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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. So Cliff, is this the motor that's hauling you to Zcon 2015? If so, we are in the same boat. I was thinking of documenting my 'redo' of my l24, but maybe just throw some comparisons in on your thread? I'm a little further than you in that my block is sitting here cleaned and rehoned with my crank polished. You are having a machine shop prep everything?(rods, crank, etc...)
  2. Is my math off or does it add up to .011 that he shaved off the block. If so, then he has cut it to tight and you will have to do something different. My block I figured 22 out of the hole and another 5 off the deck gave me 22 clearance. The more you read about deck height though, the more number you get. But even at the small side of 19 out the hole, you would have 30 total leaving 19 clearance--IF my math is right.. ...and if my math is right, then shame on the builder unless it took that much to clean up the deck and he had no choice. How much cam off the head?
  3. OMG-don't let him machine those pistons. That's what i ran on my L24(deck height), and was fine. It's a bit tight with a 1.25mm HG, but that's probably what the Felpro is. Like stated, most of these engines run about 22 thou deck height(what I have read from numerous posts). Then you shaved off 5-7 thou off the deck, so there you are with about .019 piston the head clearance. The only way to know is to measure. I bought two felpro HG's just for that reason. I am going to find out exactly the crushed height of the felpro.
  4. Sounds right to me. You should be fine. 5-7 thousands-couldn't be more specific than that? Now this is where the HG really gets important. What's the crushed thickness of your selected HG?
  5. I've been trying to get a straight answer out of RHD Japan about their headers, but good luck on that I guess. I inquired before asking about whether they do LHD headers, but they responded to only one of my questions. It's also crazy that they don't put actual pics of their products on there. The disclaimer reads that the photo might be generic-REALLY. Some of these headers are 1500$ and you put a generic pic on there. The smallest pipe they use is 1 3/4" though.
  6. Dam-no more nismo gaskets. Hope the new felpro works. I have 2 new ones(felpro's) sitting home now, but I'm out of town so I can't describe anything. In the big picture, has there been a rash of HG gasket failures lately DUE to inferior gaskets. How many ways can a HG fail? Many! Especially when we are dealing with the variables of back yard maintenance-me included. Was the surfaces prepped properly? Was the head torqued propery? Was the head checked for flatness correctly? Did the engine get hot? Was there undetected detonation ?
  7. What i am saying is that the oval shaped fire rings are big enough for the larger exhaust or intake valves to be intsalled. Most HG's have the oval shape already. It seemed the OP was concerned with getting a perfectly round fire ring on the HG . Well that might not work for anything other than stock. The only way to be sure is to lay the HG on the head to make sure it doesn't impede into the combustion chamber. If you have your "how to modify" book, look in there. The oval fire ring allows for some nice unshrouding which is strongly recommended on the L24. Cliff-you shouldn't use a 280 Hg
  8. Revisting the oval/round fire ring aspect. The perfect round fire ring type HG should be avoided for the fact that most head rebuilts include installing larger valves that WON'T likely clear that type gasket, or clear your cylinder bore for that matter. Any unshrouding work would also make that HG useless.
  9. Here's my collection. top to bottom: Old felpro(I believe) Nismo New Felpro(universal 1970-1980 Victor reinz 1983 stock HG All Hg have oval FIRE RING except new Felpro and 83 stock Nissan
  10. I have HG's of every variety now for some reason and I will take some pics when I get a chance. The latest Felpro HG has turned into a universal gasket which covers 70-80 models. The Nismo was very specific to the e30 block with the HG being cut out around unused water passages. The Felpro has a decent reputation amongst the Z owners I have read. I have two of the Victor Reinz HG's and I wouldn't put them on-they look cheap to me. Oval bore holes? Hmmm. That's weird. You might think the combustion chamber was oval or something
  11. Well everyone has pretty much told you that the stock ECU will probably not handle this combo-but-good luck trying it. By the way ,that combo yields 8.63:1 , so a mild shave probably won't be 10:1 Maybe you should find a local Z club and buy someones gas and dinner for a ride in a stock Z and make your decision then.
  12. It should. Shaft sits in oil pump, pump connects to timing cover. Gear should be closest to the pump. Look at your FSM for timing. #1 cylinder TDC compression stroke Insert so dizzy tang is sitting 11:25 clock
  13. TUNE TUNE TUNE. Without an aftermarket ECU, you just need to optimize your stock tune. I've driven a very nice 77 all stock and it ran good. Very torquey! Everything was in good repair and the tune was spot on. Gearing is also a good way to quicken things up too. Or just say hell with EFI and go whatever engine combo and slap on some nice SU's or triples better yet.
  14. 460 is the limit for stock springs and valve seals from what I have read.
  15. You know you won't be able to just throw that cam in that head without lot's of other work. Need to upgrade springs and valve seals. Valve lash pads will not be correct so your valve geometry will need to adjusted. I would strongly recommend degreeing that cam and than check piston/valve clearance. Exhaust liners will be the least of your concern. Tuning and proper valve geometry will give you best gains. Why not try a smaller cam? That 90/47 combo should be stout and with good octane fuel and good tune should run great.
  16. Hate to see this kind of carnage-sorry about your luck.
  17. I think you are 'hoping' that the ECU handles these changes and adds HP, it might just turn out to be a headache. If you are familiar with tuning you might consider Mega Squirt or another to maximize your upgrades. Not too much that I have read that has gone your route with stock ECU and brags success, but maybe you can be one of the first. It is 40 year old tech!! Assuming header bolt on means HP is probably wrong. I would actually think that sticking with stock exhaust would keep the stock ECU closer to a proper tune. I think your formula p90/flat-top= (+HP), but you won't be able to tune it to it's optimum which will cause frustration. There is a member here that is creating a plug in ECU for your year, but it hasn't materialized yet. I have documented a MS install here and on Hybridz.
  18. I think your plan falls short with the stock ecu. As stated above, changing to 14mm injectors and having an engine that will run differently than the stock might not bode well with stock tuning . Not sure about the thicker gasket idea? Going with the P90 for better quench area and than defeating that with a thicker gasket? Consider an aftermarket ECU and tune away!!!! Headers for the wife? I would opt for a performance exhaust from the manifold back and keep it quieter to keep her quieter-. Seriously though, for your plans the header might be waste. Good luck
  19. Wasting money buying aftermarket rods unless you are building a RACE motor. Find another used set and have your machinist work them-DONE! With the money you spend on rods you might get forged pistons-now we're talking
  20. I would rearrange the furniture or have a garage sale, or throw away some sh!t and find a way to store the motor, but wouldn't run it NA. You will be disappointed to say the least and in reality it will take a LOT longer than you think get turbo charge that motor or do anything else to the motor to keep you happy. 45$ buys you a cheapy engine stand and you can roll it around out of the way. That L24/31 combo will run circles around that 54/90 combo NA.
  21. yes-it's as big I care to go on a street motor ----right now!
  22. That's the cam I have now-but I'm going to sell it and move up a notch to the cam Guy is using -Isky grind
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