Sorry about the first post being a teaser, just got ahead of myself.
Anyhow, here's a bunch of pics-what do you think?
I like them, though a little more 'in your face" attitude, but that's what makes them useful. I liked my California mirrors, but useless.
The longer stems put the mirror much closer to eye level. On the driver's side this is really prevelant and gives you a fantastic view. The mirror stems also push the mirror firther forward on the car which also helps with view
As far as quality, I really like the way their made. The base is solid, and the twin arms(stems) are on ball sockets that allow for a lot of movement. There's no tightening the mirror adjustment, the ball sockets adjust and stay put-they are very tight. The mirror also adjusts, so there is a wide range of adjustments.
Price; 90$ on ebay, a guy had 4 sets. Based on what I have used before, they are a steal.
Time will tell, but they seem to be made well.