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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. Cliff, Your not really running that filter are you? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  2. I used that Float tool and it is handy. Problem is that the tube(plastic) is epoxied in place and the fuel started to eat at it- in my case anyway. Now granted - I left them on the bowls over a couple of days while in the garage trouble shooting. If the tubes were actually threaded and tefloned in place I don't think it would have been a problem. I did send mine back. In theory it worked well , but function was limited. In the end- I relied on a set of depth mics and the 10 turn rule for the nozzles. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  3. Your going to have those days. I don't miss my dizzy or any of the related parts to it Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  4. Sweet sound:) Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  5. It's the only music I will hear for at least a couple of months I guess I have my videos- but doesn't quite cut it Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  6. It should work and I've read of numerous people that have done it. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  7. Pcv bung. So your engine will be burning oil from day one- doesn't seem right- ha! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  8. There's no source of vacuum to help evacuate the system . It's just vented to the atmosphere . And if that filter assembly , or whatever it is , doesn't breathe properly than it's just a plugged system. I would run a pcv valve off of some vacuum port on that manifold . Put a small filter on the valve cover
  9. That's not how it's sold. Plus the added cost you might as well buy something better
  10. Yep , it's really fun trying to read the small print on 22 gauge wires 8-/ Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  11. Fire in the hole - cmon !! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  12. Man I wish I had that amount of time to play - I'm jealous Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  13. That's loosy goosy if it's popping out . I've never had one that didn't fight it's way iff Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  14. Jeff, I would think you are more the exception than the rule as far as being able to run vacuum advance. I wouldn't recommend anyone with a performance built L ( assuming higher CR) to just bolt a ZX dizzy and roll. Maybe your application of mostly hard throttle and WOT the vacuum is not a factor Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  15. My buddy got one of those dampers and had to send it back- hole was undersized and couldn't mount it. Sent it back Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  16. Those BWT-5's can cause an chirping noises in the rear though Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  17. Your getting trannies mixed Cliff( I think that's an oxymoron ) Only turbos had the BW T-5 (81-83) ZX (81-83)NON turbo had the close ratio. Preferred by most Bolt in with no mods Turbo requires mods but gives lots of shifter options Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  18. Looking good Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  19. I have actually considered something like that , but never have implemented it. Now in the middle of building a new shop I'm lucky to get anything done
  20. I think he meant posting pics of your engine and dizzy so we can see it Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  21. That would be the ideal scenario , but maybe not realistic for me. Lots of measurements and eyeballing is about the best I will do. I will be measuring combustion chambers to make sure they are equal. Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  22. Got one hole pretty well finished - now to duplicate 5 more times
  23. It seems to me I remember some hoses actually being a better fit with 1/4" hoses. I think maybe the supply from rail to carbs is actually 1/4". The 5/16 will work clamped down hard enough , but the 1/4 slides on tightly
  24. Always like to see what the professionals are putting out! Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
  25. Maybe just the money shot down the port ? I mean you have the motor right? Sent from my iPhone using Classic Zcar Club mobile
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