Everything posted by zguitar71
Pictures of the 240
When I post a picture on this or any other site I assume it could be taken anywhere at any time. If you have a pictureand you do not want it to travel to other places then it should not be posted. That is why I would not post pictures of my family (except my dogs) or friends unless they wanted me too. I put my pictures up because I wanted people to see them. If someone wants to store a picture of my car or anything else I posted I say great. IMO sites like this are here so people can share information wheather it is text, audio, or visual; to seclude that information to this site only would be nonbenificial. Keeping info in could inadvertantly lead to keeping info out as well.
240Z racing and street videos
Be nice to z3r0 it is his birthday today.
Pictures of the 240
Well out here in the Boonies (Montana), it runs about the speed of the Pony Express. It was suppesed to be 56K but in reality the speed was around 23K. I am not sure why (not very computer literate) but I was told that, and it was explaned to me but I have since forgotten the expination. 30 minutes was a little of an exageration, in reality it was probably 15-20, now I can load 8 at one time in about 1.5 minutes. I should load 1 to see how fast that is.
Pictures of the 240
It was not the dialup it was my patience. It took at least thiry minutes per picture. Quite a few times something would interfere and an error would ocure, then the process would have to start over. I prefere to be called Christopher, there are a million Chris's out there. I know it is more of a pain to type, Topher is o.k., or even a$$ hole just not Chris. (well maby not A$$ hole).
Kenny G's first car: '71 240Z
I bet his wife would not have a problem with him owning a fleet of Zcars now. It is funny how money can change things.
Pictures of the 240
Well I got a cable internet hookup so I can download pictures now. I have been wating a long time to do this. Please check out my gallery, I think there are some pictures still pending approval and I will add some pictures of my funky plaid interior in the near furture.
240Z racing and street videos
You might want to let him know his left brake light is out.
Rock Creek
Mission Mountains
This is the southern terminus of the Over Thrust Belt (for all the geologist out there. These mountains have a thriving population of Grizzly Bears.
- action shot
Bitterroot Mountains
This is about 10 minutes from my house. These are the Mountains Lewis and Clark described as "terrible."
My 2 dogs together
Shara and Loonie, Loonie is a Pit Bull cross, whe is almost 15 years old but still goes on 5 mile hikes every Sunday.
one of my dogs
Kenny G's first car: '71 240Z
Wife made him sell it? So he is soft just like his music.
exiting a corner
- entering a corner
side view
giong down the driveway
going up a driveway
First turn
This is the first turn after a straight, Many people over do it and end up taking out a parking stop here.
waiting in line
Good place to find 5 slot rims?
http://www.americanracing.com/wheels/details.asp?wheelid=170&name=Ansen®%20Sprint&style=A69&desc=1-piece%20painted%20/%20machined%20alloy§ion=N http://www.americanracing.com/wheels/details.asp?wheelid=196&name=Silverstone%20Custom%20Offset&style=401&desc=2-piece%20painted%20center,%20polished%20rim§ion=N These are the two wheels that work for the Z. The second has widths up to 14". I prefer the second, it has that Panasport look. If they will custome make some wheels for you post it on here. When you get them on the car put pictures up too. I would love to see the car and hear about dealing with AR for custome wheels.
How Fast Is Fast To You?
Where I work we have an old peice of $hit dump truck bought as surplus from the military. In that truck 35 MPH is fast to me. The thing starts to shake and the steering gets very loose and the front wheels start to shake so bad you can not even steer the truck.
Good place to find 5 slot rims?
I have not seen any with the offset needed for flares, I have 7" with a -12 offset,not nearly enought for flares, you would need something wider and with -19 or so offset, you could try American Racing wheels. They are reproducing a 5 slot wheel with the Z pattern. Mabey you could get some custome made with a larger - offset and 8.5 or 9 inch or what ever width you are looking for. They are listed under "new wheels" on there web site.