Cosmo Racing coilovers installed
So I'm probably going to order a set of these Cosmos cause I need to do something or I can't really drive mine anymore and these I can afford and swap later if I don't like them. I just made the slight mistake of swapping mine back to stock in the rear thinking it would increase the ride height (didn't really want that part per-say) but more importantly stop the damn things from rubbing my fenders off which I'm sure a smaller tire would help too. Anyway it made the car sit more level but I still feel reclined when I'm driving it like the fronts too high. Unfortunately though even with it sitting more level and with non cut springs (it was obvious the rears had been cut) it rubs even more... like with 2 people just reversing rubs :/. My main worry is I have other work to do to the ignition system (distributor, etc.) and can't afford the upgraded shocks too right now but I have good KYBs and my question is are yours still holding up at this point having been more than a year since this thread or how long did they hold up? Hopefully you see this .
autometer speedo
I know right...been awol from a bunch of forums. Hopefully I'll be changing that here shortly at least this one
autometer speedo
I know this is a very old thread but how did you make the box for the signals, brake, and high-beam? I was going to make my own thing but that looks rather nicely done and if I could mount the leds I have behind something like that (which may be premade?) provided I can get it quick enough. Would be cool to know what you used?
Rear Defogger Renewal
Sure would be clear probably right before that happened though lmao
Rear Defogger Renewal
Ah ok... bummer...comes in a rattle can too would've been plenty . Thanks for the reply
Rear Defogger Renewal
Hey guys, just sorta been researching this lately. I have my hatch glass out and was thinking of refreshing the defroster before I put it back in since I can get to all the tabs and grids a bit better. I was thinking of using the Permatex but was wondering how much coverage it gave and then read 7 bottles :eek: Anyways I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this stuff http://www.mgchemicals.com/products/838.html It doesn't state it as a use per-say but it does say it can be used as a conductive base in some electroplating process which I know uses current so that tells me it can take current flow. It's temperature range seems wide enough and it's only about 2 bucks more than one of those bottles of Permatex and pretty much the same price as Circuit Writer for what looks like plenty to complete the job and have a bunch left over? Has anyone worked with this stuff on anything or do I get to be the guinea pig? Does anything scream hell no to someone with knowledge on this? Thanks guys.
anyone from ventura county/santa barbara area?
^^Agreed! I know Mike pretty well and is a really good guy. Even found a 240z chassis from his yard that was pretty bad off but had the quarter panel I needed brought it to his shop in Ventura and let my dad and I take a Sawzall to it for several hours! Will take time to tell ya how to do something yourself if ya can't afford to have it done like my situation was on countless occasions. Drives a 280zx himself and is extremely knowledgeable in the Z lineage. I'd recommend him in a heartbeat! Would've posted on this earlier but I found this thread entirely by accident while searching on google to see if he had a webpage up yet for the shop I could link to in fb cause I was thinking of making an fb page for it if there wasn't one already. I need to visit here more often .With the economy and all I'm not sure if Stan is still there or not but he is very knowledgeable as well and knows 240z's inside out and also a great guy. Got my headers from him and he's come over to my place on several occasions to help me with the Z. Those 2 guys are probably 2 of the biggest reasons I got into Zs as much as I have, I can't speak highly enough of that place.
tripple SUs on L24
Absolte Z Club Meeting
...well I didn't get my Z so it could conserve mileage I got it to drive so going to a meeting once a month that's 1 and a half to 2 hours away is nothing, considering I just got back a month ago from driving it to Denver for a Z meet with my friends from got-z.com. I just wish gas prices would go back down to at least the regular rapage pricing it used to be instead of this new upgraded sand-based-lubricant pricing they've gone to :hurt:
Absolte Z Club Meeting
It's that time again...well almost...it's this comming wednesday :stupid: Come help make this even more entertaining, wouldn't it be funny to completely fill their parking lot ?? Invasion of the Z's; Parking Snachers Part Deux
Car Show this Saturday July 30th
Hey Dan, You're probably going to be figuring this out soon enough but I wont be there today. I'd post this on our forum but I just happened to be on here searching for things and stumbled upon this besides our forum needs life we need more active members when I can get caught up in under 30mins after not checking it for a week . Anyway I/we just found out yesterday about a family reunion today at 3:30 HA! My dad should really check his email more often apparently they've been planning this for months now and I just learn of it yesterday when he checked his email. Oh well such is life, take some pics of the budweiser girls for me eh ?? P.S. 240ZX and others around here...want to tag along with me and a few others I just met to our next AbsoluteZ meeting on this comming Wednesday ?? All the info's on the site http://absolutez.org I'm trying to get Ventura County to represent here...c'mon help me out..haha :bandit:
fuel system ??
HA! I wish I'd have thought about a damn heat gun when I replaced my quarter panel and had to remove it. It can be done without a hairdryer or heatgun if need be cause I've done it, but what a pain in the rear it is. I so wish I'd seen this thread before April However if anyone comes looking later perhaps these might help... In this first shot you can see the metal ring's already off the top part but you still need to push the rubber down through this. Then you'll see from this side you need to pull the whole thing down through this part, make sure you take off that metal retaining ring, you will still have to force it through the opening with it detached, it doesn't leave a big enough opening for it to just slide out, it's a major pain especially without that heatgun I didn't think about.
Energy Suspension Hyperflex System
Nevermind I found a list that will help if anyone else still needs the same though you can find it here http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/bushings/index.html
Energy Suspension Hyperflex System
Hey, does anyone happen to have diagrams for which bushings go where with this kit ? I know where the front sway bar bushings and so forth go but some of them I haven't removed yet and don't know where they go. I got the master set with the 2 Zs I aquired last year and am installing them on mine but it came with no instructions or well it has 2 sheets of diagrams that show the exact same section of the car and does not show the rest and doesn't list all the parts and where to find them :disappoin. So I emailed the company but it's Saturday now and I'm afraid I won't see a response from them till next week if I'm lucky. I'd like to get the rest installed over the weekend Here's a pic of the kit to help those that may not know what I'm refering to
MSA Photos!!
Sorry I couldn't make it up there. I didn't know about it till now when I read this . I've been trying to get my Z ready for the ZCCIV show this coming weekend on the 15th http://www.zcciv.com/content1/Annual.htm I've got my quarter panel seperated and cut off and the replacement seperated and cut as well. Sandblasted it yesterday and threw a coat of rust fix over it today, hopefully tomorrow I can get it welded on if everything goes right :nervous: ... I'm rather tired to repost everything here so here's a link to the thread with all the progress and photos http://www.got-z.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=13686 :rambo: