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Everything posted by AxtellZ

  1. AxtellZ replied to guy_geo's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    We Hate You... Just kidding, seriously you gotta love NY. If only i paid a few more taxes to go along with the weather:cry:
  2. AxtellZ replied to guy_geo's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi Ed! Niagara Falls eh? About an hour & a half NW of me.. Figure late October to April most likely, to avoid the damned salt. Some beautiful days in there that the Z will like, but its usually 4 to 6 months:stupid: Zya- come to a club meeting www.zccr.net Jeremiah
  3. AxtellZ replied to guy_geo's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Full tank of gas- no room for water condensation = rust in tank. Fuel stablizer (ie Sta-Bil) be sure to run car after adding to get it through fuel lines & into carbs I jack up the car & put it on stands, but the stands at their lowest setting, so the suspension isn't hanging, nor under load. Don't know if it makes any difference, but works for me Some choose to plug the exhaust, the intakes, etc to prevent rodents and such from nesting, but if you're in a heated warehouse i doubt that's a major concern. That's pretty much it. Some like to remove the plugs & squirt in a bit of oil before Spring start-up- that can't hurt either, but don't worry about it for now- youve got 6 months to wait!! HTH, Jeremiah
  4. AxtellZ replied to Hallaian42's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I agree. My PO put on a 2 1/4" (or is it 2 1/2"? i forget) with a resonator under the driver's seat and the "Turbo Tip" muffler from either MSA or VB. Looks alot like the Monza, IIRC. Its deep & throaty, i really like it, though a couple hours at 4000rpm with the windows down makes you tired of it... HTH, Jeremiah
  5. AxtellZ replied to krosser's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Keith, old buddy, old pal... as long as you're going looking amongst the bee and snake ridden Z cars, would u take along a short phillips screwdriver & see about the fuel gauge from that 74?? I'd make it worth your while:classic: Thanks- if it's not cold enough yet, i can wait... time for most Z's here in NY to begin to hibernate anyway:cry: JA
  6. AxtellZ replied to m240's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I'm with Rick on this one.. I too have used VB, and even Napa rebuild kits on 3 "refreshes" now. (yes, 3 different cars, didn't have to redo one 3 times!) I agree the fuel hose is not ZT quality, but it serves the purpose quite well....also, you can order just the fuel line fron ZT for 6 or 8$ each if you want. Just clean off a well ventilated area & get cleaning, it really is quite simple- if you have the video, you're set. One thing i did was to work 1 carb at a time the first time, so if i screwed something up i had one to reference back to. Don't be intimidated by the voodoo, its easy and rewarding- spend your $600 on something fun! like a carb synchronizer... HTH, Jeremiah
  7. Charlie Osborne of Zedfind in Kingston Ontario www.datsunzparts.com He doesn't have all his stuff listed, but call or email- he has or can get about anything....plus you gotta love that the prices are negotiable AND canadian! He's always been good to me, HTH Jeremiah PS- welcome to our craZy family!
  8. I like the concept, too bad it wasn't an option about 7 years ago:cry: I just have so many logins, contacts, business info etc linked to my current email/login, that it would be a horrendous pain to switch. Thanks for the option though! JA
  9. And those valve cover filters are available from www.racerpartswholesale.com The K&N was $13.86 i think..HTH, Jeremiah
  10. Just what i was thinking, Marty.. What's up Guy?? $11500 Canadian, whats that about $3000US:cheeky: ? JA
  11. AxtellZ replied to XplosivBadger's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Not precisley sure what you're looking for; could you elaborate? JA:stupid: ?
  12. AxtellZ replied to Mike's post in a topic in Polls
    As i read this at work, i was thinking "yeah, music has some influence", when it hit me: My Z does it to me! That exhaust note, the straight six wailing- the handling..this damn car makes me throttle through corners like a wild-man... It's supposed to storm here today, and i won't get out of work till after dark (when the deer are everywhere), so i left the Z home:cry: I miss my baby....
  13. AxtellZ replied to Ali's post in a topic in Polls
    I've never dragged/timed my Z's, but i gotta say Mike: 12 to 14 seconds?? isn't that a huge range in drag times? Kinda like, hey my car cost oh, say 5 to 17 thousand dollars?... zya all. JAROFL
  14. 4 kids for me (6 to 17), so it won't be the primary family hauler for sure! I suppose I'll see what she wants first (poor,poor, pitifull me will wait). She likes that van/SUV ride up above everyone else, fortunately she's not your average female/soccer mom driver (no offense, ladies) Guess i'll wait another year or better (give them time to work the bugs out)- then plead my case again- Thanks for your input Rick, that is what i was really looking for! Zya all, Jeremiah
  15. Sheez, time to bust out the wallet huh? It could be her car, but she doesn't like to drive the standard:cry: I've been holding back, because what she wants is a big 'ole Z-crushing SUV:sick: Been trying to save the world from another Expedition/Envoy etc etc! At any rate, my post is more looking for response to driving the Coop, as opposed to sneaking a car past the wife- its a game for us, and she knows when she *really* wants something, she can have it:classic: oh yeah- i saw a Turbo PT this week, list price is $27K! So much for the cheap entry-level cruiser... Zya.
  16. Hey everyone, anyone here own or drive a new mini-cooper? I'd like some opinions if so.. I am working on the wife for a new S-type (Umm, no, no luck as of yet) This car seems more like a Z than the "new Z"! 2300lbs, 163HP, independent suspension, and all at $22,500 loaded! So if you've driven/ridden in one- give me your take please. BTW, the wife's argument:" You have 2 Z's and your F150, and i'm still driving this 7 year old mini-van...":tapemouth Any ideas to win her over on this (other than buying her a van?!) Zya all, Jeremiah
  17. AxtellZ replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Hi Nate, last Z i found was gone (280 anyway) herez another: "Rob Roy" <rroy0001@nycap.rr.com> 08/29/2002 01:43 PM All: I discovered a nice '71 240Z for sale on the side of the road if anyone is interested. It was just northwest of Rome, NY, on Route 69. (Get off Thruway at Utica exit and follow signs for Rome (Jeff - "Marcy") and just keep going. You'll be on Rt 49, which becomes Rt. 69. (Beautiful road, by the way) Had rust in the rear quarters that had been fixed with fiberglass but would come back at some point . No rust that I could see in the floors or elsewhere. Car was blue originally but had been painted a dark green. Looked pretty good. Interior was good with fresh covers on the seats and a 1/2 cover on the dash. Original wheels and hubcaps (Ug!). 76K miles. Good bumpers. No dents. Big box of 240Z literature and manuals in the hatch. Car belongs to nephew of man on whose lawn it sits. Owner's name is Randy Hubbard. (315) 827-4910. Asking $2,000. (Been for sale for over a month and marked down from original asking price of $3,000.) Better than decent and ready-to-drive car for a good price... -- Rob Roy "Everything takes longer than it does" Scotia, New York Z Association of New York rroy0001@nycap.rr.com '74 310Z "Solo" '94 Chev "Tow" '65 Snapper Comet "Mow"
  18. Pretty much sounds worn & old.. Have you removed / cleaned / inspected it yet? You can buy a replacement, but it could be pricey if new ($120.00 maybe?) Otherwise Ebay, or maybe Charlie at www.datsunzparts.com (love that Canada $ discount). I would first remove it & clean it up, you may just have to bend the wire-springy things to get it to work right, HTH! Jeremiah
  19. *hint- if you go use that "DONATE" button first, Mike will be extremely helpful i'm sure! ROFL Just kiddin' there Mikey.. Jeremiah
  20. Yeah, follow the directions & it is pretty straightforward. I still advise getting a copy of the www.ztherapy.com SU carb video though. Definately worth the $15, i thought.. The only trouble i have had is if you've got vacuum leaks, worn bushings, etc- then they keep "untuning" HTH!
  21. St. Stephen- you'll appreciate my plan for a vanity license plate: GR8FLZED to put on my Z. Something there for Jerry & Pigpen, as well as the "Zed" types downunder.. as far as my handle: "ax" for axtell, "rph" for registered pharmacist. I use my email address because its unique, and i can remember it at all the different sites and addresses- try to keep life simple. I would create some cool name, but then i'd end up forgetting it...:stupid:
  22. AxtellZ replied to owenk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Another option (assuming there is electrcity available) is to use an angle grinder- "flatten" 2 opposite sides with the grinder, then use an open end wrench of the appropriate size (and probably a length of pipe over the wrench for leverage). I suppose if you had plenty of time you could cut 'em in two with the grinderROFL , HTH Jeremiah ps i have a set of 4 with the key if any one likes their nuts locked..
  23. AxtellZ replied to ldlabata's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Is this a daily driver, or other? I have heard of a few people riding around with 6 of the 7 bolts due to the same thing, with no problem whatsoever. Then again, i'm not sure which bolt they had broken, or if it makes a difference? If it were me, i think i would leave it & torque the remainder down correctly. And DO apply some antiseize when you re-install ANYTHING on your Z! Just keep a close eye on it if you take my advise! HTH, Jeremiah
  24. sounds like you should already have what you want. send a pic if you want, but just go to www.ztherapy.com to learn about "roundtop" SU carbs. The video is worth every penny. Learn to tune what you have, they're plenty till you really change your block/cam etc (even then, they are quite good, IMO) good luck, Jeremiah
  25. AxtellZ replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    In 1993, i bought my 73 for $999, still a work in progress. Just over a year ago i bought my 74 for $4500 (ouch). I was about to have the body/paint done on my 73, but a z club member fell ill & needed cash quick.. the car is done, he had just spent 5200 on paint & bodywork:classic: So now i save up for the 73 to get some work again:cry:

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