toronto August 8th?
Ticking noise
Generally, yes it's a loose valve; no it's not a big concern, actually pretty normal. Better too loose than set too tight (some valve slap noise beats a burned valve) Have you pulled the valve cover just to look, to make sure theres not a cracked cam oil spray bar, or some such?
Ticking noise
Sounds like (no pun intended) valve clatter. How long since the valves were adjusted?
Who is going to the ZANY show in Syracuse?
Yeah, sorry i had to fly outta there. Brought my brother along & we both had to be back for family time before the wives started getting out the emasculator.. Sorry i missed visiting with everyone- but be sure to come next year for the convention (pretty sure the first week of August 2005- when the Glen is available) emasculator= device used to make a bull into a steer, for those who didn't grow up on a farm :nervous:
Who is going to the ZANY show in Syracuse?
Good to zee you there, Keith. Ed, sorry i missed you, i got roped into judging too! Some fine cars, for sure. Oh, Keith- in case you missed it- "Old Yeller" took first place in the 260/280 daily driver peoples choice :classic:
Need new Ball Joints
So, which did you choose? OEM, or aftermarket? Satisfied with the result?
finally on th road but plugs fouling quickly
Well, let me *qualify* that! I live in a 140-some year old home. First home in this town with an indoor "water closet"! Now, the toilets here aren't THAT old, but they are probably 40 to 80+ years old. Old, simple- if i can fix 'em any fool should be able to. As for SU's- i'll admit i feared even touching them at first! But i read alot, got Scott's first tune-up video, and dove in. And i've found they are essentially as simple as an old toilet (insert "gas" joke here:_____________) Man, this place is great