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Everything posted by AxtellZ

  1. Did you move the distributor and throw off the timing maybe?
  2. AxtellZ replied to malder's post in a topic in Electrical
    Think of a fusible link as a giant wire fuse. On my 260, there are 2 of them, mounted in a box on the fender in front of the battery. The 240 i haven't been in recently- but i think there's a heavy maybe white/red wire from the wiring harness down by the starter? Got a manual??
  3. AxtellZ replied to stizzyflip611's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    CLUNKING REAR END From "the Z Garage": This is the bane of all Zcars, it's almost impossible to completely fix. It can have many causes, but is almost never caused by the internals of the differential, especially if it's an R-200. The following are all the places the clunking can exist: worn out mustache bar bushings (replace with urethane) u-joints on the halfshaft ends are loose and worn-out (common, replace them) tighten all the mounting bolts/nuts on both ends of the halfshafts front differential mount broken (try tightening the 14mm nut in the bottom first) driveshaft bolts loose ball bearings/grooves in halfshaft body worn (replace halfshaft) tighten the two large nuts that hold the differential to the mustache bar shocks bad or loose in strut I personally think most of the time it's caused by the mustache bar bushings. These thin rubber bushings rot and flex and let the bar clunk the floor on acceleration.
  4. AxtellZ replied to malder's post in a topic in Electrical
    Fusible link that cooked?? I think that there is a fusible link in series there, maybe your starter was fine to begin with? I'm at work with no manuals, so i'm just guessing here for now...
  5. AxtellZ replied to malder's post in a topic in Electrical
    If i remember right, the negative battery cable is bolted at the upper starter mount (bolt goes thru the cable end & into the tranny housing) The positive cable bolts to the solenoid, then a spade connector slides on the end of the solenoid, to actuate the whole deal. Oh, and i think there's an attachment from the wiring harness that bolts on with the + cable too... Hope that helps, Jeremiah
  6. AxtellZ replied to malder's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well, first off i would suggest using the "search" function for posts about storage, etc etc. But basically, visually check everything, maybe pull the plugs & give each cylinder a shot of oil, let it sit a bit & slowly turn the motor. Not a bad idea to unhook the coil when first cranking, to allow the engine to get lubed before taking right off. Maybe even pull the valve cover & oil manually if its been too long. Otherwise, a basic tuneup- plugs, wires, oil/filters, check ignition system.. These are really tough cars- i doubt you'd hurt it to just start cranking her over, but i tend to baby my babies:love: Good luck, Jeremiah
  7. AxtellZ replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My wife got me one for Christmas- last time i was at my local WallyWorld, they had 5 or 6 in stock. I guess the damn locals don't understand beauty:stupid: If anyone can't find one locally- just ask- one of us will help you out (for a nominal fee...or Z parts-to-be-determined-laterROFL )
  8. AxtellZ replied to 240paul's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Paul, Wow!! The car looks great! Glad to hear you've come so far with it- nice to see you here and on the mailing list... I feel as though i know some of the people in my little Z world better than i know my extended family! Take care, keep up the good work:classic: Jeremiah
  9. AxtellZ replied to v12horse's post in a topic in Interior
    As far as i know, the early Z cars all had black armrests and dash, regardless of interior color. Of course, my Z's came black inside, so what do i know? But i am pretty sure the 240/60 and maybe 280 were only black. I would think that the SEM vinyl dye would work great if you wanted to color match though. Zya, Jeremiah
  10. Victor, you must mean "Zihad"ROFL
  11. AxtellZ replied to echocluster's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    try ebay. i got a pair of blanks for about $5 Haven't looked in awhile, but they used to be listed regularly http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2409345176&category=6763
  12. AxtellZ replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Early or late 260? How are the bumpers (i need an early rear)? I'l get back to you if i think of anything else, and pass the word around here in NY, if you're willing to ship. ThankZ Jeremiah
  13. Hi Dozer- sure is a small world- i did 2 years of high school in Alfred, and Keith (2many) has ties there as well!! So what is your real name, in the event i flag you down one day? And have you hooked up with ZCCR yet?
  14. Oh boy, oh boy, Now i have 2 sreennames to explain! Too bad there's not too much to explain:stupid: Axrph@wycol.com is/was my email address that i have used for what seems forever- i used that so i wouldn't have to remember different logins at different sites. "Ax" = first letters of my last name, "rph" = registered pharmacist. I have decided its time to move up to DSL after years of dialup internet service. This means a change in providers- so new email and a shot for another sreenname! And, duh, its real simple: Axtellz my last name + Z Could be taken as slang for 'the Axtell's" too, i guess. Pretty boring stuff, but at least some of you have kept this thread pretty entertaining. Zya Jeremiah Axtell
  15. AxtellZ replied to Zlishous's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As long as we're on the subject of starters- I ordered a replacement from www.rockauto.com (1 866 ROCKAUTO). They had a choice of 3 starters, Worldwide Parts, Delco, and Bosch. i believe prices were $22, 47, and 54. So being cheap and assuming a starter is a starter, i ordered the Worldwide unit. When i opened the box, lo and behold, it is remanufactured by AC Delco:cheeky: When it is really warm here in NY, i'll find out how well it works!
  16. Mine's a late 260, its a black rubber/plasticey knob, with the basic 4 speed shift pattern on top, set in a green blackground. I *assume* its original, but don't know. Sorry, no pics. Did you look in a MSA or VB catalog? I think they show all styles.
  17. AxtellZ replied to Zlishous's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The 260 also had some cursed "anti-theft" i think they called it- the seatbelts had to be hooked, tranny in neutral, maybe something else i am forgetting. I seem to remember disconnecting the wires that are beneath the seats, and mine wouldn't turn over either, till i plugged them back together. Been awhile, but you may check it out?? Otherwise i'd try jumping across the starter solenoid like mentioned earlier. Good luck!
  18. AxtellZ replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As far as a fellow Z-lover checking a car out, I had excellent help. I just asked on the "little" mail list from this site- Kyle Hageman and Darren Black drove about an hour (1 way) to check out a V-8 Z for me! Gave me a very accurate depiction, as well as a heap of digital pictures. Unfortunately, the car was way too beat for $4000, so i passed. They did this for nothing, just to check out another Z... I did speak to Kyle & tried to get his address to mail a few bucks to buy a pizza and a case of beer, but he wouldn't take it. I have to say I'd do the same for someone else, FWIW. Better luck next time, Jeremiah
  19. AxtellZ replied to lance75_280z's post in a topic in Electrical
    Ac Carl said, drill 'em out. It is very soft metal, you'll be through it in no time. Rather than use the EZ-out, i just used a 1/4" or so bit & drilled the whole deal away. Your drill chuck will be REALLY close to the dash/guage pod, so be really careful that you dont bump into it & mess up the dash. Really low-tech fix, but workz for me.:stupid:
  20. AxtellZ replied to beandip's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Man-o-man, this place makes me smile day after day..... I do have a pair of hounds, but just plain house mutts- a chow/husky and a chocolate lab mix. But, I did have a Black & Tan Coon hound in high school (had to make $$ the easy way, wouldn't want to actually work!) Guess i'm still a farmer/country boy, what can i say. Keith, does Pepper know how to hunt pheasants yet??
  21. AxtellZ replied to beandip's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    So you guys are telling me I'm the only backwoods hick hunter here?? Gotta eat my "speedbeef"
  22. AxtellZ replied to beandip's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think we've confused two- "happiness is a large gut pile" = deer, etc hunting and the old Beatles song, "happiness is a warm gun". Or, i could be tired:stupid: Jeremiah (i dig the beatles and hunting)
  23. AxtellZ replied to Ed's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Hi Ed, I don't know the answer, though the 30 does sound like a familiar number.. You may want to call Riter Restoration in East Rochester. A sponsor and member of ZCCR, Barry Brown should have extensive knowledge you can tap. (585)385-4151 good luck, Jeremiah
  24. AxtellZ replied to ZCCOR#109's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Welcome, Lowell!! Great story, glad to have another friend here! Have you checked out www.zhome.com Carl would love your story to add to hist list of original owners. Take care, i am in western NY, maybe one day our paths shall cross. Zya, Jeremiah
  25. AxtellZ replied to nahurry's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm with Keith about the coil. Another thing, does it still have the ballast resistor at the coil?? My 73 (stock ignition) had a loose wire at the BR, so it would die intermittently, then run only with the key in the "start" position, till it jiggled enough to make contact. Definately sounds electrical, not fuel starved though. Good luck, Jeremiah

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