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Everything posted by zguitar71

  1. Swaps with no problems. The finned cover is on the 87 300ZXT with LSD. The states ZX did not have one, Europe gets all the good stuff.
  2. They would have a 4.5" backspace so they should fit without any problems.
  3. zguitar71 replied to widget777's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    205/60/15 Yokohama ES 100's would be a great tire for you. The right size, not too hard for parking, good compound for handeling and the narrower tire should not follow the ruts as bad (if your allignment is right). If your car is not lowered then they will look better too. The 225/50's would have a gap between the tire and the fender, which (imo) looks weird. EDIT: And they are not too pricey.
  4. I highly doubt the 6 would sound like a 12.:stupid:
  5. Nothing like making your mind up and staying with it even when you have been proven wrong. I work for the City of Missoula. That type of stuff happens all the time. One word for that, ego. The unfortunenant side effect is the legacy that the ego leaves behind.
  6. zguitar71 replied to GeoffT's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Disc brakes will probably not perform much better than the drums (unless you are road racing) but they are easier to maintain and they do look better if you have larger wheels. It is really a preference choice. If your going to do it get (IMO) the brakes from www.arizonazcar.com or something like it from another dealer. If you are going all new parts and piecing it together from other z and Datsun models the cost is not too far off the AZC brakes which are much nicer than the pieced together stuff.
  7. I have always heard that the 151 staed HP was not realy acurite and was closer to 135 (at the crank). Then the power loss would be closer to 15% but 15% sounds low to me. Who knows? At least I could add some confusion to the hole thing. :stupid:
  8. I fully understand this. My point was not to say or define how a dictatorship works. I was saying that freedom of speach does not define what a democracy (or a dictatorship for that matter) is; though, it does inhance one nicely.
  9. Singing your heart out and doing it with feeling is art! You do not have a clue to what moonpup was talking about do you. Actually freedom of speach does not define how a democracy functions. A dictatorship could have freedom of speach too, if it were allowed.
  10. So sensor the singers you do not like and make sure all the ones who do sing meet your standards. When singers breach your ethics then they go to jail or, better yet, receive public ridicule. WOW! That sounds very much like the functioning of communism or the idiotic ideals of a dictator. Two types of social control this country is currently facing off with right now.
  11. If you want to go with a header then I would use the Nissan Comp header with the 1 5/8 primaries. It is a 6-1-2 then you can leave it as the 2.5 or have the muffler shop step it down to the 2.25 size. With a stock motor it will not really give much in the way of gains but it will not hurt either and they sound better than the stock manifold IMO. You can get them from www.rebelloracing.com or Courtesy Nissan. They cost around the same as the MSA headers with the coating. If you do ever modify the head for better flow then you will already have a good exaust system.
  12. Very nice and clean car. I also have a `71. Try autocrossing the car sometime, it is a blast and a great way to find out just how far you can push a Z. They are amazing cars when you consider with a little know how a 35 year old car can be competitive with modern cars on the street and track, and they look better than most of the new cars out there too. Congratulations!
  13. zguitar71 replied to TBK1's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    63 and reading 45 is very far off. There must be more wrong than the gear cog. Mabey the speedo itself has some problems too. I would go out and test it next to a car with an accurate speedo, find out if the reading is that far off, then you might be able to say it is just the cog or if you need to look farther. My car has a 3.9 rear and very small tires with a 3.7 cog and read 55 at 45 mph.
  14. Go to this, it has a very good write up and pictires too. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=665748#post665748
  15. The cutting and welding happens on the rear fenders, the fronts do not have to be welded. If you do not weld the inner fender back to the outer (on the rear) then the structure is weekened considerably, the fronts do not have an inner fender like the rear.
  16. zguitar71 replied to Mountain Gote's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    No fabrication just take out the L24 block and put in the L28.
  17. zguitar71 replied to zbane's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have had the oppisite experience driving my 240Z. The 350's I have incountered here are pretty friendly, some have even waved to me first.
  18. zguitar71 replied to HxC240z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Round top SU's re the way to go with a stock motor, they will give the best performance of the options you listed. I ran Z therapy's and loved them. I now have triple Mikuni's but I also have a motor that out revs the SU's and is far from stock, but even with a worked over head and a moderate cam the SU's are fine. Be careful with Ebay, the carbs can look great but still be worn out. The ZT carbs are not just rebuilt but improved too. Get the stock needles too, the SM needles will run too rich, my 2.8 ran too rich with them so your 2.4 surely would too.
  19. The Nissan Compitition header is very nice. I would get it befor anything that MSA sells. www.rebelloracing.com sells them and the 2 to 1 collector pipe after the header, it goes to 2.5" at that point. The 1 5/8" primaries are the way to go, the 1 3/4" primaries are for higher reving higher power motors. Do not expect big power gains (you will get some) from a header with out other head work, but if you do plan on making the head flow more in the future then a good flowing header and exaust is very important.
  20. With a V8 you will probably want to reinforce the chasis due to the torque output so there is some work there and added weight, but no mater what the motor is, stiffening the chasis is not a bad thing. There is plenty of potential in the L28 too. The turbo L28 can make a lot of power. I have a N/A L28 that makes good power and is great to listen too with triples and a bigger cam ect... You can also bore and stroke to a 3.2 litre. Lots of options, in the end it comes down to what you want to do with the car. The type of motor you run can greatly effect what class you will race in if you are into racing. Decide what type of driving you are doing and then decide the type of motor you will run.
  21. zguitar71 replied to RickX's post in a topic in Help Me !!
  22. zguitar71 replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I have camber bushings on my car right now and they work but not very well. Like jmortensen said they are hard to adjust and do not stay adjusted for long and they are not very acurate either. If I twernt so po I'd get some plates and get rid of the camber bushings.
  23. I do have a good understanding of the hearing range in the animal world. High frequence sound disipates quickly and has a short range. By the time a deer is close enough to hear the wistle it is probably too late. The direction of the whistle would make a difference too. The horn on a PA speaker is designed to compress and push out the high frequencies in order to be heard over the lower ones. However; the high frequency sound does not fill the room like the low ones so if you are not in front or in line with the horns range angles (which comes off the horn fairly tight) then the highs begin to get drowned out with the lower frequency sounds bigger power. The same thing would happen on the highway with the whistle. Even though the deer can hear a higher frequency that does not mean it can hear that sound over the infiltration of other sounds like the tire noise and what are the odds the whistle is directed towards the deer's ears and if it is the combo of the deer and the car moving the whistle will not be pointed to the deer for very long. The other problem is the absorbtion of high frequency sound. Things like trees and grass will absorb the sound while the lower frequency will penitrate through leaving the higher freq. drowned out. That is why the PA speaker has the horn on top, the bass will go around and through the crowd but the highs will be asorbed by them, and the higher the frequency the more this happens. It is hear enough to get high frequencies heard in a room where there is sound containment, in an open setting like the highway it is even harder.
  24. The tires in a car at highway speed make more noise than the wistle will, I doubt they can hear them over your tires and the other cars out traveling around you. A recient noise survey taken over 1/4 mile from I-90 in a neighbohood in Missoula found the average Db to be 66 with spikes around 75 then 18 wheelers went by. There is no way those little wistles will project the soundwaves with enough force to be heard over the other noise on the highway. We have the hole range of animals being hit around here, Deer, Elk, Moose, Bear (black and grizzly), wolf and even a mountain goat got hit about 100 miles south of hear on Highway 93 not too long ago; and traveling in the thin steel shell of a 240, you could die from the impact from any one of them when you are traveling at 75+mph. I think the Deer whistle is a scam.
  25. Mint hubcaps from a 70-71 240 are going for $1200+ makes me think the Z is not waining in value at all. There are $2000 240's out there but they are also rust buckets. A good `70 trailer queen still gets a good amount of $.

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