Leon, I am running twice pipes(2" each) from a header. It is cool seeing you do all this data work with the dyno. I have only dynoed my L24 once at Zcon and made 150/150 roughly with badly tuned SU's. I found that out after installing my wideband. I was running lean when I thought I was running reach, so I think the tool is a necessity for fine tuning. I am getting ready to re-dyno my car since I have cleaned up the tune on my SU's. I will be doing kind of the opposite as I will be going for timing parameters -primarily. I can say for a FACT, you will love the sound of the duals on the L engine. I was actually attempting to make an in-car video the other day to share the sound, but it will have to take some tweeking. I can't wait to install my Mikunis and compare dyno sheets. Keep us updated!!!