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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. You need one of those fancy LS1 coil brackets now. Nice score
  2. I hate it guys, you all sound like a hoot. ill be on the car show hunt as soon as she's fixed. Maybe get close to meet up someone. the consolation here is that I get to stay home and watch my son compete. He was named All American and 1# HS breaststroker in the country. I get to watch something really fast!! C'mon son-- dad wants to go to RIO!
  3. Sorry guys, for me it's about driving my car to the show AND meeting new folks, but got to have both. Got the car running, only to find that my freshly rebuilt trans has a bad 3rd gear synchro. Going to loose the gear very soon. Just not in the cards for me
  4. Engine issues guys, might not make it. Love to meet you all but I was only going if I could drive there. Don't think I will change my mind, but I will try and get it fixed. Probably have 2 days work, more than I wanted before driving the Z.
  5. I did Zed. We'll not looking good for zcon. Engine wouldn't go past 4000. Started snooping around and found my CAS mount failed. Not an easy set up to get to. I screwed up and JB welded the mount in and it didn't hold. Should have welded it. My hall sensor was probably bouncing around and loosing interface with the flywheel.
  6. I just was just backing off some of the timing for the fresh unknown motor. Little more compression and different cam, so I wanted to be safe. Haven't verified my timing with a light yet either. Mine stopped working I guess. The drive today felt pretty good. Just felt good to drive the Z again after a whole year off the road. Mikunis are not liking the fast hard tip in, don't think my account pumps are bled out yet. Good Ole torque, what a nice change after driving my ball less Chevy Sonic turbo. Still have a list and a couple of miles to feel confident.
  7. Well she turned over but didn't start at first. Turned my laptop on and plugged in and saw that I wasn't showing rpm. So I took out my crank sensor and checked it, no damage. So I adjusted it closer and BOOM BABY, she fired off just like I remember. Let her idle for a while and so far no leaks. The motor sounded good and valve train was quiet. I definitely need to adjust my timing graphs, but that shouldn't be a big deal. Hope to get her on the road for a test drive as soon as I figure something out with exhaust.
  8. Well it's like watching one of those car shows where all kinds of things happen at the last minute. So I lost a day and half because Isky put the wrong numbers down on their cam. Things roll pretty good installing the motor, but not sure I will install a motor again with all the carbs on. It throws the balance off longitudinally , so it makes it tough lining things up. The trans was a bit tough lining up, but the old man squeezed her on. So pour coolant in the radiator and watch it drip out of my thermostat housing. turns out the housing is cracked Not a big deal EXCEPT, Mikuni shorty intake means it all has to come off to get the bolts on the housing -SH!T. So that added an extra 3 hours of work. Went thru diagnostics last night and the fuel pump didn't work. Tested wires and ended up at my inertia switch-just needed to be reset! Fired off the coils and they tested okay. So I'm ready to start it this morning and the battery is dead. Some dumb arse left the ignition on all night.
  9. Drilled only. Both don't work good.
  10. So the guy at Autozone says " how many thermostat gaskets did you say you needed?"
  11. I think a lot of worry on shimming should be confined to folks that shave the top of the head. Shaving off the bottom will loosen the timing chain and effect timing number slightly, and shimming can bring that back. Now if the top side is shaved to make all things parallel, then you directly change the geometry of the cam to the rockers. Whatever you do , you need to compensate . I did not shim though I have taken around .030 off. BUT, I have taken the time to degree my cam so to compensate for the height difference.
  12. Cliff, If I took the train I would never get there - ....moving right along like a freight train on the build
  13. My Schneider cam -274F grind was a bit smaller and it pulled hard from 1500rpm. I could putt around town all day at 1500rpm in 4th gear. I do have 390 gears. Guy, seeing these numbers makes me wonder where you are at with your motors. I'm shaved .030 and I advanced this cam to the third hole. If you did the normal .080 on the P79 then your timing is probably way late. Leaving a lot of torque unused? Better use that dial indicator
  14. and........the numbers are in. Cam card says Intake exhaust open 2.5BTDC open 40.5 BBDC Closed 40.5 BDC closed 2.5 ATDC My numbers on #3 hole sprocket Intake exhaust 3 BTDC 43 BBDC 39 BBDC 2 ATDC Steve,
  15. Richard, good call on the box cover. It actually fits the bolt spacing perfectly-no drilling. Yes it's not very thick, but there isn't much pressure being exerted pushing a dial indicator rod in. Hell, the engine stand bounces around more-. I looked at my Schneider card from my 480 lift cam and I realize now how far off the isky numbers are and how close mine probably are to being right. At least I can put this puppy together if Ron ever calls back
  16. waiting on Ron to call me back, but he said the cam card is WRONG!
  17. And no specific Datsun instructions, but I do have a cam card.
  18. I have read that Racer Brown article MANY times. It is a great piece of work. I will take a pic of my set up, and it worked for my Schneider cam. I have an extension so the dial indicator is in line with valve . It sits right on the retainer. Waiting for Ron to get in west coast time and I will be calling him. Doubt it's been machined wrong and more likely I have screwed up. Like I said, I've done this before, but just enough to be dangerous.
  19. Well my luck continues. Tried to degree my cam today and the numbers are pretty far off. I guess I will have to call Isky in the morning. I've double checked everything . The marks all line up but my opening and closing times are off a good 30 degrees. Probably find out I'm doing something wrong, but I'm doing this just like I did my Schneider cam and the numbers came in. Not looking good for Zcon.
  20. Getting er done ! Jealous of your quick progress, but not jealous of your trans swap. That's hard on the body.
  21. I hope mine goes that smoothly- at least the good parts anyway. Congrats
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