Still waiting to get e-mailed the dyno sheet, but basically I did 150/150 I guess I should be happy for a l24 AFR's were decent, but the SM's are too much in my opinion and the opinion of the race shop I dynoed at. I was barely above 12's and he felt I needed closer to 13's from what they see on NA motors. What I learned from this experience; SM needles are too much for the L24 with a mild cam and there is no amount of adjustment that will lean it out on WOT( I tried)Sorry guys, the mixture screws do not effect the entire power band. The butt dyno is misleading:disappoin My engine seemed detonation proof(even at 38 full advance)-no signs of it anywhere, either audible or on the dyno sheet-maybe a good motor for turbocharging:cool: 200HP, if I ever make it there, will be lot's of fun. I will need, and want, to rent time on the dynojet when the Mikuni's are on-I want to be sure. The dyno shop said that most of the widebands are inaccurate(that they see) changing timing from 32 to 38 full advance had little effect on HP-in this case The particulars for those who don't know; L24-40 over, early e-88, bigger valves, unshrouded, 9.55 to 1 MSA 6-2 header, dual exhaust e12-80 ignition, total advance 32-36 -3 runs SU carbs with SM needles