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Wink Timber

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  1. Another front running Z in the U.S. during the mid-1970s was driven by Ralph Brooks, with d*** Messal as co-driver. This photo was copied from RALLYE magazine of Oct 1975, where there is a story on Brooks and Messal winning the Cooper 300 in Ohio. http://winktimber.com/vintagerally/rallyemag/rly7510_brooksz.jpg
  2. John and Carol Smiskol were quite active in SCCA rallying in the 1970s, in both the PRO Rally series and in the Road Rally series. (PRO Rally is closed roads in specially prepared cars; Road Rally is held on public roads at given average speeds). They were the organizers of the 1975 and 1976 El Diablo PRO Rally held out of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Here is a photo of their Z on the Wonder Muffler Marathon 400 out of Cadillac, Michigan, in 1975. http://winktimber.com/vintagerally/rallyemag/rly7510_smiskolz.jpg The later references you cite are Road Rally championships. Class L is "Limited" as in limited navigational equipment allowed. Class E is "Equipped" or unlimited navigation equipment. John still lives in the Chicago area, and occasionally runs road rallies. Tim Winker Minnesota

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