You need to get as exact as possible to the 11.25 oclock. You will know it's off-ONLY if your sure where TDC is. You seem to be doing a lot of guessing about where things should be, and as been stated, a small adjustment means 5 degrees. I wouldn't get to hung up on getting exactly 3k rpms, just make sure your timing is not advancing anymore on the pulley and that you are maxed out. This is where a advanced timing light is handy. Do you know when you are detonating? I mean you have heard your engine pinging? If so, let your ears help you here. Since your bumped up on the CR with a stock FI, I would stay conservative on the timing. Do you run premium fuel? I have had some old head tuners use the trick of running regular gas to pinpoint detonation and then run timing slightly backed off from there. Then use premium fuel for insurance.