Everything posted by Jackhammer
Z Cars Rear Suspension Being Assembled
Gav240Z : No, actually that is VHT Caliper Paint. It holds up better than anything I have used to date. Looks as close to powder coating as anything I have seen. Fun In My Z : Thanks... Ron Carter : Since it is going to be a while before the brakes will be used I went ahead and sprayed them. It beats the alternative for now...Rust. I personally would rather have the paint than the rust. I've done it in the past ...works for me.
Ebay Emboldens Some Sellers
OK... I will Hi-Jack my own thread. Let's have a discussion about the relative merits of replacing the standard brake booster and master on a early 74 that has been converted to rear discs with a 300ZX booster and master.
Ebay Emboldens Some Sellers
Amen..... and I will second that...Bryan.
Ebay Emboldens Some Sellers
I am glad you started it Tomo. I thought it...but now since you mentioned it... Check out the engine compartment. Show Car? That's not even a clean daily driver. If that is a frame up resto like he claims ....the engine compartment would not look like that. Where are the photos of the undercarriage? C'mon now we are talkin'...a one off " Show Car". He admits he is trolling for the big fish.....but in reality he already has the top end of the market for what he has...$8600.00. Maybe?
Z Cars Rear Suspension Being Assembled
- Z Cars Rear Suspension Being Assembled
- Z Cars Rear Suspension Being Assembled
Ebay Emboldens Some Sellers
There's an interesting ebay Motors listing (Item number: 4589412554). It will be even more interesting to see where it ends up... More power to him if he gets his "Buy It Now Price". I honestly wish these cars brought that kind of money. Perhaps some day. I hope in my lifetime. Comparing this to mine ...still in the build stage...I could be asking $25,000.00...ahh well $23,000.00 :nervous: . After all the flap about Burt the Cardogman and his "Lowest mileage in the world Z" ..... I found the "One of a kind Show Car" even more interesting. I have found ebay in general to have driven market prices down on many items and catergories. It has also in some cases emboldened some sellers to push past the "market price" and see if a big fish is out there with big reserves and "buy it nows". I know it appears I am cutting down our passions "the first gen. Z" but reality is what it is. Right now these aren't Mopars from the muscle car era. Like I said, "more power to him". Dare I say... "just My opinion". http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26satitle%3D4589412554%26fvi%3D1&rd=1&item=4589412554 Jackhammer
Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
- Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
- Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
- Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
- Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
- Z Car Rear Disc Brake Conversion
Z Cars Rear Suspension Being Assembled
- Z Cars Ear Suspension Being Assembled
- Z Cars Ear Suspension Being Assembled
- Z Cars Live at Awesome Z
Z CAR Getting its Paint and Body Makeover
Hey... "Bullwinkle"...Easy yourself. Let me repeat.....You obviously didn't bother to notice all the photos of the complete stripping down to metal of the undercarriage and the process the entire body has gone through. Let alone the finished product to date. FYI... It was not only 2 coats of blue but thick areas of filler and primer all covered with a thick cheap coat of dried up white paint on top. Again... if you took the time to review the other photos (As Sharp As You Are} you would have seen and perhaps understood what all has taken place during this "Frame Up" restoration. Instead of drawing conclusions and opinions (remember what opinions are) from a photo that does not and was not meant to depict what the final prep was when completed and ready for primer and color. You know it just dawned on me. Why, am I wasting my time defending what I know to be a quality project that will stand up to the toughest conditions and "qualified"critics ? I will save you the space next to me at the 06 National Convention in Dallas so you can display your fine renditions of the first generation Z Car. Ahhh...on second thought. Oh, I thought this was good...on one of your more insightful posts you showed once again your depth of wisdom and judgement when detailing your fraudulent insurance activities. I am sure it is quite possible there are some "interested insurance types" that stumble around on this web site from time to time. Brilliant move... David. I guess that's how you learned all about body work. Wooo...Ron Carter at the MSA Nationals that's really impressive. Who gives a $^!#...He has his own gallery on this website. I don't see your Z's on his gallery. Gee, I wonder why? Hmmmmm....
Z CAR Getting its Paint and Body Makeover
The car is in Texas....and why after the time and investment would I leave it outside??!! So it could look like the beaters you have in your gallery? You obviously didn't bother to notice all the photos of the complete stripping down to metal of the undercarriage and the process the entire body has gone through. Let alone the finished product to date. Oh, yeah... and at least I am posting a work in progress that is showing great progress. Not pictures of raggedy arse cars, parts and pictures of me standing in the rain by somebody else's car. Opinions are like assholes ...everyone has one...and they all stink. No offense.
Classic Z Cars Live at Awesome Z - Houston
- Classic Z Cars Live at Awesome Z - Houston
Classic Z Cars Live at Awesome Z - Houston
- Classic Z Cars Live at Awesome Z - Houston
Z CAR Waiting on Cad Plated Bolts and Brackets