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Everything posted by madkaw

  1. Everyone is going to want to know what you did the first time to try and remedy this. Now my buddy kind of went thru the same thing with his 75 and it was the dizzy. Basically the plastic guts of the dizzy fell apart which screwed with the timing. After he fixed that it was a different animal
  2. Ran into the flooding issue on my Mikuni's and it was the needle/seat was not tight and caused fuel to go around the threads instead of being metered. Check for tightness--after you fix the float
  3. JB Weld it. It doesn't have to be strong, but the JB Weld will stick and hold up to fuel and you form it, drill it-whatever
  4. You might try the Chicago z club. I pretty far south in Indiana or I would be glad to help out. That is probably a 3 hour drive for me.
  5. Well I figured out how to get some pics loaded. As you can see there is a ton of wires to go thru on this project. MS does a good job of labeling each wire -but you better grab your readers and a magnifying glass when your old like meLOL I elected for 8ft harnesses which seems to get me just enough. MS also offers 12 ft harnesses, so depending where you mount the ECU. Mine is mounted on the trans tunned by the heater panel. The schematic is very legible but if you are new to wiring, you will need to study these. I will never be able to use ALL the wires in both harnesses, but there are a huge amount of flexibility and options with this level of ECU. It's almost ridiculous I am only using this much capability for just ignition right now. This system is capable of 12 injectors, boost, NO2, ect... I actually eliminated probably 20 wires in an effort to have only one harness running thru the firewall. First was developing the power circuit, which many later models have. In 1971 there wasn't any relays on these cars. Get to know relays, they are the handiest electrical item on your car. I actually took the power circuit(refering to getting power to the ecu from the ignition with fuel failsafe) from a 83zxt that I parted out. The car was a showroom piece that had been totaled, but the wiring all looked new. So I stole the two blue relays with holder and spliced them into my MS. The fuse box is a 6 circuit that works well for the MS. The reason you see two of them is that one is for the MS circuit and the other fuse box is just for powering relays for my headlights directly from the alternator. The MS gets it power directly from the battery which helps cut down on NOISE in the electrical system-which is bad. I decided to go with COP(coil on plug) ignition for quicker charging and stronger spark. The coils(D585) are basically truck coils with have their own heat sink and are considered smart coils. The advantage here is that there is less wiring to control these and they are the hot and CHEAP set-up for a hot ignition. I made my own bracket and bought a complete set of coils and wires from craigslist for cheap. I just modified the original harness for it to work on the L6.
  6. N-33 intakes for SU carbs should bolt right up to your E-88 HEAD.
  7. Like to see the numbers replacing that n42 block with a 54 flat top block. Very good numbers!!
  8. Doing junior days at Wisconsin and Michigan ----really son, we need to talk
  9. My son I'd considering michigan for college. I pointed out to him how much you guys got this year and asked him to please pick a warmer college for his parents to visit;)
  10. One more round and hopefully good weather. I've resorted to watching my own you tube video so I can enjoy my car WITHOUT being able to drive it.
  11. The ceramic coating is pretty effective in reducing heat so you can probably forgoe the sheild, IMHO
  12. It would be too hard to call with all the undercoating on there. The floors look pretty solid. I was expecting to see holes by your description. Start scrapping!!
  13. Thanks Lenny, I'm just posting this install to give the folks here some general knowledge of aftermarket ECU and the work involved. I'm gathering you saw my thread at Hybridz-MS3X install. Long way from yet so i might be needing some advice. Just now to the point to get my laptop to talk to my ECU. I think what you are doing is very impressive-keep up the good work!!
  14. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/electrical-s30/38680-custom-battery-cables-diy.html
  15. Try Daniel Stern( yep, the actor) lighting, he is a dealer and a nice guy . That's where I bought mine
  16. Thanks Bo, I have a thread started over there now and have been getting help. Not many starting from ground zero, but the theory is all the same. Yes I LOVE my Mikunis, but ready for this century grass roots motoring. I have to finish my plenum first to get to fuel .
  17. Len, I think I have one from a 83 NA if you want to borrow.
  18. Just so you guys know I have been doing something besides being a smart arse on the forums here I have been installing an aftermarket ECU called Megasquirt on my 71. Why you ask, because it's always been about the learning experience for me and the challenges that brings. I enjoy the L series engine and I have done the SU thing, and now the triple carb route, now I want to indulge into performance FI. Maybe-eventually-turbo charging. I am having way too much fun with the NA motor for now, and I would like to FI my L24 and save my pennies for a Rebello. I am going to do this in baby steps so i can still enjoy my ride. This crappy winter has forced the Z indoors, but has allowed time to get one of the biggest steps started on the venture. My goal is to get the ECU wired into the car and running my ignition only. The way I am doing this I will be able to have 2 ignition systems on the car, the original dizzy and a Coil on Plug set up as well. First things first. I bought ready to go ECU and harnesses from DIY. You can buy kits and save a few bucks, but that's more soldering then I want to do and more things to screw up. All this stuff is supported by some great forums and internet manuals to walk you thru everything--BUT--be prepared to study every chance you get. I knew nothing about FI or ECU's and bought a book by Matt Cramer that is about performance FI just to give me a staring point. Depending on your background, this could be a steep learning curve, but very doable with a basic knowledge of mechanics. If anything, this kind of project will force you to be a better mechanic or at least a more knowledgable one! I really appreciate Zfuel in his effort, now I have a better understanding of what he is trying to accomplish. My project maybe a bit different then other that have done MS(megasquirt) in that I am starting with a 1971 model that had no existing FI attributes-a clean slate if you will. Maybe be better or worse then having a FI model. Instead of tracing down old wires and sensors, I am installing all new. Actually, I parted out a 83zxt years ago and kept the main harness and I have been picking stuff off of it for some parts of my build. Besides the initial cost of the ECU and harness, there isn't a lot of cost after that. Sensors and relays are cheap and can be swiped off of junk cars. A good soldering iron and assorted wire terminals, electrical tape and some additional wire and your ready to start. For me it took a long time just to sort out how I was going to run the wires and where to put the ECU-and study, study, study. to be continued..... I was going to add pics but that's not working as of now
  19. That's the way I am wiring my megasquirt ECU now. The (FI)sensors all use the same ground wire(reference) and are tied together at the ECU--which in turn is grounded to the engine block.
  20. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/open-s30-z-discussions/40902-raw-fuel-smell-fixed.html
  21. Smart guy to keep it a rolling project. Too many Z's don't get finished because the project drags out too long without any fun driving time. Keeping stock brakes in good repair should suffice. I don't think a "new' radiator is needed but taking it to a radiator shop to be flushed and pressure checked would be smart. Especially a 3 core datsun radiator flow REALLY well and will keep that motor cool. Kind of curious if Rebello specifies oil to use or oil with zinc or any othe additives? Hell yeah ENGINE PORN!! Stock ehaust?
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