Google DIY tune for your wideband. I think you need to concentrate on tune before assuming something else is wrong. Ask me how I know this:) I dynoed my Z at Zcon and it showed rich and a power drop at 5300, but for the most part my plugs looked good-I didn't have a wideband at that time so I was left guessing. It turned out that I didn't have my carbs synced properly at 3000rpm and I was pulling off of mostly one carb-great for MPG-lousy for power. My floats were set up to stock specs, but i had to tweak them beyond that point for best AFR and power. I'm not sure i buy into the spill-over theroy. Any fuel in the filter? You said it ran worse when the fuel tank was low-did this tie into when it bogged on right handers? If your fuel rail is set-up in the stock position, I'm not sure I buy into vapor lock either. Pulling the chokes to enrichen fuel that might not be there(floats) will only help diagnose one aspect of a fuel problem. I know you have looked at the tank, but look again, especially your sending unit return line. I had what looked like a brand new unit and it had a bug or something in it that partially blocked the return line and played havoc with me. It happened intermittmently to make it harder to diagnose. The 150$ or so spent on the wideband will be well worth the investment.